@Panther Sounds good. Thanks a bunch Panther.
TripleA posting error
@panther We worked around the posting problem by following your instructions. But while it worked every turn for everyone else in our team game, it only worked once for me and then failed. I uninstalled Triplea, deleted the save game and icon. Restarted my computer, reinstalled the latest Triplea, downloaded the save game again, opened it through the Triplea launcher. But still get error when starting pbf. I’ve updated Java. My computer is very old, but Triplea worked with no problem except for this issue. Please advise.
P Panther moved this topic from Website/Forum Discussion on
As this is a very individual concern, I have forked your issue to the TripleA support category.
Which of my instructions do you specifically refer to? What exactly does not work?
No one can post by PBF regularly right now.
What are you trying to do that at which point does not work?
Which version of TripleA are you using? The current TripleA stable comes with its own Java, so you never should need to do anything Java specific.
@panther Using 2.5.22294. I launch Triplea, load a save game, click PBF, add password, then get error class java. So I can’t use Marti email dice. We’ve been following instructions to PBF but save to computer and then post the saved game manually.
In that case I need to see the error message. Please post a screenshot or copy paste it here.When does the error pop up, after which specific aciton? Just entering a password does nothing. What are you doing after entering the password that might trigger the error message?
after enter password enter “play” then error
Right, thank you. This is a somehow related but different issue that has been already reported.
There is no workaroud other than going with a current pre-release version, which I currently, for other reasons, cannot recommend.
Sorry, I have no better news. It’s a pain, currently.
Found a work around. Instead of PBF or start local game (requiring forum dice), I choose Play by Email. That allows Marti email dice to the team leaders and then I save game to my computer and manually post as a link, as the other players do. Thanks for your time, no need to try to solve my isolated problem.
Right, that is a good alternative for now. You are welcome.
It looks like the fix discussed in
will resolve your issue, too.