I’m not sure what has or has not been done so far, but I took a first stab at the xml definition for the game. It includes the territories, connections, unit definitions, production values and starting units. I did my best to fill out the rule variant values, but I’m not sure how to express a lot of the rule info (I presume some modification to the engine will be required, but maybe some of the options are available, and I just don’t know). Basically I started with World War II v4, and modified accordingly. Items still needing to be done:
Map/territory definitions:
- Locations of ports
- Minor/Neutral power capitals
- Alignment of minors
Rule variants:
- Sea unit placement at ports
- Minefields
- Minor powers aligned to major powers
- Placement of units after attack of minor capitals
- Contested territories/single-round attack
- Artillery first-strike on units offloading from transports
- No first-strike on attacking subs
- Hits against submerging subs
- Fighter dogfight phase
- Fighter-supported artillery
- Fighters transportable
- Tank building limitation
- Victory conditions
- U.S. isolationism
- Unrestricted warfare
- Russian Revolution rules
see the link to the .zip below