Canada names it's warships after US defeats

  • In WWII (at the end of which Canada had the third largest navy in the world…partly because the Axis competitors had been eliminated, and also recognizing that most of Canada’s navy consisted of small escort ships), the practice was to name corvettes after towns and small cities.  One notable instance was HMCS Wetaskiwin, known to its crew as “Wet-Ass Queen” (a nickname reflected by the logo painted on the splinter shield of her main gun: a playing card showing a Queen of Hearts falling on her rear end into a puddle of water).

  • @MrMalachiCrunch:

    Looks like trolling behaviour to me….

    You don’t say?


    I guess they got less than 5 warships….

    Quebec should name her Navy after French Victories… oh wait NM.

    Canada should name her ships after Ice Ages, or Ice Cube 1,2,3 etc.

    Came out swinging for the fences.

  • IL, you must be gettin bored.

  • Yep boring

  • Moderator

    IL, we (USA) do the same thing in regards to US allies. USS Lake Champlain, USS Lake Eire, etc. I think we all do our jobs reminding respective allies they were once bad on the field.


    P.S. Yes, I get this wasn’t meant as serious….

  • IL, we (USA) do the same thing in regards to US allies. USS Lake Champlain, USS Lake Eire, etc. I think we all do our jobs reminding respective allies they were once bad on the field.

    The obvious difference is we can cover all their defeats as names for our navy, because we got a real navy and they got defeated too many times.

    We wont run out of names for some 4 ship “navy”

  • OH I had to get in on this one!  Let’s not kick the proud and deserving traditions of these two Navies.  But rather look at the reality of the situation.  It is comparing Apples and Oranges really…

    Two significant differences between the CDN and US Navy TODAY (Not the glorious past):

    RCN (Royal Canadian Navy)

    1. Small specialized craft, mostly coastal defense and support craft for defense or NATO support missions.
    2. Paid for with existing tax dollars and resources

    USN (United States Navy)

    1. Largest Navy in the World, Global reach, all types of available craft, First Strike and defense.  Leads most NATO missions
    2. Paid for on the US Gov AMEX card so our great grandchildren can pay for it too!


  • IL,

    Dude, it’s CANADA!  Let them have SOMETHING.  I mean they live up where it’s colder than a caribou’s hind end, for Pete’s sake!  Sure, they defended against the Americans in 1812, but only because we realized how freaking COLD AND NASTY it is up there so we left!

  • Dude, it’s CANADA!  Let them have SOMETHING.

    They got freezing temperatures. That’s good enough for em. And Canada Dry. And Fry’s with Gravy and Duck fat. Now that is too much.

  • Canada is 1000% better that the USA.  Don’t believe me?  Go take a trip to any American city and to any Canadian city and look around and then think about where you would like to live.  No contest.  I won’t even visit the USA anymore because the place is such a dump I am afraid I will catch a disease, and its a police state too.  Lots of Americans are nice people but the country is messed.

  • Got Cold?

  • @variance:

    Canada is 1000% better that the USA.  Don’t believe me?  Go take a trip to any American city and to any Canadian city and look around and then think about where you would like to live.  No contest.  I won’t even visit the USA anymore because the place is such a dump I am afraid I will catch a disease, and its a police state too.  Lots of Americans are nice people but the country is messed.

    I enjoy Canada. Wouldn’t go as far as saying that it is 1000% better. You haven’t been to every US city. Where I live is gorgeous! But, to each their own.


  • Yeah Canada is cold (we just had a ice storm here!) and some parts of the USA are nice I guess but I would never want to live there.  Honestly, everytime I’ve been to the states I am stuck by how poor and unhappy everyone looks.

  • I am stuck by how cold and unhappy everyone looks.

  • I dunno about every other Canadian but the ones i know are rather happy on their skidoos and quads blasting around in the snow.  I for one love sliding around in snow in my truck.  I’m going ice fishing next month and that is always a blast.  Best fun I had in the snow was the Blizzard of 77.  It’s an opportunity to be the guy who is prepared and thus the saviour of others.  Helping your neighbours I guess is a socialist concept. perhaps that is why Canucks are viewed around the world as friendly folk……It starts out at home helping your old neighbours by shovelling their sidewalks and helping push people’s cars out of the snow.

    Besides… its nice having snow around your house as you see footprints.  Thiefs have such a hard time in winter…  Crime slows down in the winter, keeps the homeless population down too.  Besides, winter gives Canadians a reason to visit Florida… I prefer Cuba myself, so many fewer Americans (if any) and the same number of Cubans as Florida so…

  • USA and Canada are problably the best countries in the world. But don’t make me shit with the cold…the temperatures were never so hot in Canada.

    Dude, it’s CANADA!  Let them have SOMETHING.  I mean they live up where it’s colder than a caribou’s hind end, for Pete’s sake!  Sure, they defended against the Americans in 1812, but only because we realized how freaking COLD AND NASTY it is up there so we left!

    Sure…Jennifer…Stay at home…Thast’s the best you can do…

  • Some Americans are just sad because they couldn’t get the job of conquering all of North America done.

  • But we took the better half. There is a reason why the population can only sustain in that half what is a small fraction…COLD.

    The 1812 war ended when we saw as a glorified ice ring.

  • By took if you mean defended it from British Conquest in 1814 then yes, the US defended its borders after an ill fated adventure in trying to and failing to conquer a bunch of fur traders and their land.

    In fact the United States acquired ZERO territory as a result of the war.  In fact the only thing the US got out of it was an end to British impressment of US sailors (arguably that ended due to the end of the war with Napoleon as impressment was not mentioned in the  treaty) and the other thing they got was a new paint job on the white house.

    It did have the effect of unifying the territory against the US.

    I wonder if the US never invaded what was to become Canada……if eventually all of North America would become US states…

    Many of the battles occurred right around where I live now but few soldiers from the US actually came from the border areas whereas Kentucky seems to have sent many soldiers…about as foreign to people in Buffalo or Fort Erie, Canada.

    In any event, things worked out in the long run, we’re all friends mostly and tis the season so… Merry Christmas everyone and Happy New Year!!!

  • Once we realized Canada had snow 24/7/365 we basically stopped fighting thinking… “We can only make so many snowmen and Tundra is of no value…”

    That makes alot of sense.

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