I play against myself.
Need strategic help
I need help please. I’ve been playing global 1940 2nd edition with my heldest son, about 8 to 10 times. He his always Axis and me Allies. He always win. I’ve tried all kinds of strategy’s but doesn’t work. Why? He starts the game going in France and attaking Russia first turn then (Germany) then with Japan he takes the Philippines and takes all he can off of China. By the time the US ( turn 5 ) his ready its already to late. He his like a bulldozer while im trying to get starter. If someone gives private chats $$ on facetime i’m willing to learn more. I’m tired of loosing. Tks
Hi @chris-laf
Welcome to the site. Between experienced players, the game favors the Axis. New players that doesn’t matter as much.
You might find some ideas here https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/40354/allied-playbook-g40-collection-of-essays-compiled-by-jacobgeo24-nov-18-19-2023/176
One thing you can do, is DOW on JPN with SSR rd1 and reinforce china. Primarily yunnan.
Also try and take Iraq or Italian TTys in Africa with SSR when at war. Use a UK Trprt to move them. Try and attrit them with UK Forces but don’t conquer.
1 or 2 Inf on a amphib attack with the Indian BB and CA Bombard, then retreat is one way to do it. Won’t always work :)
Biggest thing, is the Allies are mostly reactive. At least early on.
Sure some more experienced players will chime in with their thoughts as well :)
HF Gaming
Are you using a Bid? Experienced Players use a Bid for the Allies anywhere between $40 and $55 typically as the game favors the Axis. Also, it is harder to play the Allies than it is for the Axis.
Finally, I might suggest this article to possibly improve your playing. Good Luck and definitely Have Fun!!!
@AndrewAAGamer no bids
@chris-laf When playing as the Allies it’s generally more challenging. Your always reacting to the Axis. Here are some good strategies for each Allied country that should help you.
Russia: There is nothing specific about Russia, you cannot do anything to stop the anslut from Germany. Some players will take the guys in the Pacific and march them to Europe. Keep those 18 inf. and 2 AAA. guns in the Pacific wait for Manchuria or Korea to be vulnerable then attack. By lots of infantry to fight against Germany.
U.S.A.: Your the powerhouse of the Allies. Do not split your power equal to both sides of the board. Pick one and stick with it. I like to go with Europe. for about 4-8 rounds build up a huge fleet in the Atlantic. Make sure you have a lot of guys and transports. Then go to the Morocco Sea Zone and wait. Here you can attack Italy and France, scary! This well get the Axis to build up defences and spread them out. Lastly, team up with the U.K. build a fleet of troops together than strike.
China: China is outgunned but can do a lot. Most players will just focus on defence. China needs defence and offence. Usually if Japan takes Yunnan they will make it out scarce. You can retake it with 8 guys and a fighter vs. some guys and a artillery. Pretty good odds. Your fighter is key keep it and use it for offensive. Build a good stack and go in with the Fighter to attack. If you are able to buy Artillery BUY IT! If you get lucky you may be able to buy 1 or 2 these can be very helpful.
U.K. Europe: In turn 1 and 2 your fleet in the Atlantic will be crushed by the German air force. So you will need a air force to fight back. On turn 1 take Eire. Turn 2 buy a airfield. That’s now three airfields connecting to sea zone 109. That’s a 9 Fighter scramble. Nice! After you have 9 Fighters to scramble build a fleet to help the U.S.A troops. as for Africa clean up the Italian navy in turn one along with some troops if possible. Get Persia as quick as possible then Iraq.
U.K. Pacific: Japan is a beast. You have three main things to do. 1, Build a fleet with the Anzac, 2, steal the Dutch islands from Japan, 3, Help China.
Anzac: KEEP TAKING THE DUTCH ISLANDS! also, build up a fleet to attack Japan. To have a good sized fleet it will take you 10 Turns probably. Make sure there is enough land troops in Sydney to protect it.
France: Germany will expel you from Europe, what to do? Well first, DONT SCRAMBLE THE FRENCH FIGHTER TO THE 110 SEA ZONE ATTACK. He is much more useful. Fly him down to africa to join the three French guys. Whoa cool! That is 3 guys and a fighter pretty good for the French. One last thing is PLACE A GUY IN FRENCH INDO-CHINA. why? Well it is historically accurate. According to the setup there were 50,00 troops in Algeria. But in Indo-China there were 75,000 troops. Also, there is no Vichy rule so put one there.
Thats it… I think…
@FranceNeedsMorePower said in Need strategic help:
When playing as the Allies it’s generally more challenging. Your always reacting to the Axis. Here are some good strategies for each Allied country that should help you.
I would take a few of these ideas with a grain of salt…
Russia: There is nothing specific about Russia, you cannot do anything to stop the anslut from Germany. Some players will take the guys in the Pacific and march them to Europe. Keep those 18 inf. and 2 AAA. guns in the Pacific wait for Manchuria or Korea to be vulnerable then attack. By lots of infantry to fight against Germany.
U.S.A.: Your the powerhouse of the Allies. Do not split your power equal to both sides of the board. Pick one and stick with it. I like to go with Europe. for about 4-8 rounds build up a huge fleet in the Atlantic. Make sure you have a lot of guys and transports. Then go to the Morocco Sea Zone and wait. Here you can attack Italy and France, scary! This well get the Axis to build up defences and spread them out. Lastly, team up with the U.K. build a fleet of troops together than strike.
Unless you are putting the entire Bid into the Pacific waiting this long, to send US forces into the Pacific, gives Japan an automatic victory.
China: China is outgunned but can do a lot. Most players will just focus on defence. China needs defence and offence. Usually if Japan takes Yunnan they will make it out scarce. You can retake it with 8 guys and a fighter vs. some guys and a artillery. Pretty good odds. Your fighter is key keep it and use it for offensive. Build a good stack and go in with the Fighter to attack. If you are able to buy Artillery BUY IT! If you get lucky you may be able to buy 1 or 2 these can be very helpful.
U.K. Europe: In turn 1 and 2 your fleet in the Atlantic will be crushed by the German air force. So you will need a air force to fight back. On turn 1 take Eire. Turn 2 buy a airfield. That’s now three airfields connecting to sea zone 109. That’s a 9 Fighter scramble. Nice! After you have 9 Fighters to scramble build a fleet to help the U.S.A troops. as for Africa clean up the Italian navy in turn one along with some troops if possible. Get Persia as quick as possible then Iraq.
With over 200 games under my belt, I have never seen anyone try this. Spending $15 for an unneeded airbase on Eire is very questionable. Plus, having 9 fighters in the London area versus in the Med, Middle East and Moscow is a huge waste of resources.
U.K. Pacific: Japan is a beast. You have three main things to do. 1, Build a fleet with the Anzac, 2, steal the Dutch islands from Japan, 3, Help China.
Anzac: KEEP TAKING THE DUTCH ISLANDS! also, build up a fleet to attack Japan. To have a good sized fleet it will take you 10 Turns probably. Make sure there is enough land troops in Sydney to protect it.
UK Pacific is a land power, they are doing everything they can to defend themselves and hopefully Yunnan. Spending any money on sea units is going to make the Axis player very happy.
France: Germany will expel you from Europe, what to do? Well first, DONT SCRAMBLE THE FRENCH FIGHTER TO THE 110 SEA ZONE ATTACK. He is much more useful. Fly him down to africa to join the three French guys. Whoa cool! That is 3 guys and a fighter pretty good for the French. One last thing is PLACE A GUY IN FRENCH INDO-CHINA. why? Well it is historically accurate. According to the setup there were 50,00 troops in Algeria. But in Indo-China there were 75,000 troops. Also, there is no Vichy rule so put one there.
Thats it… I think…
@chris-laf hi. I am afraid you will probably find winning as the Allies almost impossible , without changing the set up (giving the Allies a bid or removing a load of Axis units ).
There are very few experienced players here on this forum (and Andrewaagamer is one of those ) that would play the Allies without a large number of extra units .
As you have discovered , the Axis can win on either map quite comfortably.
As you are fed up of losing, do consider this for your next game.
Good luck! -
@AndrewAAGamer First off I have a lot of question about your remarks. Why did you say I take these ideas with a gain of salt. When I said the Allies are always reacting to the Axis that is a fact. Germany and Japan go neck to neck with Russia being the only one in the way. This means the Allied player has to react to them wisely.
If you build up a fleet in the Atlantic, you can easily sail it a round to the Pacific.
When you said you have never seen this strategy before even if my strategy is good or not does not depend on you saying if you have seen it or not. Also, The 9 Fighter scramble allows for you to build a fleet to hit Pairs. I highly doubt the British will struggle against the Italians.
You said buying boats is a waste, it is not a waste. As for the Anzac you need boats to shuttle troops to mainland. It depends if the U.S.A joins the Pacific if they do then you should buy boats to join there boats.
@FranceNeedsMorePower said in Need strategic help:
@AndrewAAGamer First off I have a lot of question about your remarks. Why did you say I take these ideas with a gain of salt.
Sigh. Okay, so I was trying to be nice. I didn’t want to come out and say “Hey, most of this is really horrible advice so, don’t listen to it.” Instead, I hoped to subtly let the reader understand that some of this advice is probably not so good and to avoid it without hurting your feelings.
I love the Axis and Allies series, absolutely love these games. And because of that, I feel a sense of duty to give back to the gaming community that has given me so much pleasure over the years and hopefully, by providing good advice, make other people better players so they can win and enjoy the games more; thus increasing the community itself. Therefore, when I see someone giving really questionable or blatantly bad advice I feel it is my duty to protect others who may not have the same understanding of the game as I do so they do not mistakenly take said bad advice. So I spoke out in a way, I had hoped, that would get the message across to them and also to you without sticking a dagger into your eye.
Now, I hope you noticed that I did not respond to all the points you made, because some of them were good advice and some were only questionable advice which I choose to ignore. I only responded to the ones that were outright horrible advice.
Good advice:
When playing as the Allies it’s generally more challenging. Your always reacting to the Axis.
Russia: There is nothing specific about Russia, you cannot do anything to stop the anslut from Germany. Some players will take the guys in the Pacific and march them to Europe. Keep those 18 inf. and 2 AAA. guns in the Pacific wait for Manchuria or Korea to be vulnerable then attack. By lots of infantry to fight against Germany.
Anzac: KEEP TAKING THE DUTCH ISLANDS! also, build up a fleet to attack Japan. To have a good sized fleet it will take you 10 Turns probably. Make sure there is enough land troops in Sydney to protect it.
Questionable advice:
China: China is outgunned but can do a lot. Most players will just focus on defence. China needs defence and offence. Usually if Japan takes Yunnan they will make it out scarce. You can retake it with 8 guys and a fighter vs. some guys and a artillery. Pretty good odds. Your fighter is key keep it and use it for offensive. Build a good stack and go in with the Fighter to attack. If you are able to buy Artillery BUY IT! If you get lucky you may be able to buy 1 or 2 these can be very helpful.
France: Germany will expel you from Europe, what to do? Well first, DONT SCRAMBLE THE FRENCH FIGHTER TO THE 110 SEA ZONE ATTACK. He is much more useful. Fly him down to africa to join the three French guys. Whoa cool! That is 3 guys and a fighter pretty good for the French.
Horrible advice: (Responded to in previous post)
U.S.A.: Your the powerhouse of the Allies. Do not split your power equal to both sides of the board. Pick one and stick with it. I like to go with Europe. for about 4-8 rounds build up a huge fleet in the Atlantic. Make sure you have a lot of guys and transports. Then go to the Morocco Sea Zone and wait. Here you can attack Italy and France, scary! This well get the Axis to build up defences and spread them out. Lastly, team up with the U.K. build a fleet of troops together than strike.
U.K. Europe: In turn 1 and 2 your fleet in the Atlantic will be crushed by the German air force. So you will need a air force to fight back. On turn 1 take Eire. Turn 2 buy a airfield. That’s now three airfields connecting to sea zone 109. That’s a 9 Fighter scramble. Nice! After you have 9 Fighters to scramble build a fleet to help the U.S.A troops. as for Africa clean up the Italian navy in turn one along with some troops if possible. Get Persia as quick as possible then Iraq.
U.K. Pacific: Japan is a beast. You have three main things to do. 1, Build a fleet with the Anzac, 2, steal the Dutch islands from Japan, 3, Help China.
Now, since it appears you want to continue discussing the horrible advice so be it…
If you build up a fleet in the Atlantic, you can easily sail it a round to the Pacific.
If you wait 4-8 Turns before sending the Atlantic Fleet into the Pacific, due to distance considerations, you are looking at not putting in any US resources into the Pacific until at least Turns 6-10. By then Japan would be so powerful any US forces at that point would be too late. Once Japan has eliminated China, taken India, Far East Russia and controlled the Money Islands they are actually collecting MORE money than the US so… game over.
When you said you have never seen this strategy before even if my strategy is good or not does not depend on you saying if you have seen it or not. Also, The 9 Fighter scramble allows for you to build a fleet to hit Pairs. I highly doubt the British will struggle against the Italians.
My fault, I was trying to be nice. I figured if a high ranking player said they have never seen this strategy than that would be a pretty good hint that it was not a good idea. Bluntly, this is a horrible idea. UK Europe starts the game with 5 fighters. I think we can safely assume 6 based on a fighter Bid in Scotland. That means we need to build 3 more fighters PLUS an airbase or basically a Turn and a half of resources just to start building a fleet in 109. I promise you, if the UK does not have any fighters in the Med, nor spend any resources in the Med, until about Turn 5; the British are going to struggle mightily with the Italians as they will own all of North Africa, including Egypt, and a portion of the Middle East.
In addition, Moscow is going to fall quickly and easily if all the UK fighters are sitting in London instead of Moscow. The key for UK is to subdue Italy in no more than 3-4 Turns so the British fighters can make Moscow no later than Turn 6 to stave off the typical German G7 attack.
If, the situation demands, a UK fleet off Great Britain and it cannot be built off Great Britain, due to German pressure, than build it off Canada and then move it to London (109).
You said buying boats is a waste, it is not a waste. As for the Anzac you need boats to shuttle troops to mainland. It depends if the U.S.A joins the Pacific if they do then you should buy boats to join there boats.
I said buying boats for UK Pacific was a waste. I never said anything about ANZAC because you gave good advice regarding ANZAC.
@AndrewAAGamer First off I never meant you had to buy fighters. I may have said that by mistake. Just get three fighters. This strategy would work for Europe. Also, he said he needed new strategy’s. So it does not hurt to try this one. It is very affective if you are just playing the europe board. And who are you to say it is bad advice have you tried it? Try it in triple a. Build a fleet then attack.
Why is not scrambling the fighter bad advice it is good. As I explained in my french video it could take out more units than just assist taking a sub. If it flew to Moscow for example it will probably take out three infantry or more.
I also question why you put my China advice in the questionable area. China needs to have a small offensive ability. If they can take back 2 Japanese territories the Japs have to retake it again. -
@chris-laf Why not switch sides and alternate, this alone could improve your gameplay. As Witt mentioned, you’re taking the worst of it always playing the Allies.
All games played on the form are open to view. You can analyze the top players and implement their strategies.
Just wondering, why is the US not moving before round 5? If germany attacks all sides all attacks are kinda weak. So they will lose a lot of power as well, They cannot attack france, and Russia and the UK fleet all in turn 1 and have a lot of forces left.
Also attacking russia round 1 isnt ideal and leaves some weak points.Japan 1 is powerfull but it generally leaves some weak poins, not many but he cant expect to roll great everywhere.
As allies try to hit where you got some advantage, japan is weak if it loses to many inf units in china, so use that to drain him. Also dont leave forces open for easy conquest if he can attack with a lot of airpower then just make sure its only airpower or step back a bit and counter his small infantry stacks.
UK will have a massive fleet left, or germany has no airforce left, either way both UK and US can move into europe relatively quickly.
@FranceNeedsMorePower said in Need strategic help:
I also question why you put my China advice in the questionable area. China needs to have a small offensive ability. If they can take back 2 Japanese territories the Japs have to retake it again.
The below is the questionable part.
@AndrewAAGamer said in Need strategic help:
You can retake it with 8 guys and a fighter vs. some guys and a artillery. Pretty good odds.
I don’t know if you are describing a counter attack to a J1 DOW or not. I am assuming best case for Japan, which is an all out attack on Yunnan on J1. (3 inf, art, ftr, tac, 2 bmb) This also assumes no Yunnan Stack which is becoming a pretty popular Bid.
Average Japanese loses are 2 infantry leaving two infantry holding Yunnan. Your above advice is to attack with all 8 infantry and the fighter. That is questionable advice. You want a reasonable take of Yunnan, as you do not want Japan to hold it, but you don’t want to throw away all of your infantry just to be annihilated on J2.
For a 2 unit defense 4 infantry and the fighter provide you with a 96.6% chance of taking Yunnan back. That is pretty reasonable. If you really want to make sure 5 infantry makes it 99.7%. Saving as many infantry as possible is good advice.
Playing Allies is… Well, by now we (my buddy and me) have definitly pivoted to “Axis has a serious advantage”.
My current strategy has a fairly large focus on the Middle East and shutting down Japan. Germany needs longer to fully get out of control than Japan.
With UK Europe take Iraq Turn 1, build a factory there, and use it to keep Egypt under your control. Italy needs to be cut down to size fairly quickly, or you are forever fighting a big annoyance there. Turn 2 UK can destroy the ethiopian Italy forces, and afterwards it gets a bit situational. I like to do the Taranto raid (full strike against the sea zone east of Italy), and a strike against the Seazone around Malta in Turn 1 too.
UK pacifics goal is to keep India for as long as possible. The Iraq factory can support counterpressure on India too. You are likely not going to get on the offensive with UK pacific, unless the game is mostly over anyway.
US drops most of their forces (at best all) into the pacific for the first 5-6 rounds. Build up a fleet that can challenge the japanese offensively with the support of some strategic bombers. Defensively you want to sit somewhere with an airbase, which allows fighters to scramble from there. Your goal is to get into a situation in which the Japanese can’t ship forces from Japan towards India, and in which the mainland Japanese factories are threatened. Taking bake the Phillies will likely be impossible, so the Carolines or (if ANZAC has enough money) a forward operating base at DNG or Java is great. Malay or Queensland work out too but are placed worse. Queensland is already a fairly defensive position. ANZAC works in sync with this, and should try to contest the indonesian islands. I have now gone away from using suicide transports, but ANZAC is pretty much the one exception for this.
The chinese goal is… well, survive. Japan will want to push through you, but you can’t let that happen or the SU is in big trouble. Pick your battles, preserve your forces as good as possible and grind down on the japanese ground forces. You get ground forces back faster than they do.
For the SU… well, I like a slightly unconventional approach. Keep all the siberian forces in the east. They are a serious threat to Japan, and need to be dealt with. Attack Korea early (SU 3 likely), and be that constant threat in the north.
Europe is in this case mostly about survival. You want UK to stay defensive in the home islands, take Eire in UK1. Buys there are dependent on what else is happening. If the navy is still alive (unlikely) you can be offensive, otherwise the goal is to keep Gibraltar and defend against Sea Lion as cheaply as possible. Always prefer to buy airforce, compared to INF-stacks there though.
The Soviets need to really really pick their battles. Unless Germany goes hard for Sea Lion, they will get most of the german (and possibly italian) IPC thrown against them. Unless the german airforce is nightmarishly out of position, you want to retreat. You can get into a position to beat the main german stack(s), but this needs to be done carefully. The target is to not lose Stalingrad and the Caucasus (in this case the eco swings very very badly against you). But in general, rather lose a couple of territories, than take a battle that is unfavourable. Early buys should be mobility focused (always keep a small airforce, and always have some MECH/TNK, to take back areas), afterwards you want that mixed INF/ART stack to counter a german attack that went to offensive.
As soon as Japan is “under control”, the US needs to throw their forces towards Europe. Control of 91 is crucial. From then on you got offensive choices. Rome or Norway are the main targets.
But yeah, it is hard as the Allies. We are now close to actually introducing a bid, as the last couple of games have been very axis-advantage (interestingly the first few games were different)
Looking at what the losing side also did might tell you what not to do (several of my games certainly teach that).
@AndrewAAGamer Yes a counter and no bid btw. It makes Japan have to retake by also losing two guys as well. No 100% but pretty good.