I spent the weekend working on this.
It was only supposed to take me maybe 4-6 hours, but ended up taking about 16 hours to do (because Java really sucks at some things, like JTable’s with wrapping html text, thereby forcing me to make my own classes).
Basically, I wanted to have some way to show all your national objectives from inside the game, rather than relying on the game notes.
But to be better than just another set of game notes, we should show how many uses you have left, how many “each” you have, and whether you have satisfied the objective (and will soon receive it) or not.
The format is:
red outline = true (objective currently fulfilled)
blue outline = true + all uses are used up
light blue outline = false + all uses are used up
no outline = false
T = true
F = false
number before the letter = number of uses left (if no number then it is either zero or infinite)
number after the letter = number of “each” objective fulfilled (ie: for an objective that gives +3 for ‘each’ german territory you currently control, this would show a number whenever you have more than 1 in order to let you know just how many you have)
This will only work with maps that have the required text file for it though, so it will not automatically ‘update’ your old maps. When I release this, i’ll also update the main A&A maps to use it (but you’ll have to redownload them all).