I know I am late, but I need to voice my thoughts about this:
I’m completely against counting the playoff games as league games as long as we call it a “league”.
It violates the definitions of both playoff and league. The fact that a game counts as a game in two different tournaments, separated by two years doesn’t make any sense, at least from my viewpoint. With a deep understanding of both US and European versions of Playoffs/Leagues in addition to understanding of Tennis, Chess and Boxing, I just can’t see how counting for BOTH “last year’s playoff” AND next year’s league makes any sense. I’ll explain a tad below, before offering my “solution” by drawing parallels to other sports.
In the US, sports play for a league/conference/division that ultimately ends, and THEN playoffs are kicked off as a separate season. No games count as “double”.
In Europe (and the world) the league is a separate entity, with no subsequent playoff on a national level.
And the “cups/national playoffs” are ran at the same time as the league, as a separate tournament.
There are also annual tournaments on the European level running and ending at the same time as the league, but teams are in these based on the results of the PREVIOUS year. So there you have the “two-year” element, which actually turns into qualifying for a third tournament in the third year, if you win a European Cup and then the Supercut to go to the World Club Cup (speaking Football/Soccer right now). But again, no games count as double.
A “league” and a “playoff” doesn’t leave room for this. It would violate the premise of the definitions for “playoffs”!!!
BUT, we can solve this by changing the NAME of our official “competition” from League to “Gamerman’s World Rankings”.
That is the only way we can justify the games counting twice. And we can draw from the Tennis world for this.
We aren’t a “league” anyway, since in a league, each team/player plays the same amount of game, and have to play each other in a systematic way to determine who comes out on top with the best amount of games.
We aren’t really competing that way. We’re individual players that compete H2H and get a score for the collective ranking based on the outcome. That is what they do in Tennis.
In Tennis, the amount of points collected from the various tournaments in a year sums up into the “rolling” 1 year rankings, counting a full year’s rankings. But they’re ALSO keeping score of the RACE TO LONDON, counting ONLY the points earned in a Calendar Year, to reach The World Tour Finals, which is an EXTRA tournament for ONLY the 8 best players. These games is a “playoff”, but the games ALSO count in BOTH the H2H between players AND in the World Rankings". (http://www.atpworldtour.com/Rankings/Rankings-Home.aspx) (1 Full Year ranking (rolling) -http://www.atpworldtour.com/Rankings/Singles.aspx) (YTD - Race to final top 8 tournament - http://www.atpworldtour.com/Rankings/YTD-Singles.aspx)
Tennis players play different amount of tournaments and games in a year, but they are all in the same ranking system, so it is easy to determine who’s world no. 1,2,3 etc, AND it is easy at the end of the official season to see which players are the highest ranked players, that get to play the extra tournament AND have the extra points there counted toward their world ranking. And of course, the is a World Tour Final (WTF) Winner crowned as well :)
Btw, I have a possible SOLUTION for the “double negative” that might come from losing a playoff game AND having it count double as suggested. What if ONLY the winning score is counted?
In the Tennis WTF you can’t get NEGATIVE points, but you can go through the Top 8 Tournament WITHOUT a point.
Just a suggestion. Only playoff WINS also count in the League (Or World Rankings as I want to name it).
Anyway, I make a motion to rename the “league” to a properly named "Gamerman’s World Rankings, which will conclude on an annual basis, leaving the Top 8 players a chance for an extra tournament that will BOTH crown the Champion AND let the games count twice without violating any definitions.
Some may ask, WHY “GAMERMAN’S World Rankings”?
Well, most tournaments/rankings has a sponsor (Barclays Premier League, Emirates ATP Race to London, Liga BBVA).
And no sponsor has more personal investments than Gamer has had making this happen.
So it is only right to name it such.
Let’s get rid of the wrongfully applied “league” and introduce the correctly used “World Rankings” that will accommodate for the will of the people without annoying the people with respect for definitions ;)