2015 League Post Game Results Here

  • '16 '15 '10

    Would you want your opponent to extend by a significant amount his time doing his turns for something as silly as verifying that all the units are in the correct territory?

    It may appear a little anal, but yes this kind of meticulousness is part of the format and part of the competition.  TripleA software has made “map checking” a less important part of competitive A&A than it was with Battlemap, but it’s still an important part of the game.

    It takes a while for a predominately live player to master the PBEM/league/ladder format and play style.  An advanced player like Pherman will take a few more losses than normal (including losing some games that he would have won without unintentional errors) while adjusting to the PBEM format because he’ll lack the experience the veterans of the format possess.  Certain kinds of mistakes, like the one being discussed, might be fixed via edit in live games but are irrevocable in PBEM league/ladder games.  PBEM is indeed slower format requiring more deliberation per move and where rash calls can be disastrous.

    So hopefully Pherman will be back and will adjust his play style to succeed in the league format.  If he does, he’s probably Tier 1 or better.

  • @Adam514:

    Do I really have to explain how something legal can not be right? Alright I’ll be quick: someone on the street asks for directions and you intentionally point him in the wrong direction.

    Do yourself a favor, take more time, this analogy is pitiful, you can do better…


    Would you want your opponent to extend by a significant amount his time doing his turns for something as silly as verifying that all the units are in the correct territory?

    Yes, exactly, I do! Further, I don’t think it is a silly endeavor in these League games either. I also believe that nearly all the top players do the same throughout the game. But the E tier players can correct me if I am mistaken?


    I’ve trusted my opponents to allow obvious edits,

    “Obvious edits”, well it appears my friend that what you consider obvious your opponent may not. Perhaps it would be prudent when playing in the league that you spend some “silly” time verifying the placement of your units or not, I really don’t care and am growing quite weary of this debate.


    I wouldn’t want to win because of something like that. I’ve seen my fair share of UK players inadvertently sending their fighters on S Italy or in Malta, things happen that are sometimes beyond our control.

    I am a fan of Chess and when my opponent takes his/her finger off the advancing queen. Even if it is an obvious mistake to me, I will indeed relish removing my opponents queen from the game board and if I win as a result I will also take pleasure in my earned victory. It would be different if my opponent was a pupil of mine. To be clear, PHerman wasn’t a pupil of mine, he wanted, asked to play a tier 1 or E opponent. He received what he asked for.


    I’m aware of the Territory tab, but I use the battle calculator instead.

    my humble suggestion, employ the territory lab on occasion.


    Indeed it was no one else’s fault other than Pherman’s

    you and I have already made this point.


    I’m pretty sure most would agree that a minimum of respect should be given to anyone

    And this is what I have afforded both you and PHerman. A minimum of respect but my patience is wearing thin……


    The fact that you say that it’s only a game goes both ways,

    I have recently, consistently, stated this (it’s just a game) as it seemed the mantra of the PHerman apologists. It’s funny (ha ha) that it has now gone full circle and is being directed at me again which of course is my position exactly. It is nonsense….


    I never said it was your fault at all for the error and it really isn’t,

    I know, I know, I did nothing wrong, there is no reason for you continuing to make this point.


    how you handled afterwards is more than questionable in my opinion though.

    HUH?!?  :? How’s that, I accepted his apology and agreed to continue the game and made my move and then he disappeared? I should have handled this differently how? Can’t wait to hear this one….please continue


    Yes it wasn’t game ending at all

    then why did you question if I wanted to win the game based on a 30+ TUV swing in a round three battle? Perhaps you should get back to this in the morning after a good nights rest.


    but I certainly wouldn’t want an opponent that would laugh at my edit request like that.

    Well then perhaps you and/or PHerman should think twice before making such outlandish, IMO, requests in a league game, with the tier E/1 opponent they requested to play, during the end of the season, when some players are working hard to make the playoffs. Just a suggestion to avoid this from happening in the future.


    Like I said before this conversation is to make it known to those who care so that this kind of thing doesn’t happen again.

    We are both public servants in this respect. 8-)


    Yes I’ve lost because I’ve overlooked things or miscalced things or didn’t see something. I wouldn’t ask for an edit or a redo since I could have reasonably done better, so this is different from the game between you and Pherman.

    Correct, PHerman lost because he had a melt down and abandoned the 6+ games he was playing.


    Ah well I guess I understand where you’re coming from if you started off with limited edit possibilities

    Thank goodness because I don’t intend to comment on this nonsense further!


    doesn’t excuse your way of handling it of course

    This is complete and utter Bull ����.  I accepted his apology and continued to play as he requested you fcuking tool. Get your facts straight. Yeah PHerman handled it better? Perhaps you & Pherman need to pull up your big girl panties the next time you start a game in the league. Crying like children that I wrote “funny”. OH THE INJUSTICE, THE PAIN, HOW CAN WE GO ON??? Where have all the adults gone?


    if Pherman had taken your refusal of the edit ‘‘like an adult’’, would you have enjoyed the rest of the game?

    Do you just like to listen to yourself speak/type? I continued the game with him you moron? WTF?!? I can’t take this anymore, I am arguing with my 15 year old niece.

    Sorry everyone, the nonsense has prevailed…I’ve had enough, I surrender, the children have won…god help us all… :wink:

  • My first completed game of Axis and Allies Global ever that didn’t end in a draw:

    MakeMaps vs Gamerman(Allies +20):

  • '14

    JWW over Rasmustb(allies +18)

    Never recovered from a late sea lion that took allies by surprise. On top of that JWW played the best Germany I have ever faced.


  • '14

    Adam514 over Rasmustb(allies +22)

    Russian blunder let germans blitz to Moscow :(

    Seems fair that my failure to hold on to allied capitals will eliminate me from the play off race


  • '17 '16 '15 '12

    JOW, you want to have the high road, complain about childish behaviour, look for adults, and then behave like you did in your last post, or with condescending / sarcastic remarks towards Pherman, or being sexist (even if I am the only one thinking that “big girl panties” is just that)?

    At least Pherman apologized for getting personal. Or do you feel justified due to the unreasonable attacks against you? I see nothing in Adams posts that justifies your tone.

    As for the technical issue, I certainly dont check the correct positioning of every unit every turn. I dont feel the need, because if something would happen, I feel that a solution could be found with most players, even if they are not required to react in any way.

  • '17 '16 '15 '12

    JWW, not JOW, sorry for that.

  • Probably time to spread the embers across the ground and let them die

  • @MakeMaps:

    My first completed game of Axis and Allies Global ever that didn’t end in a draw:

    At your service  :-D

  • '15

    CdnRanger over Procas (Allies +16)

    Rough start for the Allies (dice) - no word from Procas
    Gives me an official rank of Tier 2 I believe and will stay that way even if I win or lose my current game with Variance.

    Thanks Gamerman for all your hard work keeping thing straight!!


  • '17 '16 '15 '14 '12

  • Luckyinmaroon (allies +16) over radiant (axis)


    I posted this on page 57, but it got overlooked during the debate.


  • Got it this time…. your turn, lucky  :-D

  • Genocide committed in London today….BUTT-UGLY!    :-P

    Fought hard in the PAC, but the war is lost…


    Mike48484(Axis) over Mallery29(Allies)

    Tier 3 was nice!  Back to the basement!

  • Well,
    I could claim this, since it seems he’s dead on the site

    Mallery29(Allies) over Pherman(Axis)


  • '20 '19 '18 '17 '16

  • http://www.axisandallies.org/forums/index.php?topic=35892.new#new

    Zhukov is much better and the winner over JWW (allies +20)

    He hasn’t actually gotten the VC he needs but I don’t think the game is in doubt.

  • @Gamerman01:

    You gave Zhukov the Axis?  :-)
    That’s brave

    it was more foolish than brave….I think I need to give him the allies w/+25 or something so I can get my arse handed to me again but hopefully glean something from the whooping I’ll get.

  • I debated calling it what it is…… I’m glad you took care of that for me by being honest
    I know I wouldn’t want to face his Axis, especially with less than 25  :-)
    Zhukov plays them right

  • MakeMaps vs Karl7(Allies +20).
    Karl7 wins.

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