@zarhunter Casualties in 114?
Subs missed, two hits by planes & BB.
2015 League Post Game Results Here
oysteilo claims a victory against TheWellKnownSoldier. I have not heard from the guy in a month. Hope he is OK
I would like to claim a win against The Unknown Soldier. I was Allies with plus 10. Unfortunately, I have not heard from him since April.
Game id: 35279 on page 17 of the thread.
Gamerman01 -
Plus 12, sorry Gamerman.
Sign up time
OK everyone, the playoffs start at the beginning of November, so it is time for me to take sign ups of those who wish to participate.
I do NOT assume that you are in the official league championship playoff unless you sign up. Some players may not be interested in participating, and that is their prerogative.
You only need to have FOUR league games completed AS OF October 31 to qualify for the ADDITIONAL league playoffs (not the top eight)
Please sign up by messaging me directly. I will add your name to the publicly visible signup sheet immediately. Four reasons: to avoid setting up a separate league thread that some may not be able to find, to prevent anyone monkeying with the signups (unauthorized deleting or adding other players), to avoid cluttering up a currently existing thread, and because I like to receive mail :lol:
If you would, please, submit your age and country (or state of the USA). I’d ask for gender but we all assume you’re a dude. This is not required, it is voluntary. Let me know if you are willing to have your age and country (state) shown in the playoff brackets, in your signup private message
If you have any questions, please read the league rules in the stickied thread thoroughly first.
Sign up sheet is a separate sheet on the league rankings spreadsheet
Milter (Allies+18) over Radiant (Allies)
Arthur Bomber Harris(Allies+20) vs MakeMaps (Axis) Game 1
http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=36561.0 -
15L G40 Dawgoneit (allies +18) v JWW-JWW wins
http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=36573.120 -
Milter (Allies+18) over Radiant (Allies)
ehm. It should be mitler. not milter
Hey, if your opponent didn’t make mistakes you couldn’t beat him! :-D
Haha :-D
Mike48484 axis over Giallo+19
Sign up time
See reply #1081 for details
he’s baaackk for more souls!!!
Was moving from one house to another :D. Sorry for being absent(minded) :P.
Gamerman over Luckyinmaroon
Oysetllio(Allies) over Mallery29(Axis)
Had India….couldn’t hold it…And Russia got Africa…
Would love to play more, but too busy to finish…great game!
Oysteilo (Allies 19) defeats majikforce (Axis) After bungling away my German stack Japan had to go for the win. Man, Hawaii is a pisser to take! Great D by Oysteilo!
Gamerman (+16) over Aequitas et veritas