A couple of months ago I completed a custom dice project that my group has been using for Axis & Allies games and some other games that utilize 1 and under d6 rolls, 2 and under rolls, 3 and under, etc. We’ve found these dice GREATLY speed up Axis & Allies combats and make the combats easier to run. There are 4 different colored dice, white, blue, green, and red. White has one side with a hit symbol (the rest are blank), blue has 2 sides with hits symbols, green has 3 sides with hit symbols, and red has 4 sides with hit symbols. See the image below:

Here’s an Axis & Allies combat example using these dice.
In a A&A global game Germany is attacking the USSR with:
5 Infantry
3 Mechanized Infantry
6 Artillery
7 Tanks
2 Fighters
4 Strategic Bombers
Instead of rolling each of these unit types separately and looking at the numbers and then figuring out which numbers rolled under that units to-hit number, I instead collect up the following dice and roll ALL of them at the same time. I then only need to count the dice showing the “EXPLOSION” hit symbol. No need to look for certain numbers on some dice and other numbers on other dice. Just count the “EXPLOSION” symbols and you have your hit total.
5 Infantry (5 blue dice)<all 5=“” supported=“” from=“” artillery=“”></all>
3 Mechanized Infantry (2 white dice, 1 blue dice) <1 supported from artillery>
6 Artillery (6 blue dice)
7 Tanks (7 green dice)
2 Fighters (2 green dice)
1 Tactical Bomber (1 red dice)
4 Strategic Bombers (4 red dice)
All at once I roll: 2 white die, 12 blue, 9 green, 5 red.
Here’s what I did to create these dice:
Purchased ~100 blank d6 dice
Printed “EXPLOSION” symbols on transparent laser label paper
Cut the “EXPLOSION” symbols out
Stuck the cutouts to the blank dice
Unfortunately, the label stickers are slowly wearing off and I’d rather not have to always be checking all of my ~100 dice to see if any label needs replacing. Very tedious.
My question is, would anyone be interested in supporting a Kickstarter for these dice? I’m sure they can also be used for other games that roll 1 and under, 2 and under, etc. My group uses these dice for A&A and some home games I created. I probably won’t be the one starting the Kickstarter. I contacted an author of a Kickstarter that’s creating WW2 dice for some other game and asked him if he would consider adding dice like mine to his Kickstarter. He said not for his current Kickstarter but he may start another one if there was interest. Would anyone support something like this? I’m going to send this thread to the author of the original Kickstarter so he can gauge interest.