I play there often, but we really should recognize it for making live games possible online.
Also as a time saver for PBEM. PBF takes long in general, but I suppose you don’t have to type out combat and non combat movements… so that is nice.
Oh for sure, TripleA is best for PBF with AA.org. I love how they set that up. It seems to cut down the time in half. As far as a live game, if I wanna host games I have to reset the ID on my router. Its a little complicated for my router. Besides, I’m not really in a hurry to host a game in that it seems just as long as an FTF game, maybe a little shorter, but not by much it seems. Yes, you definitely have to have a bunch of hours to burn at the computer. If that’s the case, then I would just invite my game friends to play as my house- much more enjoyable I think. Then again, if you don’t have a group then its probably your best option.
But for PBF, this is now THE way to play- TripleA linked with the AA.org site. ABattlemap will be disposed of in a year I predict. Won’t miss it or all that typing. :-D