I also thought of that. I think that’s a good idea.
Han Solo: Never tell me the odds!
This ones for all you battle calculator types!
Snootch to the motherfuckin’ Nootch!
Were gonna need more men! Quote by Billy Bob Thorton from The Alamo.
Then a little later when the Mexican army enters San Antonio, Billy Bob says " Were gonna need a LOT more men."
The Captain: “Not bad in here, is it? No mail, no telephone. Solid wood paneling. Well-ventilated boat. Free food, too. We’re rolling in clover.”
The Chief: “Like fresh horse-droppings. They’re rolling in clover as well. They have no need to make a living. They’re even allowed to smoke.”
“Boys… Boy’s… too many Boy’s”
“The First battle will turn them into MEN.”
“Boys… Boy’s… too many Boy’s”
“The First battle will turn them into MEN.”
Ob´s stuermt oder schneit ob die Sonne uns lacht…es braust unser panzer… :-D :-D :-D
Was ist Das?
The “Panzerlied” from the movie Battle of the Bulge. German text of the refrain:
Ob´s stuermt oder schneit ob die Sonne uns lacht…es braust unser panzer
If it´s stormy or it snows ,if the sun shines in our face…our Tank is still rollin, and so on…
most of the time I watched the movie just because of this song…now a days we got youtube and all that…It´s been a while since I watched that movie… :-)
Worcester:We had a short-timer once. Johnny I-forget-his-name. He wore a flak jacket, two helmets and armor underwear. Ashau Valley… your time’s up, your time is up.
Thank you A et V. I did O level German in 85 and do not remember much, hence spelling Mann with one “n”!
Batman Begins
McManus counting his targets through the scope of his sniper rifle:
“1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7… Ha, Oswald was a fag.”
“Is It Possible To Learn This Power?” “Not From A Jedi”
“That’s one angry homo”
Nick Rivers (Val Kilmer): Hillary. That’s an unusual name.
Hillary Flammond: It’s a German name. It means ‘she whose bosoms defy gravity’.
Nick Rivers: I’m pleased to meet you. My name’s Nick.
Hillary Flammond: Nick? What does that mean?
Nick Rivers: Oh, nothing. My dad thought of it while he was shaving.
-Top Secret
Doctor Flamond: You see, a year ago, I was close to perfecting the first magnetic desalinization process so revolutionary, it was capable of removing the salt from over 500 million gallons of seawater a day. Do you realize what that could mean to the starving nations of the earth?
Nick Rivers: Wow. They’d have enough salt to last forever.
-Top Secret
From Patton:
Soldier: “Who’s in charge of this operation?”
Gen. Bradley: “I don’t know, but they ought to hang him.”
Holiday:‘Why Johnny Ringo, you look like someone just walked over your grave’
Ringo: "Fight not with you Holiday’
Holiday: ‘I beg the differ the started a game he didn’t finish, playin for blood, remember?’
Ringo: ‘I was just fooling about’
Holiday: ‘I wasn’t and this time, it’s legal.’
Ringo: ’ ok, Lunger.
Holiday: Say When
Shots Fired
Holiday: Come on Johnny, You no daisy, you no daisy at all.
I must say that I am pretty disappointed from everyone’s posts here. I mean… to be honest most of them are pretty lame. I know we are looking for favorite movie phrases, but many are quite obscure, not particularly noteworthy, funny or memorable/classic. Come on people.
Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure
I must say that I am pretty disappointed from everyone’s posts here. I mean… to be honest most of them are pretty lame. I know we are looking for favorite movie phrases, but many are quite obscure, not particularly noteworthy, funny or memorable/classic. Come on people.
So you choose Bill and Ted’s excellent adventure? :S
and what’s not absolutely hilarious about…
Soldier: “Who’s in charge of this operation?”
Gen. Bradley: “I don’t know, but they ought to hang him.”
Hoffman, perhaps some quotes from Brokeback mountain would make you feel more at home with this thread?
Don’t swear please Garg.