Laughing… believe what? � You have yet to say “I’m from here” or “I’m not from here…” � It’s like you don’t want to commit to being from one place or not being from another place in particular.
Look, I’ll lay my cards out on the table. � I don’t think you went to Stanford. � I don’t think you live in Malibu and own some apartment buildings like you claim. � You’re not Californian or even American. � Your too dumb to have gone to a good school (if you did go to a decent school, you’d know the correct term to use for me would be “homophobe” not “homophobic.” I’m neither, btw, just trying to help you out on proper English) � If you did graduate from college in 90, that would make you mid-late 40s, but you say that you play badminton most evenings… which I tend to believe (because why in the world would anyone make THAT up), but it shows that you likely are single and don’t have a family–which is kinda sad. � I spend most evenings playing with my kids and then having some quiet time with my wife. � Watching a movie or reading together, usually, once the munchkins are in bed. � So I know how nice those moments are, and it does make sad to think that a middle aged man isn’t able to enjoy that. �
But, at the end of the day, I think you maybe had some college, or went to an average school, but are single, likely British. � For sure not American. � Probably don’t live in California, otherwise, you’d know that Malibu is a pretty small and super-exclusive place populated by really, really successful movie stars, Russian oligarchs, or California tech billionaires. � More plausibly if you were a successful upper middle class business person, you’d live in Laguna Beach, Newport Beach, Pasadena, Santa Ana, Orange, Marina Del Ray, Santa Barbara, etc… but Malibu, Mulholland Drive, Bev. Hills, etc. would be out of your price range. � And if you were a tech billionaire who really did live in Malibu… I’d expect more out of your postings… if you even were on here to begin with.
OMG you got everything wrong! I’m glad you have no clue, just makes for more comedy for the rest of us.
I just think you’re a normal, middle-class, working class stiff (like me) who likes World War II and gaming… nothing wrong with that. � But you make up this story about who you are and what you do and where you live and it’s just… sad. � And the bullying is really, really unbecoming. � And I fully admit that I’ve been bullying you on here, but it really is in reaction to way over the top reactions on your part (think back to the first time we crossed paths. � I think my first posting response to you was “dude, chill out” and you kept going, berating me for having a different opinion than you, without awknowledging that differing opinions can be perfectly valid and defendable, even if you disagree with them). �
Spelling/Grammatical errors: acknowledging, defendable ( hey jack head the proper word is defensible) What School did you go to again?
What is also unbecoming is the absolute travesty of logical connection:
1. I make a typo in a PM
2. That means i didn’t go to Stanford
3. proof i have no credibility
So… I’m tired of this. � I’ve got work piling up, and honestly, I don’t think this is doing any good. � I think you’re a sad asshole. � And I freely admit I’ve got a foul mouth, but I work with the military and it kinda rubs off. � My fault, but that’s honestly a lot of how people I work with talk. � If it offends people, sorry, but I’ve done a lot of self-censoring already. �
That is why you have problems calling people names like some 12 year old twat with emphasis on: Genitalia, and this calling things you dislike “Gay”, which incidentally is a really ignorant choice of words. And not once have you even defended yourself. Hilarious!
You are not sorry for anything, and bringing back the conversation wasn’t constantly bringing up “Stanford this and that”, which in itself is one of the weakest arguments i ever heard.
At least i emailed two prominent Historians and posted their thoughts, which in one case was not concurrent with my opinion. I posted it anyway to bring light on this topic and all you have is: Dick, Asshole, Gay…… I’m not this or that. You brought nothing to the table except increased hostility and nothing but memory’s of dead Historians.
What a joke you ended up being. I hope you rest at night with whatever comfort you gain from making up information about me and rest assured everything i said is truth.
And get it right: I’m not English, Scottish, etc. I just happen to use language is a more stylistic manner that you’re capable of. And that’s why you fail, because you place too much emphasis on limited words and think you are a tarot card reader by private message correspondence. Lastly, you hate the fact that i came out of Stanford out of some jealousy angle. Otherwise, you would not volunteer so much information without being asked.