the topic went in a weird direction, to bring it back I would like to see someone argue the point I made with how Germany could have won the war.
If in either sept 1939, or june 1941 the Sturmgwher were made standard issue to every German soldier how could any army have opposed them? I think Dunkirk would not have succeeded in 40 and England would have no army, and in 41 Russia would have fallen before winter. Even if it didn’t fall I am sure Moscow would have fallen, and the following spring offensive would have ended the war in the East.
The difference between this and other ‘miracle weapons’ is that an assault weapon is practical. Jets and really big tanks take up too many resources even if they had been produced earlier or in greater numbers. Ammunition would have been a factor, but that would have been it.
Imagine it, an army equipped with assault rifles opposed by armies who are equipped with what is basicaly now a hunting rifle.
Fortunately for the world Hitler didn’t like the concept until it was too late.Â
I found out, that it may have been allready implemented to German Soldiers way earlier, like 1942 as the Mkb-42.
It happend for tests that those Mkb`s 42 were sometimes dropped off for encircled infantry groups in russia to test run it. (weird)
but actually came to positive results of the Mkb-42 aka StGW '44.