• And you are still down economy, and have achieved nothing extra in terms of destroying Allied forces in Asia, just the same kills that are usually made.

  • @ncscswitch:

    And you are still down economy, and have achieved nothing extra in terms of destroying Allied forces in Asia, just the same kills that are usually made.

    I agree. In fact, I very much like this move you made and will probably try it out very soon!!! :evil:

    However, I was just saying that you can hit both fleets successfully and have a minor air force.

  • 2007 AAR League



    3 inf, 1 ftr from india is ot a sure win against Fic

    True, only 50/50 to TAKE FIC.

    But it is 3 in 5 for killing all of the Japan forces there, including a FIG, which secures india another round AND reduces the forces available for China.

    C’mon Switch. That is a huge gamble. The average result is a cleared territory which means the UK fighter dies with the Japanese fighter. What’s left after that, 2 inf, 1 AA in the middle east and no Egypt counterattack. That’s a big gift to be giving Germany if it goes average.

  • C’mon Switch. That is a huge gamble. The average result is a cleared territory which means the UK fighter dies with the Japanese fighter. What’s left after that, 2 inf, 1 AA in the middle east and no Egypt counterattack. That’s a big gift to be giving Germany if it goes average.

    Agreed. It is not worth the risk.

  • Even if you just clear the territory, Japan can;t follow up and capitalize and take India on J1 since they lack manpower in FIC (and the SZ59 TRN is dead).  So, while UK may not re-take Egypt, they keep India (which you basically surrender on an India counter).

    You still damage the Japan Navy with your UK fleet, sinking a ship, maybe two depending on how many BB’s are brought to SZ59
    You still bleed off forces from Pearl, increasing the casualties there
    And you bleed off/kill FIGs increasing casualty rates for China on J1, and for future battles due to lost airpower (from the FIC attack, and then from attacks in SZ59 and Pearl)

    If it goes terribly wrong, what have you lost as UK?  You are gambling on nearly equal forces, and can ALWAYS RETREAT if round 1 dice go wrong (you CAN’T lose the UK FIG on the first round, even with the worst possible dice).

  • 2007 AAR League

    I like that there are alternates out there. Im getting tired of the same shit over and over.

  • 2007 AAR League


    I like that there are alternates out there. Im getting tired of the same sh*t over and over.

    Yeah I was about to say that I definently want to try some of this stuff out to make a different game. UK basically can sacrifice it’s stuff around Japan because who actually counts on keeping that for long anyway

  • 2007 AAR League


    Even if you just clear the territory, Japan can;t follow up and capitalize and take India on J1 since they lack manpower in FIC (and the SZ59 TRN is dead).  So, while UK may not re-take Egypt, they keep India (which you basically surrender on an India counter).

    You still damage the Japan Navy with your UK fleet, sinking a ship, maybe two depending on how many BB’s are brought to SZ59
    You still bleed off forces from Pearl, increasing the casualties there
    And you bleed off/kill FIGs increasing casualty rates for China on J1, and for future battles due to lost airpower (from the FIC attack, and then from attacks in SZ59 and Pearl)

    If it goes terribly wrong, what have you lost as UK?  You are gambling on nearly equal forces, and can ALWAYS RETREAT if round 1 dice go wrong (you CAN’T lose the UK FIG on the first round, even with the worst possible dice).

    Giving Germany a free armor blitz through Africa is far more damaging than keeping India for a few extra turns.

    And I never bleed off forces that are going to sz52. Either I go in with overwhelming force or I don’t go in. Gambling with Japans navy is a sure way to get beaten.

    And if it comes down to having to split my forces to attack sz52, sz59, and China, I will attack sz52 and only make one of the two other attacks, usually sz59. Eliminating the UK naval threat allows Japan to focus their entire navy on the US and it doesn’t hurt my feelings to let the China fighter survive because the US/UK forces in Asia are limited and Russia will have a hard time reinforcing Asia with Germany sending 40+ IPC’s worth of units at them every turn.

    If you aren’t going to counterattack Egypt with the UK fighter then you would probably be better off using it to help attack the Japanese sub and then adding it to the US forces in sz52. At least that way, you give the US better odds with a counterattack in sz52 on their turn or even preserve that fleet entirely if Japan decides against attacking it.

  • @U-505:


    Even if you just clear the territory, Japan can;t follow up and capitalize and take India on J1 since they lack manpower in FIC (and the SZ59 TRN is dead).  So, while UK may not re-take Egypt, they keep India (which you basically surrender on an India counter).

    You still damage the Japan Navy with your UK fleet, sinking a ship, maybe two depending on how many BB’s are brought to SZ59
    You still bleed off forces from Pearl, increasing the casualties there
    And you bleed off/kill FIGs increasing casualty rates for China on J1, and for future battles due to lost airpower (from the FIC attack, and then from attacks in SZ59 and Pearl)

    If it goes terribly wrong, what have you lost as UK?  You are gambling on nearly equal forces, and can ALWAYS RETREAT if round 1 dice go wrong (you CAN’T lose the UK FIG on the first round, even with the worst possible dice).

    Giving Germany a free armor blitz through Africa is far more damaging than keeping India for a few extra turns.

    And I never bleed off forces that are going to sz52. Either I go in with overwhelming force or I don’t go in. Gambling with Japans navy is a sure way to get beaten.

    And if it comes down to having to split my forces to attack sz52, sz59, and China, I will attack sz52 and only make one of the two other attacks, usually sz59. Eliminating the UK naval threat allows Japan to focus their entire navy on the US and it doesn’t hurt my feelings to let the China fighter survive because the US/UK forces in Asia are limited and Russia will have a hard time reinforcing Asia with Germany sending 40+ IPC’s worth of units at them every turn.

    If you aren’t going to counterattack Egypt with the UK fighter then you would probably be better off using it to help attack the Japanese sub and then adding it to the US forces in sz52. At least that way, you give the US better odds with a counterattack in sz52 on their turn or even preserve that fleet entirely if Japan decides against attacking it.

    I generally agree with U-505, but I generally prefer to kill off China because of the possibility of US industrial complex in Ssinkiang with 4 inf and 1 fighter to start is inconvenient for Japan, particularly if there’s an IC in India as well.  Sometimes, the UK player will fly the bomber east, and threaten the sea zone east of Japan; in that case, I think I would also attack the UK fleet.

  • Not killing China on J1 dooms Japan to slow progress in Asia.
    The US INF, and FIG, backed up by Russian forces allows a nasty 1-2 punch that makes Japan have to put forces into Manch, Kwang and FIC directed at the central avenue of attack instead of north or south.

    It makes China a meat grinder for Japan that USA can afford to maintain, but Japan cannot (since their income starts low, and if they get bogged down fighting for China, they do not gain much income elsewhere)

    Combine this with the aforementioned strong press in other areas (like an FIC strike and UK fleet stack) and Japan is going to be hurting for quite a few turns (it once took me 9 turns to breach a Sinkiang IC as Japan).  And the Allies can maintain a newar full pressure assault on Germany, weakened only by 1-2 Russian INF per turn (after the initial Eastern forces are depleted in 3 turns or so), and USA down 10 IPC (2 of which are “preserved” IPC’s that are normally lost when Sinkiang falls, and 2 more are made from “trading” China, so ne4t cost to USA only 6 IPC per turn after the initial investment).

  • 2007 AAR League

    Simply not killing the fighter can cause major headaches.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    What Switch is describing is exactly the problem.  What I want to know is how to defeat it?  I can set it up, I’ve done so numerous times. (And yes, to prevent you almost have to give Jpn 3 IPC to put an infantry in FIC)

  • Moderator

    Play strong with Germany.

    I wouldn’t be to worried about the FIC attack, IMO it isn’t that great of an option.  I have seen Japan get absolutely hammered trying to take China (2 inf, 1 ftr) with 6-7 inf, 2 ftrs, where Japan can lose 4-5 inf easy.  I’m simply not worried about 3 inf, 1 ftr vs. 2 inf 1 ftr, not in ADS.

    The only must attacks for Japan are China and Pearl.  Buy trns (possibly a DD pending UK fleet position) and ignore what happen in Fic.  You can probably attack Sz 59 too depending on what is there, but I’d rather hit Pearl if I had to choose one or the other.

    If you get a 9 bid you can go 2 inf Lib, 1 Fic and solve the problem right there.

    If you are only bidding to Lib, that is still okay just make sure you buy only land for Germany and include tanks.  Pending Russia’s attacks you might be able to go 5 inf, 5 arm (I perfer 10-2) but you need to have enough armor so you can move everything to Ukr on G2 and hold.  All armor should be in EE at the end of G1.
    With the Afr bid UK/US still need to go to Afr in either rd 1 or 2 or both and that gives you time to be aggressive in trying to hold Ukr.  Once you hold Ukr the Allies won’t be able to pester Japan that much and pessure on them will quickly diminish.

    My guess would be, if Germany comes out aggressive on G1 with a Inf/Tank buy then UK probably won’t even mess with Japan since it is clear Germany is in position to capitalize (they’ll also hold Egy strong).  Now that 50/50 battle in Fic doesn’t look too good and UK is risking a lot should they get no hits and Japan scores 2.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    The major problem is that America outproduces Japan by SO MUCH that minimal forces from England and Russia can hamper Japan enough that Japan hasn’t a prayer of surviving being reduced to only her main island.

  • Moderator

    Try a 7 or 8 bid with Ger.  1 inf, 1 rt to Lib or 1 inf, 1 arm to Lib. 
    I prefer the 8 bid.
    G1 buy 10 inf, 2 arm (or some combination of inf-arm)

    Now pending Russia’s attack, if you assume Wrus/Ukr attack you can send the trn and BB and everything in Europe to possibly hold Ukr on G1, pending the Russia losses in Wrus and buy.  You can also still take Egy and the UK DD if you want to send ftrs.
    Now all those Allied troops out East are out of position and more times than not UK will want to counter Egy, and if they don’t you still have 2 tanks to blitz.  You can reinforce UKR on G2 with armor and ftrs and WE becomes expendable since you’ll get Wrus or Cauc in another turn or two, if the US still focuses on Japan.

    I perfer to wait on the Ukr move unless it is really clear to hold.  I’ll still send the extra troops to Egy and have 1 inf, 3 arm left there.  G2 I take Trj and G3 I get the German Trn and BB into the Indian ocean and really wreak some havoc.
    Yes Japan is weak, but Germany is a monster!
    All Japan needs to do is turtle in Sz 60 or 61 (keeping fleet safe), have their IC on Man and Shuck troops to Asia that way.
    You just have to be patient with Japan, while Germany gains the attention of the Allies.

    The aggressive German open should really prevent the Allies from focusing too much on Japan.  If not Germany may be able to take Cauc then Moscow.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Oh, getting Germany out is not the problem.  But with no help from Japan and with the mainland Japanese territories gone and a Large American Fleet in the Pacific Germany’s going to get stomped.

    Honestly, against a KJF you almost need 24 IPC bid.  You need the extra destroyer and 2 infantry for Japan and 2 infantry for Germany in hopes of breaking even.

  • Moderator

    Ya know, one the “fleet unification experts” might have an idea as well.

    I mean an AC with 2-3 trns, might solve your problem.
    I’m pretty sure the US has to go Atlantic in that case.

    You might be able to take London otherwise.

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I’ve tried an AC on Japan 2 with infantry to fill transports. And from that point on going 8 to 12 IPC of fleet.  Problem is, you are diverting more then enough at that point (just to keep America from taking out your Southern Islands) that Russia and England can walk over you.  And even if you can manage to keep them pushed into Novosibirsk, you only have 5 rounds before America has more then enough to obliterate you.

    Meanwhile, England and Russia only have to keep Germany from taking all of Africa (easy) and from moving into Caucasus (easy).

  • 2007 AAR League

    I would have thought that Germany would threaten Russia/England more if the US pressure was in the Pacific.  How is England even getting troops to Moscow?  Why isn’t Germany cutting them off?  How is Russia able to push back hard against Japan in Novo?  How is it easy to keep Africa in Allied hands?  If England goes to Africa that pulls more troops from Europe giving Russia an even harder time containing Germany.

  • Jen, I think he meant GERMAN fleet builds.

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