You got to DOW J1 in bad europe situations. Push for that pacific victory.
Then again, russia looks like he has no idea what he is doing. China messed up royally as well.
For someone claiming devastation to german air… guess that is the stuff you had to rebuild. Germany is about a turn behind on russia, but russia is about to make himself go a turn behind. Japan is a turn late on war, but china decided to stack up in front of all of japan it seems.
So basically, the axis got bad luck, the allies made Japan’s job easy by suiciding china despite late DOW… Oh yes, how do you have borneo when you are not at war with USA? UK pac declared war on you and the only thing you could take away was borneo?
Is the med fleet from UK heading over to the pacific? Well I guess since they are free units, may as well have fun.
Russia putting mid size stacks in front of full stacks = idiot player -> easy win for axis.
belarus looks like a legit strafe run for germany. you would need, under 16 hits or get stuck there. He has 14 rolls, you got 18 rolls? bigger dice (not including air here). You may as well wack it and retreat.
Unless you got enough for bryansk (can’t see how many if you got there so can’t tell if you can win that battle).
But yeah, why did you rebuy the luffewaffe on g2? usually G2 if you do barb, that is your full mech/armor buy so you can push russia hard and quick so you can get some minors under your belt. then you get the luffewaffe again later.
Still, axis in a slump because of dice, but looks like the allies needed that kind of luck to be in the game.
I am pretty sure you will still manage to get calcutta.
Avoid buying armor with Japan, you are almost always better off with mech.
China did stack up against Japan, however russia is playing well on the europe side of the map, that attack you speak of vs belarus was on my mind too, gives great position for taking leningrad the following turn, along side the Finland to Karelia attack. The attack is 12 armor, 3 fighters, 2 tacs, 4 mech and 2 inf although if i get over 17(not likely) im wide open to his counter from bryansk. That would put me back at least 2 or 3 rounds.
Attacking bryansk is madness because i dont have enough arty simply.
The Luff was bought G2 to help Italy in med but britian pulled out and sat off the coast of egypt.
Japan is in a great position for J4 in my opinion, as it can take the rest of the DEI and not present a target (that they can beat) for the allies. Borneo phillipines hongkong and fic was attacked on j3, therefor war with usa.
The British fleet is on its way to pacific however its 2 turns from doing anything.
Not a fan of J1 DOW, Usa makes to much money too early, India can really help china and then thats a serious problem. too risky for mostly conservative players :-D.
As Germany i feel i need to realy help Italy in the Med, (navy buys in southern france) no axis warships in the med is a serious problem. Was thinking if the German fleet of the coast of gibraltar survives ( not likeky) pulling it into the med. The down side to this is it takes my first line of defence away from an atlantic attack from britian and usa vs western europe.