Q: With fighter strafing, can I only try and move in eight units, or can I keep moving in units until I get up to eight units?
A. You must declare all the units that are entering or leaving any zones that are subject to strafing before moving any of them. Your declared moves must be legal under the stacking limitation; you can’t declare that ten units will move into a zone with the expectation that two will be destroyed by enemy fighters. If you try to move eight units into a zone and two of those units are destroyed by strafing, then you’re left with six units in that zone.
@Krieghund Given the above, is it then true that ALL axis movement must be completed before rolling for strafing fighters? Rolling for strafing should be the last action of the “axis moves” card. (e.g. none of the movement phase for the axis is sequential, it is simultaneous) Do I have that right?