• '17 '16

    I have Dice Towers myself, but they are very much not very WWII-ey… I use them with my RISK: Lord of the Rings game (as seen below, is my copy of the game with towers)… the silver and black towers are dice towers.


  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Those are cool.

    Is the Lord of the Rings risk game good?

  • I have it as well. However I haven’t played it that much. AA just take over lol.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    I have it as well. However I haven’t played it that much. AA just take over lol.

    I have a lot of games like that, lol, as well. :-D

  • Customizer

    You can make cheap functional ones with the quart size milk cartons and just paint them to dress them up.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer


    You can make cheap functional ones with the quart size milk cartons and just paint them to dress them up.

    That is an awesome idea.

  • I have used them. Nice to use in tight spaces.

    I also use only rounded corner dies do to better rolling when dies come out at bottom instead of sliding more.

  • @John:


    You can make cheap functional ones with the quart size milk cartons and just paint them to dress them up.

    That is an awesome idea.

    And to expand on it: to build the internal platforms off of which the dice bounce as they drop down the tower, use a bunch of rectangular kitchen sponges cut into triangular shapes and glued to the inside of the carton.  The sponge material has good bouncy qualities, and as a bonus it absorbs the noise of the falling dice (unlike wooden platforms, which produce a loud rattle).

  • Nice CWO. I used pool table felt for all surfaces as CWO stated.

  • When i was researching dice tower construction i stumbled across examples of cheap and easy dice towers. One was even made out of an i-phone case. For sure a good road to go down if material is not readily on hand. Most people drink milk and would have a milk carton.

    Just for interest sake, I thought i would share a couple Dice tower reviews;



    I had to line the baffles with a sticker sponge material from the dollar store. The dice passing through the tower made considerable noise. My better half ever shut the door to the basement lol. I can’t wait to post a few pics of them in action.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    That is why I love these forums. Everyone is so creative and talented. :-)

  • … except me! … who did not even know what a dice tower is for! :roll:

  • @Private:

    … except me! … who did not even know what a dice tower is for! :roll:

    When they’re designed with effective soundproofing, they’re used to save marriages!  :)

  • @CWO:


    … except me! … who did not even know what a dice tower is for! :roll:

    When they’re designed with effective soundproofing, they’re used to save marriages!  :)


  • '17 '16


    Those are cool.

    Is the Lord of the Rings risk game good?

    Depends on what you like… if you hate normal Risk and/or don’t like LotR, then no… it’s a terrible game and you should avoid it like the plague.

    We are talking the obvious here… it’s basically RISK, played on a map of Middle Earth from LotR. If you like Risk and/or are a fan of LotR, then it’s definitely a fun game and a winner.

    Boiled down, it is very much RISK on a LotR map of Middle Earth (if you get the game, there’s actually two versions, make sure you get the “TRILOGY EDITION” or you’ll get ripped off)… the major change/difference beyond map is the addition of Fortresses and Leaders… Forts (Like Helm’s Deep or Minas Tirith) add a +1 to your highest die roll when on defense… Leaders travel with armies and add +1 to your highest die roll on attack or defense (and can be added on top of defending a fortress for a big fat +2). There’s also the ringbearer… which kind of adds a timer so-to-speak so the RISK game doesn’t go on forever… evil kinda wants to win before the Ringbearer makes it to Mt Doom… this prevents a 10 hour game of Risk!

    As for my picture above and the “looks cool” comment… realize I did “trick-out” my copy of LotR: Risk… the Dice Towers are obviously not default with the game, Fortresses are just printed on the map, I actually added color-coordinated Fortress pieces to my version, and the biggest change I made… was leaders… in default LotR: Risk, the leaders are generic flags that implies “hey, there’s a leader here”… I added miniatures of famous characters from LotR as leader pieces… so you actually have Gandalf, Saruman or the Lord of the Nazgul as your leader for example… not some plastic flag.

    In summary, if you like Risk and/or if you like LotR, yes its a fun game and I enjoy it… but if you hate Risk and hate LotR… stay clear, this game won’t make you magically like them if you don’t already. Like A&A, it was fun to customize the game and make it better than it is out of the box.

    I can’t get my kids to play A&A much, but they both enjoy LotR Risk


  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    It looks like a lot fun, and I like all your additions to the game.

    Where did you get your dice towers for it?

    Cute kids.

    That is cool that they like board games, because some don’t. :-)

  • @CWO:


    … except me! … who did not even know what a dice tower is for! :roll:

    When they’re designed with effective soundproofing, they’re used to save marriages!  :)

    You mean my wife may actually allow me to play in the house? :lol:

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer




    … except me! … who did not even know what a dice tower is for! :roll:

    When they’re designed with effective soundproofing, they’re used to save marriages!�  :)

    You mean my wife may actually allow me to play in the house? :lol:

    That is too funny! Mine is at the point that she doesn’t won’t me in the house, because of all my toys.

  • '17 '16


    It looks like a lot fun, and I like all your additions to the game.

    Where did you get your dice towers for it?

    Ya… if you look in the other games forum, you’ll find more details on my mods there… (look for the RISK: LotR thread)… but to answer quickly since this IS the Dice Tower thread…

    Those in the picture are SolidFactory Dice Towers (silver and black)… you can pick them up on Amazon for about $30/ea… a bit pricey, but they are very solid and sturdy, and won’t dissolve if you spill a drink on them… they’ll last forever.


    Cute kids.

    That is cool that they like board games, because some don’t. :-)

    Thanks, I’m kinda partial to my kids… and yes, as a single father, I pretty much can teach them how life really is… like everything in the world is based on WWII and board games. (hehe, just kidding). But we do have family game night every week, and I have a host of various board games we play face to face… it’s an excuse to rip them from their computers and cell phones for some face to face family time… something that board games will always be superior to their digital counterparts at.

  • '18 '17 '16 '15 Customizer

    Thanks for the information.

    I wish, more family’s would bond with their children, like that.

    It is so much more healthy for them, than just using technology.

    I use to see kids play outside, but now they are stuck to phones, computers or video games, these days.

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