Be sure to search for the state or city as well as cities near you. When you get results in the search, reply to them even if they are old. We have folks that have been on here since 2002 and they’re still active.
I’m looking to get a game in to warm up for the Gen Con tournament. My Dads 75th bday is also coming up and he, my brother and I have been playing A&A for 20 years.
We typically play 1942 version but have other versions.
Hi, I live in Taunton with no one to play with live. I have a lake house in Plymouth too, but we might be renting it out this year so that won’t be on the table for long.
Hi, a group of us are playing AA1940 at the American Legion in Concord, NH on Sunday 16 February at 1:30pm. contact me for more info at mikpel at hotmail dot com
@Patchman123 did you ever have any luck finding a group? I’m in Cleveland and also looking to plan a G40 game.
No, I never had much luck finding a group. That’s cool that you’re in Cleveland, I’m in Meadville, Pennsylvania, about 1.5 hours from Cleveland. If anyone wants to play, then I’m all for it. Haven’t played A&A in awhile, though.
Hey everybody! I am new to A&A but am hooked. Looking for some people to roll some dice with in the Northern Virginia area. I am around Ashburn but willing to drive within an hour. Have played some games of Anniversary edition and 1942. Willing to learn other ones.
I know this thread is old but are there still people in upstate NY doing this? I’m from Rochester, NY. I’ve played Axis & Allies original and some of the newer variants like 1941 and 1942. Email is
@JHendrix112 Hi Justin - Unfortunately I deleted all of my videos a few years ago after seeing some hurtful criticism on Youtube. I now regret doing that, as I realize now far more people have enjoyed the videos than disliked them. Thank you for the kind feedback. On a good note, a some of my subjects can be found in these forums in written form.
I’m looking to get a game in to warm up for the Gen Con tournament. My Dads 75th bday is also coming up and he, my brother and I have been playing A&A for 20 years.
We typically play 1942 version but have other versions.