Awesome that the Axis won! I have np advice, but I always love seeing game reports! Keep up the good work!
Taranto, Tobruk, or Both?
I’ve been running various scenarios this morning trying to see if it’s possible to do both the Taranto Raid and take Tobruk on UK1. In 6 tries I managed to take Tobruk 6 times and Taranto 5 times. After failing the one time to take Taranto I moved the Tactical Bomber over to Taranto from Tobruk and it seemed no problem to do both after that.
The only question I have is it a good idea? In order to accomplish both I had to bring 2 Fighters and a Strategic Bomber down from London. Depending on what survives you could land planes on Malta, move them to Gibraltar UK2, and then back to London UK3.
I made a video of my last attempt to show how I did it. What do you think? Would you do it differently? Is it a good idea? -
I always like to go for both.
I might not the get the chance to watch your video GHG.
Could you please list (OOB) of course…what your sending into Taranto and Tobruk? Â
Me personally, I like Ethiopia more than Tobruk. In the two times I’ve tried Tobruk/Taranto simultaneously, I almost lost Cairo and it slowed down my fighter builds for Moscow.
I’m new to G40 but not Axis and Allies itself. This seems pretty straight forward; why hit only one when you can successfully hit both? I’m assuming there is a downside otherwise everyone would employ this tactic. What is it?
I’m very intrigued, if I like the numbers this could be something I do a lot. I’ll have to take a closer look.
I usually go for both. Losing Cruiser in 91 for german sub makes it a bit more difficult, but I think it’s still doable.
Taranto: Cruiser, Carrier, Destroyer and Tac Bomber from sz98 and two Figthers and Strat Bomber from London. This gives me 96% chance even with scramble if no German planes in S. Italy.
Tobruk is a lot riskier, as I can get only 88% chance with the Fighter from Malta and of every land unit that can reach. It gets even more riskier if I have already lost my sz91 Cruiser, since I have to risk losing the sz96 battle with only one Fighter or tie up the Malta Fighter here, leaving the assault itself weak. Or I can risk Taranto with pulling a Destroyer elsewhere. I still think its worthwhile, as I have a chance of knocking out Italys main force in Africa.
When I’m playing Axis, I usually counter this by landing a fighter in Tobruk and Tac Bomber in Rome on G1. Taranto usually still happens, but it takes options away from the British.
Hi YG.
I Like to Attack both, because I think being aggressive on UK1, is necessary to ensure Itaky does not become a Monster. Obviously, either battle could go wrong, despite the odds. But I prefer weakening Italy. Knowing I need very bad luck to lose Egypt on UK1.
It does depend if I can get two Air units on the surviving German Battkeship off England. But, worst comes to the worst, I would take a surviving lone Battleship, if it meant I took out Italy’s offensive possibility , before it even gets a go . I attack Ethiopia with the Indian TT (5 units and Bombardment). -
Taranto. I hate losing the SZ98 TT for a not particularly favourable battle.
Taranto or Tobruk?
Taranto certainly, unless the G navy becomes a better target for UK air.
If doing Taranto, why is Tobruk more important than East Africa?
Taranto or Tobruk?
Taranto certainly, unless the G navy becomes a better target for UK air.
If doing Taranto, why is Tobruk more important than East Africa?
Because Italians has a possibility to reinforce Tobruk.
Thanks DrunkenCat & ShadowHAwk.
Doesn’t victory in East Africa and then the return of those units in UK2, plus Italy’s only having 1 TT left, etc all safeguard Egypt anyway?
I gave up on Tobruk very early in my 40G career following a bad loss, deciding that Taranto + Tobruk was an unnecessary risk.
Whilst I have lost Egypt on occasion this has not been the usual outcome, despite not attacking Tobruk.
Thanks DrunkenCat & ShadowHAwk.
Doesn’t victory in East Africa and then the return of those units in UK2, plus Italy’s only having 1 TT left, etc all safeguard Egypt anyway?
I gave up on Tobruk very early in my 40G career following a bad loss, deciding that Taranto + Tobruk was an unnecessary risk.
Whilst I have lost Egypt on occasion this has not been the usual outcome, despite not attacking Tobruk.
Of course. It’s just my preference to neuter Italy very early, even though it’s more risky than just protecting Egypt. It just suites my playstyle, and solves lots of my problems, like the Italian can opener (not completely, but takes some edge off of it).
With most things in this game, it’s situational and not exactly suited to all styles of play. For example, is there German air support (in the form of a fighter) in Tobruk? If there is, you would certainly not have the odds to do Tobruk AND Taranto, as you would need the tactical bomber or the Malta fighter in both fights to have a decent chance at winning, which is obviously not possible. But if the Germans don’t send a fighter to Tobruk, both attacks are certainly doable. A sub bid in SZ 98 will certainly help the UK’s odds in Taranto, possibly allowing them to use one fighter from London to clear out the German battleship instead of sending it to die in the Adriatic.
I might not the get the chance to watch your video GHG.
Could you please list (OOB) of course…what your sending into Taranto and Tobruk? �
Me personally, I like Ethiopia more than Tobruk. In the two times I’ve tried Tobruk/Taranto simultaneously, I almost lost Cairo and it slowed down my fighter builds for Moscow.
Taranto; Carrier, Tac Bomber, Cruiser, Destroyer from SZ 98. 2Fighters, Strat Bomber from London
SZ 96; Cruiser from SZ 91. Fighter from Gibraltar.
Tobruk; 2 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank from Alexandria. 1 Mech, 1 Artillery from Egypt. 1 Infantry, 1 Fighter from Malta. 1Transport from SZ 98.The decision to do this would of course be reactionary to what has happened in the game like it always is for all nations. If Germany set up to do a Sealion attack then I would be hesitant to take the Fighters from there. On the other hand, if all they had left from destroying the British fleet was a damaged Battleship in SZ 110 then the Fighter on Scotland and the Destroyer in SZ 109 could take care of that. If Japan goes J1 then the US could load up in the Atlantic to react to Sealion and Russia could get aggressive against Germany with the German money going west. If the Germans land a Fighter on Tobruk you could send the Fighter from Malta into Taranto and the Tac Bomber from SZ 98 into Tobruk to pair with the Tank for added punch (or send them both there). It would be a perfect response to the question posed in this thread; -
The odds are in your favor to do both these battles, and if they go right, you are correct that Italy will be substantially weakened. Â If you have the bid of 10, you can make them even more likely to succeed. Â Â Both are odds battles though, not sure things and most or all of your UK stuff will be dead even if you are sucessful, which means that the UK has to start from scratch in that region. Â Â Losing specifically the carrier and the protection/versatility of the planes from London is the biggest drawback; a lot of stronger players have many plans for those pieces later in the game.
The Tobruk pieces are a threat to UK, but they are also a liability for Italy; Â they are stuck in north Africa and so they either need rescue or reinforcement. Â Depending on how much navy Italy retains, they can be tempted to send good units after bad and try for Egypt. Â In most bid games (the ones where allies do T+T also), Egypt wont be easy for Italy to capture, it might be able to if it sends everything.
That’s a good sort of trap to lay for most players. Â Â If you neuter Italy with T+T turn 1, their best role changes to the can-opener/infantry build, even though its an involuntary assignment of this role, its a good role for Italy to have, and the optimal one if they get smacked turn 1. Â Â If you don’t do (both), they may be tempted to try for a North Africa game which can be a gigantic waste of resources if they don’t get the oil. Â Â
Italy’s bonuses and money don’t rely that much on Egypt itself. Â Â The 6 Allied North Africa territories are only worth $5 total (1x3, 1x0, 1x2), and taking the French ones has the consequence that the allies can take them back. Â Gibraltar is also worth $0. Â Â The Italian bonus money comes from the 1) clear med 2) holding the 3 of 4 but Egypt is the hardest 3) grabbing that oil but you’ll need a navy and 2 transports and a commit of most of your resources that remain after T+T.
I would recommend doing Taranto every time, the reduction in Italy power is well worth it. Â Â Doing tobruk alone is foolhardy in comparison, killing 6 trapped land units is not worth leaving a BB CA TT and the air force alone. Â Â Doing both has risks
- UK left with little or nothing after Italy’s turn
- UK loses key naval pieces
- Italy is no longer tempted to engage in a deadzone
- you are doing two odds battles on the first turn which can go south and affect the long game
- if you blow it and have to retreat then Italy can choose to kill the landed planes (if any), the remaining ships or kill the men trapped in Alexandria, or both (reversing the situation), leaving you with nothing and Italy with the control of the med until turn 5.
Good luck have fun!
One of the viewers on Youtube commented that it wasn’t possible to pick up the Infantry on Malta for the attack on Tobruk. After reading the rulebook I think he might be right. Does anyone know for sure?
I was trying it in TripleA and it didn’t let me, so I assume it’s not legal
Thanks, that’s what I thought. I could bring the Infantry from Egypt instead.
Guys: You cannot load from Malta , because the IT DD is in the SZ. Has to be from Egypt.
Guys: You cannot load from Malta , because the IT DD is in the SZ. Has to be from Egypt.
Quite right. Needs to be a friendly sea zone.