@The_Good_Captain It applies to all zones.
Favorite Power
Sorry guys, I screwed up the poll. :roll: Here it is again.
Germany for me is the most fun. But I will admit that I like the challenge of playing the Allies (especially US).
Ya. You have a lot of options as U.S. and if you screw up once, thats it. Game over. But Germany is really fun too.
from what i hear, its to easy for germany to win.
For me in all AaA games, its either USSR or germany…ALWAYS!!!
Also, i love changing history and winning with the axis… :-? :D
I like the United Kingdom because they can break out from the beaches fairly intact every time. However, my vote goes for the Germans this time, got to love that reinforcement chart.
I like the Allies collectivly, but if I had to pick one, it would be the US. More challenging. And I’m crazy :D
I like playing as the US,
The challenge of capturing Cherbourg as well as defeating the foe near the middle city is too tempting.
It’s hard getting off the ships but with timely allied help the Reich can be stopped and a beach-head secured.Cheers,
Starlight Sniper -
Germany always. I do love defending and would love to see a 1944 game on the East Front.
I usually play 2 player, so I like the allies
Using the airforce to block and lock down key areas is critical and can really make the German player scream.
However if you start to loose planes your end game just got much harder