• LGRW!!! Here comes cup number 12!!!

  • Sponsor


    LGRW!!! Here comes cup number 12!!!

    Montreal all the way… they’re bringing home their 25th.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    Wait… nvm. :(

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer



    Wait… nvm. :(

    HA!     :lol:

    Actually… that is kinda sad. Sorry Garg.  :cry:

  • '22 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16

    Two best trades Glen Sather ever made as Rangers GM was getting Ryan McDonaugh as a throw-in when he dumped Chris Gomez on the Habs and the unofficial “trade” of Vigneault for Torts. Alain is no Scotty Bowman but at least the team has some idea what to do with the puck in the offensive zone. No more dumpandchasedumpandchasedumpandchasedumpandchasedumpandchasedumpandchasedumpandchase…

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    I sent you my picks… What do you think? (lol)

    You picked some good guys, providing it works out the way you envision. That is always the caveat.

    I have tended to do something similar in the past (pick guys from the 4 teams you think will make it to the conference finals). It can either work out really well, or you can be sunk after the first round.

    The thing about this year, more so than others in recent memory, is that (almost) anyone could win a given series and go deep (except for Columbus that is). Really though, how do you pick between LA and San Jose? Montreal and Tampa Bay? New York and Philadelphia? Chicago and St. Louis? Colorado and Minnesota?

    Even Boston and Detroit… wacky things can happen and the Red Wings cannot be shrugged off. Last year they were in about the same position and defeated No. 2 and very nearly took out No.1. Like Mike Babcock said, it is amazing what you can do to a number 1 seed (Toronto should have done it last year). It is Boston’s series to lose. All that said, I still think Boston is going to win, especially in a 7 game series, but Detroit has the capability to give Boston heavy poolies a heart attack.

    The matchups are so close, between such quality teams, anything could happen. It is so scary to have to pick guys from LA and San Jose that the inclination is to stay away and not pick any, but not picking any can hurt you just as bad as picking the wrong ones. Fortune favors the bold in a pool setting and somebody is going to end up looking real smart.

    I have no idea what I am going to do, but I think you have some solid picks. I do not trust Colorado though… great record, but they have incredibly little playoff experience (not counting Roy). If Varlamov breaks down at all, they are done for. But the same could be said of Minnesota… Bryzgalov ended the season amazingly well, but he has been a trainwreck in the playoffs. It will be interesting to watch.

  • Sponsor

    I agree with most of what you said, I think I’ll send in a second set of picks before tomorrow, picks that are more spread out among the spectrum (lol). I do however think that if you pick players from big strong teams (San Jose, Boston) and you’re chances of those players moving on are pretty good. Next are your fast and skilled teams (Pittsburgh, Montreal, Colorado) all good teams to choose from. Then you got the dark horses (Detroit, Minnesota, Dallas) who all have a punchers chance of moving on past the first round. However, the teams I would stay away from are St Louis, Columbus, Anaheim, LA, & NY, I have my reasons and all that being said, maybe I’m wrong and Columbus meets LA in the final.

  • Funny. Everybody but the Hawks! Tough road ahead.  :-D

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    maybe I’m wrong and Columbus meets LA in the final.

    I don’t mind LAK… however, I would hate it if it was something like Columbus vs Dallas or Tampa Bay vs Minnesota for the final. Don’t really care about any of them unless it pertains to pool picks.

    Kinda reminds me of the 2004 final between Calgary and Tampa Bay: No one cares to watch and mostly forgettable.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Amazing night for the Habs last night. If they can tighten up defensively a bit, they look dangerous. Leave it to Briere to come through yet again.

  • Go Dallas!

  • Sponsor


    Amazing night for the Habs last night. If they can tighten up defensively a bit, they look dangerous. Leave it to Briere to come through yet again.

    Briere had his best game of the season, and trust me… I’ve seen every one of them. Price was too loosey goosey, but really came through in over time when it mattered. After a 1st game on the road like that, where Montreal outshot TB and really exposed their defense down low on the cycle, I’m convinced that the Habs will walk away with this series… but Price will need to be Price.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    Briere had his best game of the season, and trust me… I’ve seen every one of them.

    I believe you. I don’t watch MTL much but statistically Briere has seemed non-existent. He is a playoff guy though.

  • Sponsor



    Briere had his best game of the season, and trust me… I’ve seen every one of them.

    I believe you. I don’t watch MTL much but statistically Briere has seemed non-existent. He is a playoff guy though.

    I’m beating myself up over my picks… shoulda went with my first instinct on a few selections, but I talked myself out of them after over thinking it.

    Oh well… we’ll see.

  • Blackhawks playin the same for last 3 years. Can’t hold lead in 3rd period. Only reason they won cup was do to goalie and offense. Go Hawks.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    I’m beating myself up over my picks… shoulda went with my first instinct on a few selections, but I talked myself out of them after over thinking it.

    Oh well… we’ll see.

    Same man… looking back, I had Brad Richards, Antti Niemi and Brent Burns. Switched all of them last minute and now all three are looking really good.

    Plus the Wings are playing very well against Boston (I took Rask and Krejci).

    I try to tell myself that is is incredibly early, since it has only been 1 game, but I still am smacking myself about it.

    And I knew I should have looked closer at Brian Gionta for a wildcard. The guy performs in the playoffs and is a great shorthanded threat.

  • Sponsor



    I’m beating myself up over my picks… shoulda went with my first instinct on a few selections, but I talked myself out of them after over thinking it.

    Oh well… we’ll see.

    Same man… looking back, I had Brad Richards, Antti Niemi and Brent Burns. Switched all of them last minute and now all three are looking really good.

    Plus the Wings are playing very well against Boston (I took Rask and Krejci).

    I try to tell myself that is is incredibly early, since it has only been 1 game, but I still am smacking myself about it.

    And I knew I should have looked closer at Brian Gionta for a wildcard. The guy performs in the playoffs and is a great shorthanded threat.

    Yep, I hear ya, Niemi for Rask… I made the same mistake. Not that Rask isn’t a good choice, but I have Rask and Price and they which would give me one goalie going on because they might meet in the 2nd round. Shoulda known better to split my goalies 1 per conference, speaking of 2nd round matchups… looks like you and I could be on a collision course.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    Yep, I hear ya, Niemi for Rask… I made the same mistake. Not that Rask isn’t a good choice, but I have Rask and Price and they which would give me one goalie going on because they might meet in the 2nd round. Shoulda known better to split my goalies 1 per conference, speaking of 2nd round matchups… looks like you and I could be on a collision course.

    Usually I do split my goalies 1 per conference, but I was already betting against LA and felt good about Lundqvist, so I took him. But I am feeling like I should have stuck with Niemi.

    Goalies tend to be the highest or so point producers on the Pool winner’s team, so it is important that you pick the ones who go the distance or at least make it to the conference finals.

    Another calculus in choosing goalies is whether or not they will be getting shutouts. If a goalie has a couple SOs but is eliminated he can have the same number of points as a goalie who gets into the final… so that factored into my decision too. I figured few goalies, if any, in the high-scoring West would get shutouts (even Quick). However, Lundqvist and Rask seemed like the better choices for that, maybe throw Price in there too… he did almost have one last night.

    And what do you know… it is Jimmy Howard who pulls one out.


  • Dallas Stars come back!

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