Thank you!
TripleA Assist
I’m told there is a way to edit the map so that TripleA supports the actual rules of the game each round (probably cumbersome, but at least it’s supposed to be there) and I’m not seeing it.
This is what I’m using:
Engine Version: Game: AA50-41 Game Version:1.0
For more information please visit, be kind enough to point me to the edit function so my games can have the appropriate technologies and abilities like national objectives, etc?
What are you looking for exactly?
To use the new functions related to AA50 you’d have to compile the engine from the sources since there isn’t a beta released yet that includes them, which is something not easy.
The other alternative to use the NOs is to manually edit the IPC for each country at the end of its turn (using the Edit function). You could possibly replicate the techs but you’d have to keep track of the techs manually and to roll with real dice for any combats involving techs.
I need a way to edit income, edit unit abilities and move units on the map where technically, they wouldn’t be able to go, but literally, because of technologies, could go.
Ok, to edit the income and move units you have the Edit function. Start a game, and go to the Game tab and select Enable Edit Move. That allows to change the IPCs owned for each country and to add/remove units from territories. When you’re done, disable the Edit mode before continuing with the game or TripleA might crash.
To edit the unit abilities, you need to edit the specific .xml file. Go to the Triplea folder and open the Games folder. You better make a backup copy of the game you wish to edit.
Right click on the .xml file and select Open with Notepad (or an .xml editor if you have one). Scroll down until you find the lines that start with <production>, that will allow you to change IPC costs for each unit.
Scroll down more until you find <attatchmentlist>. After the countries there will be a list of the available units for that game and their properties (attack, defense, movement and other specific ones). Keep in mind that all properties follow Revised rules, i.e., you can’t add things like paratroopers and so on.</attatchmentlist></production> -
Okay, first problem I am running into:
Game Tab only has:
Show Current Game (grayed)
Game History
Enable Sound
<line>View Game Options
Confirm Enemy Causalities (check marked)
Show Dice Stats
Export Game Stats
Battle CalculatorIf you go to View Game Options, it’ll just show you if you selected human/computer and what the bids were basically.</line>
Ah, you must have an older version such as 9.0.2
To use the Edit mode you need to upgrade to stable 10.0.3.
The link for it is -
Okay, upgraded (again) to TripleA 10. You know, there is something to be said for the fact that it’s Battlemap 0.79f and has been for almost a decade while TripleA is on it’s 10th incarnation and still doesn’t have the starting incomes or pieces right on the maps….
Just sayin is all.
And I see the edit function, so at least the units can start in the correct spots and the cash can start correct!
still doesn’t have the starting incomes or pieces right on the maps….
Hm? I’ve been playing TripleA since 8.4.0 and I’ve never noticed any errors in starting income or unit placement for Classic/Revised. Can you give me an example?
I was referring to Anniversary when it comes to income and unit locations specifically. Rules violations have been in pretty much every version of TripleA that supported games outside of Classic that I know of.
I was referring to Anniversary when it comes to income and unit locations specifically.
Yeah, the first version released had them because it was based on the pics from GenCon and a lot of stuff wasn’t known yet. If you get an updated version all of those are fixed.
Rules violations have been in pretty much every version of TripleA that supported games outside of Classic that I know of.
Very true. If you spot any other than the fighters landing on carriers and AA ownership please write those down here and I’ll write a bug report for them. They won’t be fixed overnight though,
Got a link to the new version of Anniversary:?
Slightly better, but how do I get the mouse to work right again??? left is now right and up is now down!!!
I’m not a bloody pilot, if I push the mouse forward, I want the bloody map to scroll up! If I drag it right, I want the map to scroll right!
A matter of perspective perhaps? :)
No, but there has to be a way to make it act like all other games (at least how they used to act in 8 and 9) where you drag right and the map moves right.
I hate having the map move left when I move the mouse right! (Same for down when I move up.)
I actually never noticed how it works until you mentioned it. It’s the same principle as reading a book, so it felt intuitive.
When your brain reads from left to right your eyes move from right to left when you read a book???
Basically, it’s working like a flight sim and it’s annoying. It’s the reason I don’t play flight sims!
I wasn’t refering to the eyes, but to your hand movement: when you are turning a page you make a leftward movement with your hand although you are actually ‘moving’ to the right on the book.
If everything in life went the way we’re used to, life would be dull. But that’s my opinion.
Hmm. Maybe another way to scroll the map that might feel more ‘right’: if you position the mouse pointer on the far left edge of the map, the map will slowly scroll left. Same is true of top or bottom. Also, clicking to where you want to view on the mini-map in the upper right will re-position the view to that general area.
Thanks, Hobbes for the link to the AA50 game - I didn’t know there was one… :-)
I guess that could work, I’ll try to do it tomorrow.
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