Can someone make an A&A style Napoleonic game?

  • '10

    CRAZY!  I did almost the same thing and did a play test with the rules last year.


  • @FieldMarshalGames:

    CRAZY!  I did almost the same thing and did a play test with the rules last year.


    Man, that looks beautiful. I see you used the AoN map, which is probably not a bad idea either. How did it work out, and what rules did you use?

  • '10

    The Map was from Age of Napoleon
    The Chips were from Axis & Allies
    The Generals were from Age of Empires
    The units were from Victory II
    And I used the GOLDEN CAVALRY unit from RISK Special Edition as the Napoleon unit.

    PM me with your e-mail address and I can send you a PDF copy of the playtest rules

    Here is a preview of a few pages…


  • '10

    French Set-up chart from Playtest booklet.


  • @Raeder:


    CRAZY!  I did almost the same thing and did a play test with the rules last year.


    Man, that looks beautiful. I see you used the AoN map, which is probably not a bad idea either. **How did it work ou**t, and what rules did you use?

    It worked out pretty well.  The rules could use a few tweaks and the map could definatley use some work (too many territories in some areas, not enough in others) but overall it was nice (and easy to catch on to the rules)

  • '10

    The Battle system works great…  But Ver 2 needs a custom map.

  • Viktory II rocks! Great minis!

  • If you’re looking for something with more A&A-like mechanics and you’re willing to allow it to be more “ahistorical,” it’s pretty easy to do with either Viktory II or Risk or NIE pieces.  Here’s my basic approach, which I’ve done on an NIE board (with NIE pieces with students in a games club), a Risk board (literally dozens of times with all sorts of groups) and a Castle Risk board (about half a dozen times with different groups):

    Attack  Defense  Move  Cost
    Infantry      2              3        1        3
    Cavalry        4              2        2        5
    Artillery      3              5        1        9

  • If you play Napoleon In Europe using the basic level rules (provided in the manual) its pretty much an axis and allies like risk game. Theres simple rules for movement, combat and building. Each unit is different from one another.

    Of course NIE is extremely difficult to get a hold of these days but Eagle games does sell most of the components on their website:

  • Holden how is your next map project coming along?

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