How did Afrika Korp get to Africa?

  • So I can’t find an answer on this. Does anyone know how Germany managed to send units into northern Africa? I am pretty sure the only Kreigsmarine units ever sent into the med was U-boats so did they rely on a merchant fleet, Vichy France, or the Royal Marina?

  • I looked amd could find no evidence, either. I have seen pictures of the Light Division’s Tanks being hoisted off ships on arrival at Algiers (I think).  Cannot remember noticing how the sailors were dressed, unfortunately, or even in which book I saw the photos .
    I , too, would love to know the answer to your question.

  • Finally something I can add here:

    Unternehmen Sonnenblume

  • Fantastic, Panther. Thank you. I  Did not even know the codename fir the landing. I was looking through the history of the 5th Light, for the answer.
    Will read properly, after the school run.

  • From what I briefly read, it seems like in fact they did rely on the Royal Marina for most of the work with some German air units but I can’t find anything conclusive.

  • I looked last night. Could only find info on first landing march 1941. Used mainly italian ships. Sent in small task forces. They only offloaded transports during the day. Showed the naval casualties and which ship caused it. Didnt have info on 2 later build ups or regular resupply. But knowing how important the ports were and that you can build a runway almost anywhere, i would infer they used mainly ships, not planes.

  • I haven’t done any research on the subject, but my guess would be the following.  The Afrika Korps could not have travelled from Europe to North Africa by land, since the closest overland route is in neutral Turkey.  It couldn’t have sent its heavy equipment there by air, since Germany (as far as I know) didn’t have cargo planes big enough to carry tanks – and even if it did, moving an armoured division by air would have been tremendously time-consuming.  This means that it had to have travelled by sea.  Germany isn’t a maritime nation, so its merchant and naval fleets have always been small compared to those of the UK and the US…and, moreover, the Royal Navy had pretty much managed to bottle up Germany’s ships in the Baltic early in WWII.  So to move the Afrika Korps from Europe to North Africa, Germany would probably have had no option than to do so with the help of Italy, since Italy is more of a maritime nation than Gemany and since Italy was geographically in the right place to assist with such a task.  Vichy France would not have been in option: southern France was geographically in the right place, but the Vichy regime kept a tight hold on its naval forces (which were mainly in North Africa) to help maintain the fiction that Vichy France was “unoccupied” and that it wasn’t a puppet state of Nazi Germany; it probably had a similar policy towards its merchant fleet.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    I recall reading about 20 years ago, that the Italians were responsible for bringing German infantry and equipment across the mediterranean.

    I also recall reading about the significance of Malta, and how allied aircraft from Malta heavily pummeled these Axis Logistics;  costing thousands of men and vehicles.  I’ve also heard argument over the years that if Malta had been invaded early on, at whatever cost, that africa/egypt may have been won by the Axis; simply from the logistics standpoint of men and materials.

    It’s all hazy memory so forgive me; but I think there may be some truth in there.

  • Probably why theres 2 Inf  1 Fort and an Airbase on Malta at start of HBG 39 game.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    This pretty much explains everything I just mentioned.

    General Erwin Rommel, in de facto field command of Axis forces in North Africa, recognised its importance quickly. In May 1941, he warned that “Without Malta the Axis will end by losing control of North Africa”.[1]

    Africa Korps was March 41 to May 43

    Here’s another interesting Exert, citing some of the early failures of the allies to interdict axis logistics
    “From January�April, the Axis sent 321,259 tons to Libya and all but 18,777 tons reached port. This amounted to a 94 percent success rate for convoy safety running the British interdiction. Of the 73,991 men sent by sea, 71,881 (97 percent), arrived in Africa.”
    ANother inter

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10


    So I can’t find an answer on this. Does anyone know how Germany managed to send units into northern Africa? I am pretty sure the only Kreigsmarine units ever sent into the med was U-boats so did they rely on a merchant fleet, Vichy France, or the Royal Marina?

    I have found an answer you are looking for!!! Check this out

    In mid-April, 1941, a five ship Axis convoy sailed from Naples, en route to Tripoli. It consisted of four German troopships (Adana, Arta, Aegina and Iserlohn) and an Italian ammunition ship (Sabaudia). The convoy was escorted by a “Navigatori” class destroyer Luca Tarigo (flagship) and two Folgore class destroyers, Baleno and Lampo, all commanded by Commander Pietro de Cristofaro. The convoy was delayed by bad weather, sailing in the evening of 13 April.

    So in at least this instance there were German Troop Ships, with Italian surface ship support, and I’ve also read about German air support at a glance.  I would argue that Axis Convoys were a bit of a mixed bag.

    Probably alot of civilian vessels “confiscated” and re purposed.

  • Thanks Gar. This is sweet

  • Its amazing what you can google

  • @Bob77:

    Its amazing what you can google

    I googled this from time to time and couldn’t find any conclusive answer. I always assumed it was Italy who did it however I also know at least at some point, Germany had permission to land at a Vichy port.

  • '21 '20 '18 '17

    another interesting question is how they heck were they able to load or unload a tiger tank in an era where ships were still loaded with bags by pure manpower and small cranes that appear more dangerous than useful.  A ship built for fishing or bulk carriage is totally unsuited for holding large armored vehicles.

    there is one anecdote where Rommel finds a huge Quad-Carrier truck (UK made Morris C8s I think) and requisitioned two for his use for the rest of the desert campaign.  Opening the glove box, he finds a pair of spatted sunglasses, the old-school kind, and approvingly put them on.  What a find!

    So, they didn’t even consider providing their troops with sunglasses (much less a big desert quad truck or two)?  Such that even the supreme commander had to find them as loot?  Seriously?

    Maybe they would have won the war if they had found a container full of cut-off shorts and zinc oxide.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    there is one anecdote where Rommel finds a huge Quad-Carrier truck (UK made Morris C8s I think) and requisitioned two for his use for the rest of the desert campaign.

    This is true - I read it in the book “In the desert with Rommel”.

    As for sunglasses, I know the germans had all kinds of dust and flight goggles… and from what i can read - they were issues sunglasses too.  The sunglasses just sucked.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    As for cranes being more dangerous that safe - haha I believe it.

    But safety wasn’t the paramount concern in that era…  it was more of a git-r-dun attitude; pushing the engineering of boats, cranes, men, and equipment to the maximum.

    I wonder what kind work place incident/accident statistics occurred during the war period…

  • Nice pics Garg. Thanks.

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