• Hi. I’m new to the KJF strategy and I need help with my strategy for the US. On my first turn I start to build 2 ac and 1 sub. Then on second turn I buy 1 ftr and 4 sub. On turn 3 I start to advance to take Solomon islands. Turn 4 I take west indies. Then what? Suppose that Japan has lost 0 units and have collected all his fleet in SZ 60. I have heard that many buys an IC on turn 4 or 5. Why is that and where is it best to place it? Hope you guys can help me! Also, what is the best buys after turn 3 or 4?

  • '16 '15 '10

    I don’t believe a Pacific offensive is the optimal move unless Japan had some bad luck or didn’t make necessary attacks on Turn 1 (like say Pearl Harbor).  But if you go for it, your objective should be building up defensive fleet and taking Borneo or East Indies.  Then build a factory there, where you can reinforce your navy directly.  Always have at least 1 transport, preferably 2, with your fleet.  You have the right idea re. buys–aircraft carriers with fighters and subs are the right choices.

  • So when do u guys use this strategy? I tend to use this strategy when Germany buys very much inf. first turn and/or Japan buys 2 IC’s first turn . Any comments?

  • I look at a few different things before I commit to a KJF game as the US player.

    First thing I need to see is if my allies are leaning that direction and how heavy.  It’s one thing to say it and it’s another to commit to it.

    1. I would like to see Russia do something besides consolidate forces close to Moscow and write off the Far East as a loss.  Maybe send 1-2 INF to Sinkiang and mass the Far East units in Yakut.  Granted that’s not much but it may be all Russia can do.

    2. I would like to see the UK player attempt to disrupt Japans flow of traffic.  I would like to see the Japanese transport in SZ 59 gone. (Limiting Japan to only sending two units to the mainland on the first turn.)  I also want to see where they send the Indian and Australian Navies.

    If I don’t get a warm fuzzy from my allies the deal’s off and I’m heading to Berlin.

    Next thing I look at is what Japan does.

    1. Japan should no matter what do the pearl attack and invade China.  I’m not saying they are limited to those moves but those are the basics.  If Japan doesn’t do that he/she isn’t an experienced player and now I stand a better chance in the Pacific.

    2. The China invasion is more important then some might think.  If Japan is moving heavy into Asia that means the US may have an opportunity (maybe just for a few rounds) to have an upper hand in the pacific.

    3. I would love to see Japan build an IC on their first turn.  Japan should always wait at a minimum for the second round (preferably the third or fourth) before making this purchase.  One reason is they may not have to buy one at all if they could take the UK’s in India.  Second they don’t know how the first round is going to play out yet. Watching the allies will help Japan decide to go on the offensive (and build one further away from home) of brace for impact (Build one closer to home if at all).

    I think that the Axis always have the upper hand in the Pacific the same way the Allies have the upper hand in Europe.  It’s all based on you ability to get boots on the ground.  In Europe Russia and the UK are right there.  In the Pacific the allies have to import every thing until they can secure an area to build an IC.

    Another point worth mentioning is that the US player is the most powerful in the game.  It doesn’t make sense to let the superpower turn into a mega-superpower with two crippled allies.  Case and point reference topics about what allied player should take Norway when playing a KGF game.

    Here’s the nutshell version.  I never sit down to a game as the US player before Russia rolls his/her first dice and say to my self I’m going for Japan first.  Taking Japan first is very difficult since the US is basically on their own since it will take every thing the UK and Russia can muster to marginalize the losses to Germany until the US gets into theater.

    Any player in the game needs to attack like water.  Take the path of least resistance.


  • Thx for the info all of you!

  • @Erikjo:

    Hi. I’m new to the KJF strategy and I need help with my strategy for the US. On my first turn I start to build 2 ac and 1 sub. Then on second turn I buy 1 ftr and 4 sub. On turn 3 I start to advance to take Solomon islands. Turn 4 I take west indies. Then what? Suppose that Japan has lost 0 units and have collected all his fleet in SZ 60. I have heard that many buys an IC on turn 4 or 5. Why is that and where is it best to place it? Hope you guys can help me! Also, what is the best buys after turn 3 or 4?

    A KJF strategy actually begins when USSR is moving. If you are not already planning on doing a KJF until USA goes, then you lose two country’s worth of moves designed to help take Japan.

    USSR should mass in Bury, with a UK fighter for defense. USSR should send troops to India to take  FIC when possible. UK should prepare to mass its fleet in the solomons so that they are joined by USA on turn 3.

    All of these are just as important as the moves done by the USA.

    Its pretty sweet when USSR has UKR, WR, Manchuria, FIC and Norway. USSR jumps from 24 to 38. That plus proper UK help is more than a match for Germany on the Eastern front, until you can secure the islands and reduce Japan to its homeland 8 IPC.

  • How does USSR get FIC?  UK can get it, but USSR?

  • @SpartanJD01:

    How does USSR get FIC?  UK can get it, but USSR?

    I agree.  The USSR would have to send its INF from nearby locations and its most valuable assets its two FTR’s.

    I don’t know how long Russia could hold out.

  • @LT04:


    How does USSR get FIC?  UK can get it, but USSR?

    I agree.  The USSR would have to send its INF from nearby locations and its most valuable assets its two FTR’s.

    I don’t know how long Russia could hold out.

    Pretty long.

    Remember, when you send inf + tanks dow to FIC and take Manchuria, you are getting 6 IPC the russians dont normally have past USSR 1-2.

    Given a 38+ IPC output, USSR can last pretty long (with UK help).

  • A Kill Japan First strategy is not cost effective. I am not saying you cannot make life tough(er) on the Japanese but the amount of money spent by the US is not nearly as effective as going to Europe.

    My entire Japanese strategy is designed around the notion the fleet is not necessary (meaning it can be used to defend against the US). Taking some islands to earn 4-8 IPCs will not affect the Japanese march.

    As for Russia marching into Manchuria, I have found that only accelerates the death of Russia. I welcome an aggressive Russia for the candle that burns twice as bright lives half as long.

    If you want to know how long Russia has to live, the answer is 8 turns(barring error or catostrophic rolls). What is funny is that against a good allied player, Germany also only lasts 8 turns!

    Use that as your marker, if the US can do significant damage before 8 (really by turn 5) turns has passed, you will do ok.

  • '16 '15 '10

    Well I like an American Pacific offensive more and more because I find that Japan cannot keep pace in the fleet wars and build up a land force to threaten Moscow at the same time.  Either it loses the fleet battle (which means Japan will lose half its income) or it can only send a token force against the Russians.  So I go Pacific whenever I can.  But if USA starts with a disadvantage in the Pacific (this will be most games), it is not the best strategy.  The best players will adapt their strategy to what is happening in the game.

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