TripleA map for Global 1940 Alpha Final

  • Customizer

    and, if you haven’t already, you will need to…

    UPDATE your copy of TripleA to version

    this is a stable release


    (you will need both the latest version of the Global Map, AND the latest version of TripleA, to take advantage of all the new features and bug fixes)

  • '17

    I just discovered a game-play issue.

    Since the only unit in the game that remains permanently UK Pacific is the IC in India, the option to repair the naval and air bases in India is given to the UK Europe economy instead of the UK Pacific economy.

    Sorry I didn’t catch this sooner, it hasn’t come up in a game until today.

    india base repair issue.tsvg

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    I think it was just -placed- there under the wrong power.  If you remove it, and edit the proper one back in, it should be fine.

    Otherwise Malaya, HongKong, etc, will have the same problem.

  • '17

    I did that and that provides a one turn fix.

    The bases still revert back to UK Europe units at the end of the turn (just like units mobilized by UK Pacific do).

    You bring up a good point about Malaya and Hong Kong though … the bases there are also UK Europe units and suffer from the same issue.

  • Customizer

    fixing this might take a long time

    i suggest just using edit mode to give the money to the british, then let the british repair it

    or just use edit mode to repair it, then subtract the money

  • Customizer


    Global was updated today to version 3.4
    (that is the file version)

    You guys all need to redownload it.

    The fixes:

    3.3 - 3.4

    • Updating to Global 2nd Edition by removing 1 UK infantry from Egypt.
    • Updating to Global 2nd Edition by adding Korea to the list of territories that Russia can not attack without permanently losing the ability for Manchuria (MONGOLIA - C.Jen) to join Russia.
    • Updating to Global 2nd Edition by removing Yukon Territory from map.
    • Allowed UK_Pacific to repair airfields and harbours under its control.
    • Disallowed China to repair anything.

    Everyone needs to download it. War II

    Make sure that both you and your opponents have it.  If your opponent does not have it, then you might end up playing by the old version….


  • @Veqryn:

    Global was updated today to version 3.4

    Great, thank you!  :-)

  • The Battlemap skin is really funny…. nice idea!

  • @Veqryn:

    The fixes:

    3.3 - 3.4

    • Updating to Global 2nd Edition by adding Korea to the list of territories that Russia can not attack without permanently losing the ability for Manchuria to join Russia.

    You meant “the Mongolians” instead of “Manchuria” for sure.

  • Customizer


    The Battlemap skin is really funny…. nice idea!

    Ya, its not ready yet, but with I’ll be able to release it.
    TripleA doesn’t like units that are not 48x48 pixels large before being shrunk, so i had to screw with some code to get it to work.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    So what’s the problem with the battlemap skin?  (I assume this means we’ll have a map that is more akin to what we want, not that the shortcuts we are all fond of will make it into the AAA software….) Just the squareness?  Add a bunch of “charts” for us to use beneath the map to make it square.  So we don’t need to use any of the menu commands to find out the information.

  • Customizer

    Here is what the battlemap map skin is:

    It looks like battlemap, but it plays like triplea.  That means that the “images” are changed.  The images for the units are changed.  The images for the map and territories are changed.  Everything like that is changed.

    I am also keeping the “chart” stuff, but moving it to the bottom of the screen to be more out of the way.  The chart stuff will include all the 2nd edition NOs and also some details on the rules and on the units, etc.

    However, the interactivity of those charts will disappear for the most part, because TripleA’s charts are on the right side of the screen.  If you want to see the current income for a player, you go to the stats tab on the right, etc.  So this means all that extra non-map stuff is going to be more of a static display of the rules and helpful information, rather than whatever battlemap currently does.

    The main of this is to have the battlemap units and battlemap map, with the ability to see most of the entire board without zooming out (you can still zoom out on it even more, though, which is cool).  That is the main complaint I hear on the forum (that the current global map is too zoomed in, and that the units on it are distractingly nice looking).

    I am also thinking of ways to add more information on national objectives, etc, but it will never appear “on” the map, and would instead appear in a new tab of some kind.  You can send me a pm or make a post telling me what additional information you want to appear, and i’ll let you know what is and what is not possible.


  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I agree, triplea units are too reminiscent of Hasbro’s game of Axis and Allies.  Though, that didnt bother me too much.  My main dilemna is I make decisions off what I see in the Pacific for my Europe map and scrolling all over distracts me.  So yes, if I could have a view of the game board to the same scale as Battlemap, I would be far less resistant to using triplea.  For me, that’s from E. USA to Hong Kong (Kwangtung) without scrolling.

    Charts are what charts are.  I’d rather have function over non-function, but I can live.

  • '21 '20 '18 '17 '16 '15 '14 '13

    Sz115 is adjacent to Poland in the TripleA G40 map. It is not in the original map. Which one is correct?

  • Customizer

    I spent the weekend working on this. 
    It was only supposed to take me maybe 4-6 hours, but ended up taking about 16 hours to do (because Java really sucks at some things, like JTable’s with wrapping html text, thereby forcing me to make my own classes).

    Basically, I wanted to have some way to show all your national objectives from inside the game, rather than relying on the game notes.

    But to be better than just another set of game notes, we should show how many uses you have left, how many “each” you have, and whether you have satisfied the objective (and will soon receive it) or not.

    The format is:
    red outline = true (objective currently fulfilled)
    blue outline = true + all uses are used up
    light blue outline = false + all uses are used up
    no outline = false
    T = true
    F = false
    number before the letter = number of uses left (if no number then it is either zero or infinite)
    number after the letter = number of “each” objective fulfilled (ie: for an objective that gives +3 for ‘each’ german territory you currently control, this would show a number whenever you have more than 1 in order to let you know just how many you have)

    This will only work with maps that have the required text file for it though, so it will not automatically ‘update’ your old maps.  When I release this, i’ll also update the main A&A maps to use it (but you’ll have to redownload them all).


  • @Me1945:

    Sz115 is adjacent to Poland in the TripleA G40 map. It is not in the original map. Which one is correct?

    You are right. The TripleA-map is wrong. Poland is only adjacent to SZ 114 (and not to SZ115).
    Strange that no one (including me) noticed that before.

  • Veqryn, are you going to provide a Global 3.5 version soon?
    I noticed that the new xml reports of a version 3.5 but the downloader still downloads the 3.4 map.

  • Customizer


    Veqryn, are you going to provide a Global 3.5 version soon?
    I noticed that the new xml reports of a version 3.5 but the downloader still downloads the 3.4 map.

    seems i forgot to upload it.

    Version 3.5 is out

    1. sz115 no longer connects to Poland
    2. added “objectives tab” info for use with future triplea version

  • Great, thanks  :-)

  • Now the downloader says version 3.5.1 is new and installed - but the map still shows 3.5 only… !?

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