Casualties on malta please
AlexGreat over Whack +14
Just re-posting this:
MrRoboto (axis) over axis-dominion (allies +14)
Strong game by MrRoboto, had allies pinned down almost everywhere. Allies made a massive move in the med and took Italy as well as wiped out the large Italian fleet, but Germany made a good counter move by taking London in a late sea lion (it didn’t help that I had abysmal luck in that battle, including only 2 aa hits out of 21 rolls). I had anticipated he might go for the sea lion, considering his enormous air force, but I didn’t feel I had much of a choice and had to go in strong somewhere, and the med was the optimal choice from an offensive perspective.
captain walker (allies +10) over odonis (axis)
rasmustb (axis) over hobo (allies +12)
rasmustb (axis) over hobo (allies +12)
A LL game with luck as one of the deciding factors…
The worst game I’ve played in months. So many numerous mistakes. It’s such a shame…
Bjergmose (Allies+14) over MrRoboto (Axis)
rgp44 (Allied +12) over. Entek (Axis) G40
Juan Spain over Karl7
Balladeer over Odonis
Experiment to take EUS failed miserably.
Wittmann wins against Mr Cunego. he has not been on line since September: game 34120.
MrRoboto over axis-dominion
Intense sea lion game with blunders on both sides…but I somehow missed blocking in the pacific and that did me in.
Balladeer wins over Unkownsoldier (allies +12).
Bmnielsen over Rasmustb (allies +12)
Whackamatt over Karl7 Axis
the worst game I can remember. I lost all my bombers to AA hits in the first couple rounds and then to top it off I got a -109 on my Moscow attack with on average was -19.
It was unreal
what in the WORLD karl
I am a little shell shocked by it! It was unreal.
Just because I’m impatient and I’m worried I’ll forget about them, two wins for me!
Shin Ji (Allies +10) over Whackamatt (Axis) - Japan let its guard down, and the USA took Tokyo in a surprise attack.
Shin Ji (Allies +15) over souL (Axis) - Unrelenting Allied pressure on Europe cracked Germany like an egg.
Balladeer over Whack +15
I was wondering, why did the game results stop? Well, I didn’t see them for the past week because I’ve never posted to this thread. :-P Well, posting now, so problem solved.
Rankings updated