G40 Balance Mod - Rules and Download

  • @regularkid:


    Iceland is part of europe? No.

    Britain and Ireland? Europe is a continent isn’t it. Continents can’t include islands. Does this refer to the EU perhaps?

    noun: continent; plural noun: continents

    any of the world’s main continuous expanses of land (Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America, Australia, Antarctica).
        synonyms: mainland
        “the continent of Europe”

  • Islands can be part of continents. This is hardly a close call. For example, the U.K. Is absolutely part of Europe, geographically speaking. I wasn’t able to find the extremely tortured definition you quoted on any of the main dictionary sites. A source might be helpful.

    Merriam Webster offers this definition

    adjective  con·ti·nent \ˈkän-tə-nənt
    Simple Definition of continent
    medical : able to control your bladder and bowels

  • Came up in a google search right above all the results.

  • according to that definition, Japan is not in Asia. and Manhattan gis not in North America. The definition is obviously under inclusive and not what we’re talking about.

  • http://www.dictionary.com/browse/continent?s=t

    [kon-tn-uh nt]

       Word Origin

    See more synonyms on Thesaurus.com
    one of the main landmasses of the globe, usually reckoned as seven in number (Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia, and Antarctica).
    a comparable landmass on another planet.
    the mainland, as distinguished from islands or peninsulas.
    the Continent, the mainland of Europe, as distinguished from the British Isles.
    a continuous tract or extent, as of land.
    Archaic. something that serves as a container or boundary.
    exercising or characterized by restraint in relation to the desires or passions and especially to sexual desires; temperate.
    able to control urinary and fecal discharge.
    Obsolete. containing; being a container; capacious.
    Obsolete. restraining or restrictive.
    Obsolete. continuous; forming an uninterrupted tract, as land.

    So according to that source, it is valid to refer to Norway as not part of the continent.

    Mirriam-Webster has more or less the same definition further down.

  • According to that source, it is valid to refer to Europe as encompassing Asia and vice versa.

  • Hey Mod Squad:

    Its me, ErwinRommel.

    I love your work. The game is much more exiting with this balance.

    No’s reflect reality. Axis should fear the allied economic advantage.

    This is the game ill be playing from now on.

    I do have some questions though:

    1: New China Guerrillas No
    American bombers might spawn chinese men on the ground by killing the lone japanese units.
    Intended? How about infs are spawned and territory is changed to chinese after Japan collects income?

    2: Does french ships become pro axis if they are not in z93 when Franco-German Armistice is applyied?
    What about french units jumping around planning to become pro axis? Might be best to evacuate them to British areas and avoid treachery xD

    3: Is marines same as infantry when it comes to loading a normal transport?

    4: Is revised victory conditions realy nessesary? Might lead to kgf or kjf strategies.
    Id want allies to pay the price for focusing on either Germany or Japan to much.

    Some suggestions.

    What about:

    1: Changing marines so they do get bonus from fighting with artillery?

    2: Changing AA cost to 3?

    3: Increasing the maximum damage that can be inflicted to navalyards, airfields and minor IC’s? Mabye to 10?

    4: Giving bombers decreased effectivness (no more +2) when bombing navalyards and airfields?
    And giving tac bombers boost vs Airfields and Navalyards (+1)?

    5: Changing Russian NO to this:

    *  3 PUs for each originally German, Italian, or Pro-Axis neutral territory that Russia controls in mainland Europe excluding islands but not Scandinavia. (This modifies Russia’s “Spread of Communism” objective).

    6: Changing Vichy France rules so that it can only be activated round 1 during German turn?

    Do with my suggestions as you please. Thanks for all your hard work  :mrgreen:

  • @Nameless:

    Hey Mod Squad:

    Its me, ErwinRommel.

    I love your work. The game is much more exiting with this balance.

    No’s reflect reality. Axis should fear the allied economic advantage.

    This is the game ill be playing from now on.

    I do have some questions though:

    1: New China Guerrillas No
    American bombers might spawn chinese men on the ground by killing the lone japanese units.
    Intended? How about infs are spawned and territory is changed to chinese after Japan collects income?

    2: Does french ships become pro axis if they are not in z93 when Franco-German Armistice is applyied?
    What about french units jumping around planning to become pro axis? Might be best to evacuate them to British areas and avoid treachery xD

    3: Is marines same as infantry when it comes to loading a normal transport?

    4: Is revised victory conditions realy nessesary? Might lead to kgf or kjf strategies.
    Id want allies to pay the price for focusing on either Germany or Japan to much.

    Some suggestions.

    What about:

    1: Changing marines so they do get bonus from fighting with artillery?

    2: Changing AA cost to 3?

    3: Increasing the maximum damage that can be inflicted to navalyards, airfields and minor IC’s? Mabye to 10?

    4: Giving bombers decreased effectivness (no more +2) when bombing navalyards and airfields?
    And giving tac bombers boost vs Airfields and Navalyards (+1)?

    5: Changing Russian NO to this:

    *   3 PUs for each originally German, Italian, or Pro-Axis neutral territory that Russia controls in mainland Europe excluding islands but not Scandinavia. (This modifies Russia’s “Spread of Communism” objective).

    6: Changing Vichy France rules so that it can only be activated round 1 during German turn?

    Do with my suggestions as you please. Thanks for all your hard work  :mrgreen:

    Hey ErwinRommel  :-).

    To answer your questions:
    1. Yeah it’s intended. It’s not like the US could effectively build a strategy around it and Japan couldn’t do anything about it.

    2. No it’s only in 93, so if Vichy is activated after the first round, chances are that the French boats are no longer in 93.
    Vichy is activated before the French move if the conditions are met, so the French could only jump around if Vichy is not activated on round 1.

    3. Yeah marines take the same space on tps.

    4. Taking a major Axis capital is too difficult and takes too long, the other side has more than enough time to win before that happens. The rule is to prevent excessive shipping of Axis forces to a single theater to try and win in that theater, making the other theater basically inconsequential.

    Thank you for your suggestions. We already thought about most of them, and indeed the 6 damage cap on bases is a bit annoying, but I doubt it would warrant more than an increase to 8 if any. I’m not sure what you mean with number 5, you want Scandinavia to be excluded from the Russian NO? Why?

    Thank you for your support  :-).

  • @Adam514:

    I’m not sure what you mean with number 5, you want Scandinavia to be excluded from the Russian NO? Why?

    No. I think he’s simply proposing language to “clarify” what the rule already is. However, the proposed statement of the rule is redundant since “mainland Europe”  already excludes islands and includes scandinavia, by definition.

    As for the other proposals, as Adam states, most were considered; several are discussed elsewhere on this thread. In general though, we ask four basic questions regarding any proposed change: (1) is it necessary to improve balance; (2) will it improve gameplay; (3) will it improve historicality (or have substantial historic justification); and (4) is it easily understand and simply applied? If a strong case can be made for the change on each of these fronts, it is a serious contender.

  • @regularkid:

    According to that source, it is valid to refer to Europe as encompassing Asia and vice versa.

    According to the source there are multiple interpretations of what is valid, but none include islands. Eire, Tasmania, Hawaii, Britain etc are all out.

  • I’m not sure what you mean with number 5, you want Scandinavia to be excluded from the Russian NO? Why?

    I get what you mean regular kid and Adam :)
    Just keep NO as it is, its much better than the original one.

    1. Yeah it’s intended. It’s not like the US could effectively build a strategy around it and Japan couldn’t do anything about it.

    America should airstrike Jap units in China from India in Russia lategame. (America should have planes there)
    It pays of +2 IPC  or more each time. You might spawn 5-6 chinese inf each round. Japanese land units are very valuable and is worth killing.
    I agree that this is historicaly accurate as aiding china was one of the major objectives in ww2.

    Id work it into my longterm strategy. All ways to bleed Japans economy is good, preventing or delaying them from capturing India.

    I hope you can cosidder to make AA guns cost 3. Then it might actually be worthwile to buy them and use them strategically.

  • On the Lend Lease National objectives.

    If Russia declares war on Japan then they do NOT get the bonus +2 for each Lend Lease lane that is open.

    Is this correct?

  • @cyanight:

    On the Lend Lease National objectives.

    If Russia declares war on Japan then they do NOT get the bonus +2 for each Lend Lease lane that is open.

    Is this correct?


  • I disagree with AA being lowered to 3
    4 is OK I think, but 3 is definitely too cheap - they would actually be overpowered at that point

  • I updated the Nation Objective cards.

    • Added Missing Cards

    • Removed France since its a one time occurrence

    • Removed Russian NO, Iraq

    • Added separate cards for Russian Lend Lease Lane,  (2) and (4)


  • I think Allies are overpowerd in balancemod 2 by a good margin. I also think many players have forgotten how to play Allies.

    Your all doing it wrong! Id loved to take anyone on and show what magic that can be done with allies. Sadly I cannot because i have 2 children now.
    Most times allies loose is because they fail to keep Russia safe first 10-11 rounds. That is a player playing the game outright wrong.

    Here are some tips:

    • Kill Italys economy first. All the way so it will never ever recover. This is easy.

    • Dont think so much about UK defence as Sealion leads to Russia taking Romania and allies having good time killing Japan.
      Sealion is a death trap for Germany.

    • Build ALOT of subs and convoy raid all possible seazones.

    • Build a fleet that mirrors the japanese fleet in the pacific. Dont build a f u x k i n g oversized fleet. Please…

    • Build alot of trannies in the atlantic and the pacific.

    • Always trade units with Germany and Japan to slow them down. Send in trannies to annoy them.
      Reward for not doing this is that Germany can focus on Russia and Japan can focus on India. Then you loose.

    • As UK. Focus on middeleast and Russia support. Dont build a fleet. You can however build subs and bombers. Wait for US and build trannies whn they arrive.

    • Empty London of landunits lategame. Send them to fight Hitler.

    • Dont loose India and Russia. If you somehow do, move your units away so you can come back and retake it later.

    • Dont ever build: Battleships, Cruisers and AA guns. This have not changed.

    • Dont build alot of tanks with Soviet. Its ok to buy Mec though.

    • Build units and put them into trannies. Dont build to many warships.

    • Russia should dow Japan and support China and India. This is because they have time to do so and then turn back to defend Moscow.
      Its not like they can stop early german invation anyway. This have not changed.

    • Australia should use all its landunits to attack Japan and support India.

    Your doing it right if:

    You have a big load of UK fighters and mec in Persia area that supports India and Russia.

    Have no landunits and AA guns exept newly build in US or Australia because they all went to attack Japan and Germany.

    Have alot of subs convoying and some bombers bombing.


    1. Attack Italy and make them unimportant.
    2. Focus on containing Japan but send a small US taskforce to Europe.
    3. When Japan is somewhat contained attack Germany 100% with US.
    4. If Russia falls. Move your oversized Russian stack Vologda or Samara. Big problem for Germany.
      Keep Germans away from the middeleast. Now UK/India is the new Russia.

    Do not plan on defending.

  • And lategame use US planes based in Moscow area to spawn china inf in all the 6 closest china territories to Novosibirisk.
    Youll need 12-14 American planes. If attacking inf youll earn +3 IPC each strike. Japan cannot replace the units.

    Return of the big US bomberstack x)
    Bombers is a solid lategame US buy as it helps defend Russia. (strangely enough)

  • @cyanight:

    I updated the Nation Objective cards.

    • Added Missing Cards

    • Removed France since its a one time occurrence

    • Removed Russian NO, Iraq

    • Added separate cards for Russian Lend Lease Lane,  (2) and (4)


    really nice work dude. thanks!

  • In a BM 2.0 game I am playing


    I notice the amerivans are getting 4 PU for objective 9. I believe this should be 5?

  • @oysteilo:

    In a BM 2.0 game I am playing


    I notice the amerivans are getting 4 PU for objective 9. I believe this should be 5?

    Yeah you’re playing the first BM version which had that mistake, it should be 5.

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