• Myself and 5 friends started this game last night. We called it a night a midnight and will take it up again at the weekend hopefully. Game is currently on round 4 Russian collect income phase.

    German turn 1 started with a navy buy and attacked the British fleet, France etc. The Luftwaffe took heavy loses but the Royal navy got destroyed. German turn 2 build mostly Airforce to replace last rounds loses and 2 subs. Combat was to finish off the rest of the UK fleet which joined in sz 109 and take southern France to help the Italians with Navy buys, everything else moved east. German turn 3 Barbarosssa. German turn 4 moved into Ukraine with stack and built for northern push, attack us air/navy force in Gibraltar.

    Russia turn 1 built Inf,Art and 1-2 Tanks and done non-combats. Russia turn 2 same. Russia turn 3 same with some units heading towards Iraq for NO’s. Russian turn 4 attacked German Ukraine forces and retreated after 1 round of combat.

    Britian turn 1 bulit land units for UK and south Africa as the German airforce was destroyed, sea lion was unlikely to happen, Attacked and annihilated the Italian fleet in the Med for no loses to British fleet (not a single hit scored for Italy, awful luck)
    Britain turn 2 Land and Air builds and finished off Italian navy.
    Britain turn 3 Transport builds for South Africa and more Air for UK, most of Med fleet sets sail to pacific (Japan having a great opening few turns)

    Italy turn 1 Infantry buy took Greece, Italy turn 2 fighter buy and units toward eastern front for ‘can opener’. Turn 3 Air buys.

    France floats around Med with 3 warships.

    Africa after 3 full turns, Italy is non-existent in Africa

    Atlantic after 3 turns, US destroyed in Gibraltar, German controled, USA and Britain to go next in turn order.

    No DOW between Japan and USSR in Pacific.

    Japan turn 1, build Minor IC and 2 transports attacks China, Fleet moves to SZ 36, Japan turn 2 Inf and Navy builds, attacks China stages for J3 DOW, Japan Turn 3 Tank and Navy builds, takes Borneo, Philliipines, Hong Kong, FIC and China is all but finished. Stages fleet in SZ 35 to counter any moves towards mainland or DEI

    USA turn 1, 2 and 3 builds Air power and a few warships moves to Marshal Island and Air force to Queensland. Puts out a few blocking moves etc.

    China turn 1,2 and 3 Dies basicly

    UK Pacific turn 1, 2 and 3 Land forces buys to help China, takes Java and Sumatra, Pacific fleet moved to Med turn 1 and 2 is now sailing back to Pacific to help US and ANZAC.

    ANZAC turn 1,2 and 3 buys a Navy to support US and Commonwealth in Pacific and takes a of New Guinea and Celebes for NO’s and extra IPCs

    War in China

    DEI and ANZAC

    Move to come when i post rounds 4-8.

    Any feedback or thoughts would be greatly welcome  :lol:

  • Only have a few minutes this morning, but it sure looks like the UK can drop the Italian Major in N.Italy down to a minor with that TT off of Cairo (I think).  To me, dropping that down is worth its weight in gold to keep Italy from pumping units to help in Russia.  That, plus a UK/French Convoy really cripples any Italian purchases.

    If the German fleet moves inside Gib into the Med, its worth it to trap them with a suicide run with the US after Gib.

    So combining the allied fleet in the med could lure Germany into help, advancing your cause of trapping the fleet inside the med until it can get itself out, which you should have bought yourself time to assert sea dominance in the Atlantic to counter that minor German fleet creating issues with the US in the Atlantic.

    If the German fleet stays put, it sure looks like you can knock it out, and possibly cripple it with a two pronged attack with UK SS/Bomber and US Ftr/Bomber.  How effective that may be, I’m unsure but as long as Germany is aggrevating the allies via Gia, you need to fix that one way or the other.

  • Northern Italy IC has been dropped to Minor already

  • Gameplayerror: There is a Japanese Bomber on an Aircraft-carrier. This is not allowed (SZ 35, Philipines).

    As far as I can see and what I would recomend in upcomming games:

    • If Japan does not declare war until turn 3, the UK and ANZAC should declare war to gain their national objectives (+10ANZAC +5India). Japan will alway declare war on turn thee, no matter what. Japan could skipt a declaration of war on the US on turn three to gain the additional 10 IPC, but in fact those 10 IPC are set off by (2Philipines, 2 French SouthEastAsia, +5NO USA)

    Now in this game:
    UK could grab Greece to remove an italian NO, while Greece could be only attacked by air and 1 tank, probably holds. Taken with a tank and an inf, the Tank could really hurt the economics of Germany and/or Italy. (should try to releave the USSR by harassing Germany!)

    USSR: Forces in Far east should attack Japan (Korea). Does not trigger Manchuria rule, but pressures Japanese ground forces. Same holds true for India and China. Destroy as many ground forces as possible. Japan will be running out of Manpower on the continent.

    USA: 1/2 Punch on the German Fleet off Gibraltar. 2 Bomber 3 Fighter destroyer+crusier should do quite some damage (if he tips the carrier the planes have to land on Gibraltar and can’t defent against the British attack) then 2 subs and Aircraft should give the German Fleet the rest. With this Fleet gone the UK should be able to make some attacks on Germany in the next few rounds to draw attention from USSR.

    I don’t know. They seem to have brouht the into a difficult situation. Japans Navy and Airforce is out of position (cant hit Burma). Probably pushing for Russia is the best option at the moment (and of cours grabbing the money isands and Malaya).

    Italy: Needs to defend the southern perimeter of Europe. Currently Europes south is wide open for the allies. When USA and UK Tag-Team on the German Fleet, The Brits from Africa will pour in.

    Germany: Keep pressuring the USSR. The USA is currently focusing on Japan (or will have to). No detailed plan here.

    my 2 cent.

    Have Fun playing.

  • Thanks for feed back, with regard to the bomber on the aircraft carrier we have run out of tac bombers for Japan so use stratagic bomber units and write ‘TB’ on them for tac bomber.

  • Oh, I know this!
    Following: If you are playing with the original 6 Tac-Bomber for Japan, contact the customer support and tell them you are missing Japanese Tactical Bomber. They know the issue and will send you 6 additional Japanese Tactical Bomber. At least they sent me (and a friend of mine who also owns pacific 1940) additional 6 japanese tactical Bomber. They stated there should have been 9 instead of 6 in the box. Try it, they won’t charge you anything and send it right home to you (at least the shipping could take some time).

  • @BulwFi:

    Northern Italy IC has been dropped to Minor already

    Who took out the Major?  French units?

  • What was US’s idea of stacking in marshall?  it has no strategic benefit over hawaii, queensland, or queensland.

  • TripleA

    wow late japan DOW? The late Japan DOW makes me vomit.

    yeah I would be @ queensland with USA fo sho, ready to counter attack when Japan does DOW (make it tricky for him to guard 3 islands)

    Also did russia forget to move his infantry or something? what gives? Usually I pull it back and push it forward the turn after if I want to do heavy pacific play. I either do all 18 or pull 6 back to russia and use 12.

    On USA 2, sea lion threat passed, should be near full pacific purchases. May as well buy pacific hard early on, shut japan down, then all usa has to do after that is hold egypt/london even if russia falls. China can always make the comeback.

  • French took Northern italy IC as all units had to defend rome from British turn 2.
    Dunno why the USA went to Marshal as the player always go queensland. J3 Dowis the norm in our group cow. Next time im Japan im going to J2 Dow as i now see the benifits but havn’t played as Japan in long time.

    Japan to go next so DEI is the target i think.

  • TripleA

    You got to DOW J1 in bad europe situations. Push for that pacific victory.

    Then again, russia looks like he has no idea what he is doing. China messed up royally as well.

    For someone claiming devastation to german air… guess that is the stuff you had to rebuild. Germany is about a turn behind on russia, but russia is about to make himself go a turn behind. Japan is a turn late on war, but china decided to stack up in front of all of japan it seems.

    So basically, the axis got bad luck, the allies made Japan’s job easy by suiciding china despite late DOW… Oh yes, how do you have borneo when you are not at war with USA? UK pac declared war on you and the only thing you could take away was borneo?

    Is the med fleet from UK heading over to the pacific? Well I guess since they are free units, may as well have fun.

    Russia putting mid size stacks in front of full stacks = idiot player -> easy win for axis.

    belarus looks like a legit strafe run for germany. you would need, under 16 hits or get stuck there. He has 14 rolls, you got 18 rolls? bigger dice (not including air here). You may as well wack it and retreat.

    Unless you got enough for bryansk (can’t see how many if you got there so can’t tell if you can win that battle).

    But yeah, why did you rebuy the luffewaffe on g2? usually G2 if you do barb, that is your full mech/armor buy so you can push russia hard and quick so you can get some minors under your belt. then you get the luffewaffe again later.

    Still, axis in a slump because of dice, but looks like the allies needed that kind of luck to be in the game.

    I am pretty sure you will still manage to get calcutta.

    Avoid buying armor with Japan, you are almost always better off with mech.

  • @Cow:

    You got to DOW J1 in bad europe situations. Push for that pacific victory.

    Then again, russia looks like he has no idea what he is doing. China messed up royally as well.

    For someone claiming devastation to german air… guess that is the stuff you had to rebuild. Germany is about a turn behind on russia, but russia is about to make himself go a turn behind. Japan is a turn late on war, but china decided to stack up in front of all of japan it seems.

    So basically, the axis got bad luck, the allies made Japan’s job easy by suiciding china despite late DOW… Oh yes, how do you have borneo when you are not at war with USA? UK pac declared war on you and the only thing you could take away was borneo?

    Is the med fleet from UK heading over to the pacific? Well I guess since they are free units, may as well have fun.

    Russia putting mid size stacks in front of full stacks = idiot player -> easy win for axis.

    belarus looks like a legit strafe run for germany. you would need, under 16 hits or get stuck there. He has 14 rolls, you got 18 rolls? bigger dice (not including air here). You may as well wack it and retreat.

    Unless you got enough for bryansk (can’t see how many if you got there so can’t tell if you can win that battle).

    But yeah, why did you rebuy the luffewaffe on g2? usually G2 if you do barb, that is your full mech/armor buy so you can push russia hard and quick so you can get some minors under your belt. then you get the luffewaffe again later.

    Still, axis in a slump because of dice, but looks like the allies needed that kind of luck to be in the game.

    I am pretty sure you will still manage to get calcutta.

    Avoid buying armor with Japan, you are almost always better off with mech.

    China did stack up against Japan, however russia is playing well on the europe side of the map, that attack you speak of vs belarus was on my mind too, gives great position for taking leningrad the following turn, along side the Finland to Karelia attack. The attack is 12 armor, 3 fighters, 2 tacs, 4 mech and 2 inf although if i get over 17(not likely) im wide open to his counter from bryansk. That would put me back at least 2 or 3 rounds.

    Attacking bryansk is madness because i dont have enough arty simply.

    The Luff was bought G2 to help Italy in med but britian pulled out and sat off the coast of egypt.

    Japan is in a great position for J4 in my opinion, as it can take the rest of the DEI and not present a target (that they can beat) for the allies. Borneo phillipines hongkong and fic was attacked on j3, therefor war with usa.

    The British fleet is on its way to pacific however its 2 turns from doing anything.

    Not a fan of J1 DOW, Usa makes to much money too early, India can really help china and then thats a serious problem. too risky for mostly conservative players  :-D.

    As Germany i feel i need to realy help Italy in the Med, (navy buys in southern france) no axis warships in the med is a serious problem. Was thinking if the German fleet of the coast of gibraltar survives ( not likeky) pulling it into the med. The down side to this is it takes my first line of defence away from an atlantic attack from britian and usa vs western europe.

  • Cool.

    I’m thinking of doing something like this when I get my Global Edition. I was going to do it with my 1941, but the suspense to play Global has left me to keep the area clear so I can set it up as soon as it arrives in the mail.  :lol:

  • TripleA

    So china was dumb, how fortunant for Japan, you can just draw a line from japan to calcutta and that is your strategy. Still hilarious to see the medit fleet shoved to the pacific while italy is still a sad panda. That is pretty funny how he diced you (assuming you scrambled if no scramble then yeah you can double miss and that is not really dicing).

    I wonder if UK is the egypt minor IC type. Europe looks like a temporary stalemate, depends on how much success you get on the strafe run.

    I foresee you losing some transports with Japan, which is never a good thing.

    Japan 1 is the best round to DOW for Japan, it is standard in low luck games, dice games most people do J2, I only do J2 if I got to deal with a big russian stack next to korea on J1.

    Then again there was this crazy game I had where I declared war on everyone dropped the hammer on all the russian stuff, took phil…. I won the pacific in that game which was hilarious. He was pretty frustrated, because he went near full pacific.

    Japan is not for conservative players, it is for honey badgers that take what they want. It is the powerhouse of the axis, the reason why axis win global, because usa has to put so much effort into the pacific to stop it and even then can end up losing.
    Then again I haven’t been forced to deal with the medit fleet being shoved into the pacific… usually when that happens egypt goes and at that point Japan just bombs moscow and russia drops, GG europe win.

  • Round 2 this evening so will post new pics etc soon

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