Hi @general-kromwell there’s some current discussion on new games here https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/39599/more-announcements-from-renegade
Napoleonic Wars Axis & Allies Style Game
@MikeF-AusTX The thing is you have some neutral states like Spain, then others like Norway and Sweden are de facto colonies of France and UK respectively. Its just wrong. Sweden Hated Russia and didn’t commit troops to continental Europe, and certainly would not be a puppet of England. Countries aligned but neutral should have their own income and different armies like you have with Spain
@Imperious-Leader We would have loved to make Sweden an independent country in our game but we would also have had to do so with Denmark/Norway (and cases could be made for Portugal and Naples). Ultimately we were limited in available colors for units and also were concerned about the extra playing time when you have too many countries. That doesn’t mean either one is a “colony” or “puppet”, just an ally like the countries named above (among others). By comparison, Mexico is shown as a US Territory in A&A Global 1940 even though it was an independent ally. Also, don’t forget that Swedish and Russian troops fought together under Bernadotte in the 1813-14 campaign.
Its called spray paint…poof different colors.
The pieces from Viktory II are simply fantastic for any game in the Napoleonic era. The 9 available colors gives the gamecrafter great flexibility.
If you are looking for a historical factory piece, I’d suggest looking at War! Age of Imperialism from Eagle Games. You can get a runner of industry & infrastructure buildings for $2.99.
@crsluggo Many thanks for Eagle Games link. They are temporarily out of the period factory but hopefully it will get back in stock. They had some other miniatures that I ordered to see how they might work in our game. I quite agree that the Morrison Games pieces used in Viktory II are perfect for Napoleonic games and very affordable. If you come across other similar items, please let us know. Thanks again!
Also note that Risk – the plain basic edition, not one of the countless spin-offs – has little plastic Napoleonic sculpts of infantry, cavalry and artillery, in multiple colours. On the minus side, they’re kind of small, but on the plus side the game is cheap and readily available, so its units could perhaps be used to supplement the bigger ones from other games if sheer numbers are needed. For instance, as a variation of the A&A concept of using mini poker chips to represent multiple units, the little Risk units (which are too small to be a good choice to use as the main game pieces) could be used on the board alongside the big ones to represent extra groups of five (or whatever) units.
Also of potential interest for the naval side of things are NavWar’s lines of Napoleonic ships:
1:3000 SCALE - NAPOLEONIC SHIPShttp://www.navwar.co.uk/nav/default.asp?MMID=75
1:1200 SCALE - NAPOLEONIC SHIPS & AMERICAN WAR OF INDEPENDENCEhttp://www.navwar.co.uk/nav/default.asp?MMID=20
http://www.navwar.co.uk/nav/default.asp?MMID=24 -
You don’t want those ships. You want sturdy one piece ships where you can see the chip underneath.
@CWO-Marc We quite agree that Risk pieces can be very useful for our game. There have been many variations of Risk pieces over the years, some of which are quite small (we use them to represent militia) but some of which are perfectly sized and we use them for siege artillery and light cavalry. Here are some examples:
FYI: Eagle Games has the runner of industry & infrastructure buildings back in stock. I just took delivery of 5 myself!
Me and my friend have explored the idea of creating a Napoleonic Wars game. Could you share the map file and rules to help us come up with more ideas?
Ever heard of the Game Napoleon’s Imperium?
I remember this being popular with some of the most experienced players in the triplea lobby.
I think the FFA version was played the most.
Never tried it myself though.
@barnee FFA was mental: having silly nations allied to each other . I only played 3-5 . Nobody jut me seemed to like it !
The games after that were all : 4 historic allied nations vs (sort of ) 4 allied (baddy ) nations .
It is a good map, but Britain starts too strong with too many Fortresses in the Med. Makes it hard for Spain .
I wish you luck in your game design.
I own a Waterloo (battle) game , but it is not very good .
A campaign would would be fun. -
@Witt because its on AAA? Tabletop is a step above but still no where close to steam 1942…
@General-Day That’s awesome!
The Napoleonic wargame we created was also a collaboration between me and a close friend.
Would you mind if I asked whether you are creating your wargame for you and your friend to play or for commercial sale? If we sent you our map file and rules document, we would want you to recognize that we retain the copyrights for them.That formality aside, we’re happy that other people share our interest in a Napoleonic wargame - in our case based on Axis and Allies. If you’re interested, here is a link to a video we created of a trial game we played a few years back: https://youtu.be/p0tPHGrS8hw?si=Ot6skd6Ut7x8lmAC
@LordPatrick We do not want to sell this we just want to play it within our friend group. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
@LordPatrick Thanks for the video.
@The-Janus No, I never have. I’ll look into it.
I’m the generals friend, its not historically accurate but I wonder if teaming the US with France is a good idea just so it can include wars like the war of 1812 or the Spanish-American war.