Global 2nd edition Q+A ( AAG40.2)

  • well no killing germans, just killing italians

  • Official Q&A


    can russia counter the italians while ignoring the germans?


  • @Krieghund:


    can russia counter the italians while ignoring the germans?


    whats the reasoning behind it?

  • or is it in the rulebook?

  • Official Q&A

    Page 15 of the Europe Rulebook.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    IF italy declares war on russia, takes a russian territory, is reinforced with a german non-com (germany does not declare) and russia does not dow on germany, can russia still collect from 125 if there are no axis ships there?  and can russia counter the italians while ignoring the germans?


    yes for the money, as ussr is at war. no for the counter-attack; they need to declare war on germany to kill germans.

    A)  Why would Russia not DOW Germany at this point?  You cannot collect for SZ 125 if you are not at war, and Germany is collecting an NO from not being at war with you.
    B)  All allied units defend together - this is how it has been since Classic.

  • I have a ton of little questoins that came up while playing (AAG40.2) and i doubt i can remember them all. Some aren’t 1940-related, but bear with me :-P

    1. before USA and URSS declare war / are declared, can they activate  pro-allies neutrals?

    2. what if f.ex. URSS invades a neutral before being at war? If any allied power attacks a neutral minor power, all true-neutrals will become pro-axis, but if URSS (while neutral) invades a neutral minor power, what happens?

    3. a friend told me that if a neutral minor ‘survives’ an attack, it will ‘regenerate’ its troops back to their starting quantity, is that the case?

    4. if all neutrals become pro-axis, they won’t activate the soviet “+3$ per axis territory” NO, right?

    5. i just installed and played tripleA a little, and one thing i noticed is that aircraft carriers are ALWAYS choosen as casualities, to absorb damage, first, before anything else. Well, sometimes i much rather sacrifice a sub or two so my planes can still land! Do battleship/carriers HAVE to absorb one hit before you can start sacrificing stuff?

    6. this one caused some discussion. If you move an aircraft carrier + its planes to attack, do the planes sort out BEFORE the carrier start moving, or AFTER? Can i, during the combat move turn, move my aircarrier 2 seazones, THEN from that new location move my fighters 2, sink a transport, then move them back to land on the ship?

    7. can you build a minor factory in a territory that wasnt originally yours? 6b. Or a territory with no income? Like, germans building a minor factory in Bessarabia (a soviet territory with 0 income).

    8. all allied units defend togheter (like UK and anzac troops in egypt); i was told this is not the case for allied planes loaded on carriers? Say, an uk and a soviet plane on Uk carrier, both at war with italy, are attacked, the soviet plane won’t fight?

    Man, there are more, but i can’t remember now. ty in advance.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Chicochico in black - response in red
    I have a ton of little questoins that came up while playing (AAG40.2) and i doubt i can remember them all. Some aren’t 1940-related, but bear with me :-P

    1. before USA and URSS declare war / are declared, can they activate  pro-allies neutrals?

    No.  They cannot activate pro-allied neutral countries.

    2. what if f.ex. URSS invades a neutral before being at war? If any allied power attacks a neutral minor power, all true-neutrals will become pro-axis, but if URSS (while neutral) invades a neutral minor power, what happens?

    Russia may not invade a neutral before being at war.

    3. a friend told me that if a neutral minor ‘survives’ an attack, it will ‘regenerate’ its troops back to their starting quantity, is that the case?

    No.  Once the troops are dead, they are dead.  A common tactic is for Germany to hit Yugoslavia but not take it, allowing Italy to have a small hit on the territory to give them income.  NOTE: I did not say it was a good one or a bad one, but it is an example of one.

    4. if all neutrals become pro-axis, they won’t activate the soviet “+3$ per axis territory” NO, right?

    Page 36 does state that any pro-axis neutral controlled by the Soviet Union would give them 3 IPC, but this refers to as the game board looks at the start of the game.  Finland would count; Sweeden would not, even if the United States invaded Chile before Russia took Sweeden.

    5. i just installed and played tripleA a little, and one thing i noticed is that aircraft carriers are ALWAYS choosen as casualities, to absorb damage, first, before anything else. Well, sometimes i much rather sacrifice a sub or two so my planes can still land! Do battleship/carriers HAVE to absorb one hit before you can start sacrificing stuff?

    Last I played TripleA, you could deselect the recommended casualty and choose something else.

    6. this one caused some discussion. If you move an aircraft carrier + its planes to attack, do the planes sort out BEFORE the carrier start moving, or AFTER? Can i, during the combat move turn, move my aircarrier 2 seazones, THEN from that new location move my fighters 2, sink a transport, then move them back to land on the ship?

    Planes launch from aircraft carriers at the beginning of the combat move round.  They get 4 (or 5 with technology) movement from that point.  The aircraft carrier does not artificially increase the fighter’s range.

    7. can you build a minor factory in a territory that wasnt originally yours? 6b. Or a territory with no income? Like, germans building a minor factory in Bessarabia (a soviet territory with 0 income).

    You may build a minor factory in any territory that is under your control, so long as it is worth at least 2 IPC in value.

    8. all allied units defend togheter (like UK and anzac troops in egypt); i was told this is not the case for allied planes loaded on carriers? Say, an uk and a soviet plane on Uk carrier, both at war with italy, are attacked, the soviet plane won’t fight?

    All allied units defend together - in the air, on land or at sea.  An American carrier carrying a Soviet fighter and a British tactical bomber, being attacked by a German destroyer would have all three nations defending.

  • Thanks a lot!

    So (4) is not all wrong then, unless the book specifically states that it only counts for originally pro-axis territories? (dont have it here w/ me). But i understand why it wouldn’t work, it would be unbalanced to have the french attack, say, Sierra Leone, just to allow the soviets to make 27 IPC a turn out of south america. Plus 15+ in africa :p

    Here’s another. Like my question 6, except during the non-combat movement turn; can i move my carries and then launch the loaded fighters to land somewhere else?

  • @Chicochico:

    Thanks a lot!

    So (4) is not all wrong then, unless the book specifically states that it only counts for originally pro-axis territories? (dont have it here w/ me). But i understand why it wouldn’t work, it would be unbalanced to have the french attack, say, Sierra Leone, just to allow the soviets to make 27 IPC a turn out of south america. Plus 15+ in africa :p

    It is only “original” pro axis.  flipped true neutrals do not count.


    Here’s another. Like my question 6, except during the non-combat movement turn; can i move my carries and then launch the loaded fighters to land somewhere else?

    No.  Your Aircraft always move separately from your carriers.  The carriers can move a total of 2 (or three at a base), but your planes (when on a carrier) will always only be able to move 4 (or 5 w/ long range tech).  Effectively, your planes “launch” at the beginning of your turn and are never considered cargo nor moved by the carrier.  The ONLY way a plane can be cargo is when it’s on another power’s carrier during their turn (or, heaven forbid, on a subsequent turn after the carrier took damage when it performed an attack while the plane was on it - the only way to lock a plane on a carrier)

  • @ghr2:

    or is it in the rulebook?

    You can not attack a territory containing a power you are not at war with.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Here’s another. Like my question 6, except during the non-combat movement turn; can i move my carries and then launch the loaded fighters to land somewhere else?

    What you do with your fighters/tactical bombers is your own concern, mister.  :wink:  Yes, as long as the fighter has “legal” range to land elsewhere, or to get to your carrier, you can shuffle them around as you see fit.

    You could, say, send a fighter 3 spaces to go attack something - NOT move the carrier but land the plane 1 space away from the battle and pull in 2 planes from 5 spaces away (with an Air Base on the original space) to land on your carrier.

    What you cannot do is move a plane 6 spaces that started on an aircraft carrier.  They get 4 spaces (+technology if you have it) for all combat and non-combat moves (combined total movement) and they need a valid landing area (carrier or territory that started friendly on your turn.)

  • '22 '19 '18

    After reading the sec Ed rule book I have a couple of questions regarding the paratrooper tech.
    1. It says they are subject to AAA fire like other planes, so many question is are the specifically targeted or are they just one of the possible hits that can be taken if the defender roles a 1.
    2. Can you use allied airbases to launch your attacks?  So can the US launch from England AB? If you can’t use allied airbases than paratroopers is pretty much useless for the US.

  • @cond1024:

    1. It says they are subject to AAA fire like other planes, so many question is are the specifically targeted or are they just one of the possible hits that can be taken if the defender roles a 1.

    You roll the total number of dice required and then any hits can be assigned by the player who owns the units.


    2. Can you use allied airbases to launch your attacks?  So can the US launch from England AB? If you can’t use allied airbases than paratroopers is pretty much useless for the US.

    No. The tech only applies to your own airbases. However, if the US has a forward airbase (a captured one or one built on captured territory), it can use them.

  • @Cmdr:


    IF italy declares war on russia, takes a russian territory, is reinforced with a german non-com (germany does not declare) and russia does not dow on germany, can russia still collect from 125 if there are no axis ships there?  and can russia counter the italians while ignoring the germans?


    yes for the money, as ussr is at war. no for the counter-attack; they need to declare war on germany to kill germans.

    A)  Why would Russia not DOW Germany at this point?  You cannot collect for SZ 125 if you are not at war, and Germany is collecting an NO from not being at war with you.
    B)  All allied units defend together - this is how it has been since Classic.

    I think the question was if Italy declares war on Russia and Germany puts a sub in z125, could Russia collect the Murmansk NO by simply not declaring war on Germany (knowing Germany will not DOW Russia to get the wheat NO).  The answer is that Russia can’t get the Murmansk NO if at war with Italy and there is an axis warship in z125.  So you’re right; the sensible thing for Russia to do is deny Germany the wheat NO by declaring war on them.

  • Hypothetical scenario: I have a sub, destroyer and cruiser. Adjacent to my units is a lone cruiser and one sea zone behind that is a defenseless transport. Can I simultaneously attack the cruiser with my destroyer and cruiser while sending my sub under that fight to kill the transport or does the sub stop because there is a battle? I know the sub could go under the cruiser regularly (but not a destroyer), just curious whether my attacking said cruiser with different units invalidates that move. Thanks.

  • The Sub can attack the AP as it ignores the Cruiser, as no Destroyer is present in its SZ. . You can fight both battles.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    Hypothetical scenario: I have a sub, destroyer and cruiser. Adjacent to my units is a lone cruiser and one sea zone behind that is a defenseless transport. Can I simultaneously attack the cruiser with my destroyer and cruiser while sending my sub under that fight to kill the transport or does the sub stop because there is a battle? I know the sub could go under the cruiser regularly (but not a destroyer), just curious whether my attacking said cruiser with different units invalidates that move. Thanks.

    Long Answer: Since there is no defending destroyer to block you, you may move the submarine through the sea zone during combat movement - even though you are attacking the ships in that sea zone with OTHER UNITS.  Just as you could fly fighters over the battle to attack the transport, if you had some available and the desire to do so.

    Short Answer:  Yes.

  • Great, thank you very much.

  • When an Anti-Air gun is already loaded on a transport with an infantry unit and that transport takes places in an amphibious assault, what happens with the AA? Is it stuck on the transport until you can unload it next turn?

    My interpretation was that it can’t unload because it can’t take place in the combat move and you can’t unload the transport during the non-combat move because it unloaded during the assault. Is this correct? Or can you unload units during the non-combat move even after an amphibious assault?

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