• '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator


    My FAQ:  Is it worth shelling out cash for this one…cause I feel I wasted money on Global 1940…Anniversary was better.

  • Anniversary, global 1940 and 1942 second edition are different versions of the same game.  I think 1941 is a really different game and it is nice to play a short game. Also is this the game to play with people who are not familiar with Axis and Allies.

  • Is the setup chart in the rulebook correct that there are no Chinese (American) infantry in Northwestern China or is this a mistake that will be corrected by future errata?

  • I’ve the following situation in G1:
    ss from Z9 and ss-dst from Z16 attacks AC-ftr in Z14
    in first round only one hit by a ss (AC down).
    now it is 2ss-dst vs ftr.
    My question:

    1. could all the attacking units retreat, or the 2ss must stay there and only dst can retreat? if so, could it retreat to Z9 (since an attacking unit came from there)?
    2. if I had conquered Gibraltar in the same turn with an amphibious assault from Z15, thus preventing ftr in Z14 from having a landing spot, could I still decide to retreat the dst (or the 2ss and the dst) from the naval battle in Z14 above described?
  • Official Q&A

    1. All of the attacking units may retreat, to either sea zone 9 or 16.  If you want to retreat only the destroyer, it must fight another round in order to afford the subs the chance to submerge first.

    2. Yes.

  • '10


    Got an answer to the US income question. The map is correct and it is in fact 17…

    I knew it…


  • Is it correct that unlike in “1940” there are no rules preventing ships going in / out of the Mediterranean Sea, i.e., from/to SZ 14 - 15?  In other words, it does not matter who rules in Gibralter and North Africa.

    Depending on this rule, the German player might choose very differently in terms of what to do or not to vis-a-vis Africa and the British carrier.- just my first impression.

  • Official Q&A

    Welcome, TigerTank001!


    Is it correct that unlike in “1940” there are no rules preventing ships going in / out of the Mediterranean Sea, i.e., from/to SZ 14 - 15?  In other words, it does not matter who rules in Gibralter and North Africa.

    Yes, that’s correct.

  • Customizer


    Do Seazones 6 & 8 connect? It looks like there is a water boarder between the two SZ.

    Need a ruling on this.

  • Official Q&A

    Yes, they connect.

  • Two quick questions.
    First,  if no destroyers are present, do subs get their suprise strike every round or just the first round of combat.
    Second, if an aircraft carrier adjacent to a friendly land teritory is attacked and destroyed by only subs can the fighters move to land or are they destoryed at end of the attackers turn?

  • Hi Redmage.
    1. Every round.
    2. They can always fly one space; so could land.

  • Thanks.

  • @Redmage2k:

    First,  if no destroyers are present, do subs get their suprise strike every round or just the first round of combat.

    And after all enemy destroyers are removed from combat as casualties, any remaining friendly subs regain their surprise strike ability.

  • @cressman8064:

    Do Seazones 6 & 8 connect? It looks like there is a water boarder between the two SZ.



  • @Gerco:

    Anniversary, global 1940 and 1942 second edition are different versions of the same game.  I think 1941 is a really different game and it is nice to play a short game. Also is this the game to play with people who are not familiar with Axis and Allies.

    my friend and i who play a&a 1941 had a game that lasted for 7 hour, course after i captured Japan he wanted to continue, but i’ve never had a game that lasted under 4 hours, maybe my perception of time is different but i dont consider that a short amount of time

  • I don’t understand how to battle please help

  • @scrubsbigd:

    I don’t understand how to battle please help

    Here are the basics (though I don’t own this version and haven’t read the rules):

    During combat movement, you move units into hostile territories or sea zones.  Air units need to save movement points to land.  When all combat movement is finished, battles are conducted one at a time.

    Each unit rolls one die in battle and record ether a hit or miss.  After both attacker and defender have rolled, casualties are taken, and the attacker may chose to continue the battle or retreat.  And so on until one side (or both) is destroyed.

    Do you have any specific questions?

  • Quick question…if my warship get a hit in round 1 of a combat but no other hit and the attacker chooses to keep attacking and we go into 2nd round does my warship ‘heals’?

  • Morning Darko.
    A battleship repairs its damage at the end of the combat in which it was involved, as long as it does not take a second hit.  Not at the end of each round of combat.

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