@the-captain I dig it ! Wow you really go big on the U Boats early. Concentration of force is key though : ) How do you control the Med ? Are u placing U Boats off of S France ?
I looked back at my earlier test games and they usually rolled like this for the most part.
6 Waffen inf and the 2 SS arty. An Elite and 2 Paras. A Pancer and a Uboat. Really like to buy an Elite every turn and a Para.
I hit both 110 and 111. 110 has 2 Uboats and 3 ftrs and 3 tacs plus a bmbr. 111 has BB sub ftr tac bmbr.
106 2 subs. I can see the reasoning for 3 but I’d have to forgo one of 111 or 110 then. Sometimes I like to try and dust that CA off of Gib too.
I keep 2 SS inf back to upgrade. The panzer is for future Army builds. Plus I was trying to see if I could establish Rommel in N Africa. Air trprt next rd.
Anyway, probably trying to do too much. Idk tho, I don’t like leaving UK with a nucleus to build it’s navy. Sometimes 111 doesn’t work but they usually retreat to Iceland then. Usually a sucker move if Germany goes after them there it seems like.
Got me all fired up to start another game lol. Been busy with some other stuff, but think I’ll reup on beer and start one lol