My best advice Hoff, is to set all the money you’ll need aside before hand. And then set a schedule that sees you complete. Do not stop until you PASS!
Thanks Garg. I was looking for your input here since I remember you telling me that you had a PPL. Money is the real issue… It is darn expensive. It would take some time to save $6-7k before hand, plus I have have somewhat of a time crunch for ANG purposes, so I am sort of spending as I go. Not ideal, I know, but what I really need is to get into a set schedule.
+/- 300m sounds like some nasty winds. It is … interesting… enough to have a mild crosswind causing a 10 degree approach angle. You just have to go with it until you get 10 ft off the ground where you can finally correct for it. Landed the plane on my second flight though, which was cool. Instructor says I have potential.
The Force is strong with me. (Which is encouraging) 8-)