@dawgoneit our 41571 is over. I am happy to play another.
Classic League again?
Can 2017 league games be started yet? Ones started now aren’t likely to finish this year.
Have a nice Christmas Eve / Day, all!
Pleasure playing with you.
Have a nice Christmas Eve / Day, all!
Pleasure playing with you.
Thanks! Same 2 u and to all others!
Happy holidays to all!
I just wanted to say that I am in agreement with Gamerman’s suggestions for the 2017 playoffs. Getting through 3 rounds does take an inordinately long time, and I like the idea of picking the groups of 4 based on play speed and such.
What if a game with 16L in the subject finishes in 2017. Does it then count for the 2017 year? If so, why not just drop the 16L except for games started in one year to be counted in the next.
Yes it goes by when it is finished despite the 16L in the name, so 16L in the subject will be ignored - games finished/reported in 2017 will be counted in 2017
The year and the L has been done since before I came along. The L was probably to make it clear that it was in fact a league game, but since all league games are grouped by being its own child board, it’s probably unnecessary. I mean, there shouldn’t be any non-league games on the league boards anyway
One other suggestion I have, I notice a few players near the top of the league with only a couple of games. I suggest that the PPG have one additional game added to the denomonitor.
E.g. rgp44 with 4 games and 27 points would have a modified ppg of 27/5 = 5.4
Adam514 with 272 points from 43 games would have a modified ppg of 272/44 = 6.18
That way you get rid of a disincentive to play more if you do well in a few early games.
I’ll try to keep quiet from now on.
Well, PPG means points per game, which means points per game
Before this year, I waited until 4 games were complete before you got a ranking, but then because of complaints I reduced it to 2
We all know who the top players really are, and who is over-rated just because they’ve only played a few games. If they’re avoiding more games to keep an artificially high ranking, that’s fine - that’s up to them
The 8 game minimum for entering the league playoff keeps out over-rated players, and if an over-rated one gets into the playoff somehow, he won’t be able to win 3 straight games against the best, so it’s not like the PPG calculation can really be exploited to make someone look really great when they’re not :-)
Just looked at the 2016 standings sheet…Adam is 42-1, really, really incredible.
Guys if you want in any of the year-end playoffs, you need to sign up by sending me a PM - New Year’s Eve is tomorrow…
For anyone hesitating because you’re not sure what version will be played -
2nd edition is the default because the rules were drafted 14 months ago. You all are free to play balanced mod, BUT
If your opponent (who probably has never played balanced mod) refuses to play balanced mod, then you have to play 2nd edition against him because that is the default.
I think it will be rare that an opponent will refuse to play balanced mod with you, but it could happen.
Guys if you want in any of the year-end playoffs, you need to sign up by sending me a PM - New Year’s Eve is tomorrow…
For anyone hesitating because you’re not sure what version will be played -
2nd edition is the default because the rules were drafted 14 months ago. You all are free to play balanced mod, BUT
If your opponent (who probably has never played balanced mod) refuses to play balanced mod, then you have to play 2nd edition against him because that is the default.I think it will be rare that an opponent will refuse to play balanced mod with you, but it could happen.
Damn, back to +20 bids for the allies!
Last call for playoff signups
Anyone with 4+ games reported in 2016 is eligible for the action
Send me a PM
I’m going to leave it open about 1-2 more days, to make sure some of those eligible for top 8 don’t miss their opportunity
All playoff games will have to wait until then, because if anyone signs up in top 8, it will trickle down to the other playoff(s)
Top 8 - Look at the signup sheet on the rankings spreadsheet to see your current seeding if you like. Of course if someone higher than you signs up today or tomorrow, then you will be bumped down
2016 thread closed - please post in new 2017 league discussion thread
Please see new 2017 league discussion thread for announcement about 2016 playoff tournaments starting!