Looking to get a group going in Sudbury, Ontario
Master Find Players List
[b]Bold[/b] is not working right now for some reason for me, is it just me or can any one else see the states and countries in bold?
Roskilde, Denmark
AA, WaS, A20
Therocmonster: Houston Texas.
A&A naval miniatures.
Any strategy board game. Favorite would be any axis and allies board game.
The Questioneer- DEE-TROIT :mrgreen:
Cow, Honolulu
Veqryn, Shanghai (China)
Screen Name - Noll
US state or Country u r located in - Italy
City name - Palermo
your interests - A&AG40 - Twilight Imperium 3ed -
Mad Dog / West MI / Global (Will play any A&A game though, they’re all fun!)
MayDay 8
Southwest Michigan/South Bend, Indiana
Global -
Montreal, QC
A&A’s, Global 40 -
Stockton, Ca.
A&A (any), Risk and War At Sea. -
Morton, IL -USA
A&A - Any
Only have the Europe 1940 board as of now -
Brooklyn, NY
A&A 50 -
Shin Ji
Khon Kaen, Thailand
Global 40 -
Axistiger13, live in holland, play AAG40, BOTB, GCNL and Memoir 44. I have D-Day, but i don´t play it.
*list updated
Awesome, getting lots of people world wide, I love it, keep em coming :-D
souL, Chicagoland Suburbs. I live in Northwest Indiana but I’d prefer to be listed with Chicago.
Tigerman77- Memphis/Nashville,Tennessee.
I play all A&A games…Global War 1939 is my baby!!!
Screen Name - cupp
US state or Country u r located in - Ohio
City name - Columbus
your interests - A&A -
:|Ahensley85 - Colorado springs, Colorado
AA40 PAC, eur, or Global
Spring 1942
Classic -
is that… 2 p’s in one cupp?