TripleA for G40 is sweetness!!!

  • @Cow:

    triple a is good if you got a few hours to kill, but most people do PBEM or forum play on this site because they play for a few minutes at a time.


    Triplea actually saves you time and allows you to get your turn in quicker vs the regular PBF/PBEM format. You don’t type out your moves, you just do your turn on triplea and it’ll post your turn for you. Everything is formatted a written out for you; the purchase, combat moves, combat, noncom, and placement.

    Did you check out the 2nd link questioneer included? It’s all there and he didn’t post a single thing, it was all the program and completely automated.

  • @Cow:

    triple a is good if you got a few hours to kill, but most people do PBEM or forum play on this site because they play for a few minutes at a time.

    TripleA is perfect for PBEM and forum play, too!  Although I would prefer PBF over PBEM. Just give it a try.

  • TripleA

    I play there often, but we really should recognize it for making live games possible online.

    Also as a time saver for PBEM. PBF takes long in general, but I suppose you don’t have to type out combat and non combat movements… so that is nice.

  • @Cow:

    I play there often, but we really should recognize it for making live games possible online.

    Also as a time saver for PBEM. PBF takes long in general, but I suppose you don’t have to type out combat and non combat movements… so that is nice.

    Oh for sure, TripleA is best for PBF with  I love how they set that up.  It seems to cut down the time in half.  As far as a live game, if I wanna host games I have to reset the ID on my router.  Its a little complicated for my router.  Besides, I’m not really in a hurry to host a game in that it seems just as long as an FTF game, maybe a little shorter, but not by much it seems.  Yes, you definitely have to have a bunch of hours to burn at the computer.  If that’s the case, then I would just invite my game friends to play as my house- much more enjoyable I think.  Then again, if you don’t have a group then its probably your best option.

    But for PBF, this is now THE way to play- TripleA linked with the site.  ABattlemap will be disposed of in a year I predict.  Won’t miss it or all that typing. :-D

  • Correction…ABattlemap may be disposed of this month if the rest of the players catch on to this.

  • @questioneer:

    Correction…ABattlemap may be disposed of this month if the rest of the players catch on to this.

    Let’s hope that people get convinced of the convenience that comes with TripleA soon!

  • @questioneer:

    Correction…ABattlemap may be disposed of this month if the rest of the players catch on to this.

    I don’t think that’ll happen. battlemap will likely be around for some time.

  • Man you gotta be smoking good stuff to be using ABattlemap afer trying the new TripleA PBF.

    Just discovered the battle calculator- just as good as the David Skelly’s AACalc on my phone- nice touch.

    Make games are so much easier and faster with this TripleA PBF, if anybody doesn’t try this, they suck. :lol:

  • I agree with Quest.

  • '16 '15 '10

    Re. live and pbf, don’t forget that it’s possible to start a pbf game and then play it out live, or start a live game and then play the rest out via pbf.  I have no desire to play an entire A&A game online in one sitting, so the ability to save games with TripleA and then either play it later or play it out via forum/email is a huge plus.

    It’s great to see more people using the technology!

  • '16 '15 '10


    Oh for sure, TripleA is best for PBF with  I love how they set that up.  It seems to cut down the time in half.  As far as a live game, if I wanna host games I have to reset the ID on my router.

    Unfortunately port forwarding for TripleA is not necessarily straightforward because what you have to do depends on your router.  In every case, you have to create exceptions for Windows Firewall and your router’s firewall.  But sometimes you need to create a static ip as well.

    There’s lots of useful info here

    You don’t need to enable port forwarding in order to join live games–only to host them.

    If you need assistance, people on the lobby are usually willing to help.

  • Yeah if someone hosts a G40 game I’m in for “live” play, but otherwise I didn’t want to go throught the router adjustment hassle right now.  Besides, I don’t want an 8hr sitting at the PC for a whole live game either.

    But for PBF, this is where the new TripleA really shines and since turns are so fast, you and another player can play maybe 3-4 rounds in one sitting by PBF.  Turns literally take 1-5minutes tops.  Unless your opponent is really slow. :wink:

  • I agree with all….TripleA is the Ferrari to Battlemap’s Chevy…but I can play Battlemap at work…cannot post rolls or anything with TripleA  :cry:

  • @Ol’:

    I agree with all….TripleA is the Ferrari to Battlemap’s Chevy…but I can play Battlemap at work…cannot post rolls or anything with TripleA  :cry:

    Yes you can now, what’s stopping you???

  • Customizer

    TripleA can not connect to the internet well if you are behind a proxy.  That is probably what is stopping him.

    You can still do PBEM and PBF (i think), but only if your dice roller is either the internal one, or can get through the proxy.

    And you can definitely still play locally (and manually email or post the savegame if you want).

    But i do know that you can’t connect to the lobby from behind a proxy.

    Unless you know how to configure your proxy and/or triplea to work together, then you are out of luck.

    Don’t ask me how, my knowledge only extends to knowing how to host.

    I hope to get a network engineer or someone to code some proxy support for us one day.

  • Here it is ,I’m very new to the computer.
    What do I need to fill in where

    Dice Server:
    Game ID      27051.0

    Play by Forum
    Topic ID: 27051.0
    Login: suprise attack
    Password ******

    Play by E-Mail

    Any help would be great, If I cant do this then I’ll never play by E-Mail
    OMG do I feel dumb!!! and I’m not really, REALLY

  • @suprise:

    Any help would be great, If I cant do this then I’ll never play by E-Mail
    OMG do I feel dumb!!! and I’m not really, REALLY

    Just read this:

    and/or this:

    Then you will know what to fill in, either for Play By Forum or for Play By EMail

    On this forum, Play By Forum is preferred over Play By EMail.

  • I bombed an IC with 3 strat bombers. The defender had 2 fighters and 2 tacticals in the same territory, but only the fighters had the option to intercept. I always thought that tacticals could intercept as well  . . . so do I have the rule wrong or should the tacs have the option to intercept as well?

  • Seth, I believe tacs and ftrs can “scramble” together, but only ftrs “intercept” whereas tacs “bomb” with stratbmrs.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    A) China can still hide in the Himilayas…  :P
    B) I have to say, I am still not impressed.  It is very much like Hasbro’s (yea I just cursed it, deal!) and it still doesnt “feel” right to me
    C) Why is there such hatred to Battlemap?  It’s not as cruddy as mapview and it doesnt require the overhead of tripleA…

    Now what I like:

    AI is improved…
    I can play by myself
    It has neat little animations, icons and sounds for my kids, so they want to play.

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