• '17 '16


    I think that if you have any combat whether its on ground or naval all planes should have to have combat with planes on planes until one side wins the air.
    You try were using the escort interceptor values but change them and make them higher ?
    D12 values

    Figs A4 D4
    Stg Bomber A2 D2
    Tac  A2 D2

    Just think that if you want to bring bombers to a naval battle they should have support but still have to survive the plane battles.

    I don’t like this option because a combat round imply at least one flight and there is no historical absolute annihilation on either side.
    Too unrealistic.
    For example, in Midway, first US assault on IJN Carriers, all B-17 totally missed but none were killed, half TcBs (Torpedoes) were shooted down by Zero Fgs while other TcBs (Dive) hit their targets.

  • Do you mean when planes hit and missed there targets your talking about these hits and misses weren’t at other planes ?
    The air plane battles would go on until just one side lives. Then what’s left can attack.
    Maybe I’m missing it.

  • '17 '16


    Do you mean when planes hit and missed there targets your talking about these hits and misses weren’t at other planes ? The air plane battles would go on until just one side lives. Then what’s left can attack.
    Maybe I’m missing it.

    Not exactly. I don’t want any"planes hit and miss, until just one side lives".
    More realistic, Fighter hit planes first, in our Midway example it would be bombers whether TcB or StB. US player chose to loose a TcB unit.
    But hits from bombers can be allocated to any naval or air units.

    I thought about this, but still not satisfied, because it doesn’t solve totally the issue:
    Heavy Strategic BOMBER
    Attack 8 AA2*
    Defense 2
    Move 6-7
    Cost 12
    *In regular combat, if any enemy’s aircraft, gets an additional Attack 2 against aircraft, each combat round.

    I may want to split bombers attack in 2 specified attacks:

    1. Against aircraft only: A2, if no target available, then no roll,
    2. Against non-aircraft unit: A6, if no target available, then no roll.

    What do you think?

  • Ya I like the split Bomber attack. What do you think of these value changes ?

    Stg Bomber A6 D2 C8 M6

    Tac Bomber A7 D4 C9 M4  Pick target on hit.

    Keep Hvy Bomber the same.

    Will give the split Bomber attacks a go in game unless something comes up. I’m going to need to use something in game.

  • '17 '16


    Ya I like the split Bomber attack. What do you think of these value changes ?

    Stg Bomber A6 D2 C8 M6

    Tac Bomber A7 D4 C9 M4  Pick target on hit.

    Keep Hvy Bomber the same.

    Will give the split Bomber attacks a go in game unless something comes up. I’m going to need to use something in game.

    If you use split attack for Strategic bomber:

    1. Against aircraft only: A2, if no target available, then no roll,
    2. Against non-aircraft unit: A6, if no target available, then no roll.
      This means if both targets available, then each StB will rolls 2 dice, until either plane or non-aircraft no more available as target.

    I don’t feel the same for TcBs, there is many kind of planes in this category.
    I thought you put them A6 D4 M4-5 C8?

    No need to rise to A7, since StB is now A6 against ground or naval unit but at least 2-3 IPCs costlier.
    This keep TcB as the better cost effective attack plane.

    And this keep TcB A6 C8 vs Fg D5 C7, acceptable odds.
    Rising to 9 IPCs makes too costly for a full 3 planes Carrier and to feeble Carrier on defense: 3 TcB A21 C43 vs 3 Fgs D18 C37.

  • When I said I was going to use the split Bomber attack, I meant the attacker has to make a choice. Didn’t know you meant rolling 2 die.
    So now if planes and ships are available to attack, the bomber now can hit a plane on a 2 and a ship on a 6.
    You don’t think thats to strong a piece now ?

  • '17 '16


    When I said I was going to use the split Bomber attack, I meant the attacker has to make a choice. Didn’t know you meant rolling 2 die.
    So now if planes and ships are available to attack, the bomber now can hit a plane on a 2 and a ship on a 6.
    You don’t think thats to strong a piece now ?

    Why this is too strong?
    In land combat, any defending fighter roll each combat round D5. If none, StB only gets A6 vs ground units.
    In naval combat, if a defending player keep up its Fg and sacrifice her naval target, bombers only gets A2.

    OOB, in D12 digit, StBomber have A8 D2 for C12. And A2+A6 = A8.

    Compared to 2 Fgs A4 D5 C7, it gives A8 D10 for C14. 2 Fighters are already much dangerous on same IPC basis.

    12 Fgs A4 D5 = A48 D60 C84 compared to 7 StBs A8 D2= A56 D14 C84
    It gives (D6 digit): 7 StBs vs 12 DDs
    Overall %*: A. survives: 15% D. survives: 83.4% No one survives: 1.6%

    However, it is probably simpler to keep this principle:  a single roll per unit, each combat round.
    So, from a testing POV, if using 1 roll per StB either A2 or A6, to keep balance, I would reduced to 10 IPCs.
    But if you keep 12 IPCs, I suggest to try the double rolls StBs.

  • Want to make sure were on the same page with the piece values. I have in game now.

    D12 values

    Figs    A4 D4 M4 C6
    Tac     A7 D4 M4 C8   Gets to pick the casualty hit.
    Str B  A8 D2 M6 C10
    H Bo  A8 D2 M7 C12  Gets 2 die rolls on SBR’s

    I will change the Str Bomber to ( have to double check on setup sheet if I have this value in game now after work ) A6 D2 M6 C10 and has to decide if attacking a plane 1 roll A2 or attacking a non plane piece 1 roll A6.

    Heavy Bomber keep the same values but gets to roll 1 A2 against plane and 1 roll A6 against a non plane piece.

    Do you think the bombers cost should be lower with using the same values in above 2 sentences ?

    Stg bomber  C8
    H Stg B C10
    Maybe you could do some numbers crunching ?

  • '17 '16


    Want to make sure were on the same page with the piece values. I have in game now.

    D12 values

    Figs    A4 D4 M4 C6
    Tac     A7 D4 M4 C8   Gets to pick the casualty hit.
    Str B  A8 D2 M6 C10
    H Bo  A8 D2 M7 C12  Gets 2 die rolls on SBR’s

    I will change the Str Bomber to ( have to double check on setup sheet if I have this value in game now after work ) A6 D2 M6 C10 and has to decide if attacking a plane 1 roll A2 or attacking a non plane piece 1 roll A6.

    Heavy Bomber keep the same values but gets to roll 1 A2 against plane and 1 roll A6 against a non plane piece.

    Do you think the bombers cost should be lower with using the same values in above 2 sentences ?

    Stg bomber  C8
    H Stg B C10
    Maybe you could do some numbers crunching ?

    D12 values
    AAA A0 D2 NCM1 C4, preemptive strike against up to two planes (1 roll max per plane) each combat round
    Figs    A4 D4 M4 C7
    Always hit enemy’s plane first (owner’s choice), then AAA,  then casualty as usual
    Tac     A6 D4 M4 C8   Gets to pick the casualty hit.
    Str B  A6A2 D2 M6 C10, up to you if both rolls or not
    H Bo  A8A2 D2 M7 C12  Gets 2 die rolls on SBR’s
    Heavy is heavy: will get both rolls and ground attack remains A8.
    Need to balance with low cost Fg, too.
    I would not get StB below 10 IPCs nor HStB below 12.
    Because Dark Sky strategy becomes OP, too much range and attack, huge power projection.

    Tac A7 C8 is high for the cost. And compared to Tank A6 D6 C6 M2 ?
    Also Carrier loss defending stance Tac+Fg OOB A14 D18 C37. 2Fgs A12 D20 C36
    Always keep better defense.
    3 planes Carrier need to be close of this ratio. CV A0 D5? M2 C16
    (My value: A0 D6 M2 C16, 2 hits with Fg A4 D4 C7 or reduced cost structure:
    CV A0 D6 M2 C12, 2 hits with Fg A4 D4 C6   )
    3FgsCV  A12 D18 C37, OOB cost structure SS6, DD8, CA12, CV16, BB20 or
    3FgsCv  A12 D18 C30, at reduced cost structure SS5, DD6, CA9, CV12, BB15
    3 TcBsCV A18 D18 C40, (attack is at best even to defense) OOB cost or C36 at reduced cost.

    If you raise Tac to A7 C8, it becomes impossible to stay within parameters.
    You get a totally different Carrier than any A&A game, better built for offense than defense…
    Also, Tac  has a ground targeting capacity which is pretty amazing by itself. No need to rise A7.
    And StB will have no niche for itself.

    If you want to boost it further, try to add **targeting Capital warship at sea (**more thematic).
    In Naval combat, Tac roll first and pick either a BB or Carrier if a hit is made, owner’s choice.
    At first combat round, it will not matter but in future rounds this may reveal truly hard for the owner’s to make choice, as he will loose Capital warships.

  • OK, will go with these changes. Thank You for your time and replies.

    I know we had AAA guns  C3 and Figs C6 but will change theses also to AAA C4 Figs C7.

    I will also use the Stg Bomber values when there’s ground combat too. A2 at plane or A6 at non plane.
    I’ll have Tacs do the same thing as a Stg Bomber. 1 roll Attacker choice A2 at a plane or A6 at non plane piece.

  • '17 '16


    OK, will go with these changes. Thank You for your time and replies.

    I know we had AAA guns  C3 and Figs C6 but will change theses also to AAA C4 Figs C7.

    I will also use the Stg Bomber values when there’s ground combat too. A2 at plane or A6 at non plane.
    I’ll have Tacs do the same thing as a Stg Bomber. 1 roll Attacker choice A2 at a plane or A6 at non plane piece.

    I still have doubt for mixing two rolls for TacBs. It is adding unnecessary complexity (game POV).
    It was not historically accurate: many TcBs were able to dogfight, not all but many.
    StBs and HStBs will be a case in themselves.

    Fg A4 D4 against TcBs A6 D4.
    On offense Fg A4 (hit Tac) vs TcB D4 (can only pick ground)
    On defense Fg D4 (hit Tac) vs TcBs A6 (can only pick ground, not air) usually this make the case.

  • OK. Will go with these changes. I’ll hopefully get you some more results soon.

    Thank You Baron.

  • Now with Oslo being a Germany victory city, we are trying a few things to not make Germany have to send to many troops to Norway to hold by land and pretty hard to send by transports.

    So will put in game sea mines off the coast of Western France where Naval gets a -1 on attack the first round and planes -1 on land attacks for first round do to missing by 3 miles on first wave of landing.
    Also will place 4 land mines in Western France for the Germans. When US-UK land there, they will lose 4 inf before battles.

    Still testing this balance where I don’t want to add a IC in Norway.

  • I found the Italian general Leaders list. With that info and 2 more sheets of generals info I’m going to try where commanders get a reroll on A & D. This is what I have for now.


    Rommel -   3 rerolls for 2 tanks, 1 art.
    Manstein -  3 rerolls for 2 tanks, 1 art.
    Gunerian -  2 rerolls for 2 tanks, 1 art.
    Runstedt -   2 rerolls for 2 tanks, 1 art.


    Kesselring -  2 rerolls for 1 tank, 1 art
    Badoglio -    1 reroll for 1 art.


    • Kurita -      3 rerolls for 1 battleship, 1 cruiser, 1 destroyer.
    • Nagumo -   2 rerolls for 1 cruiser, 1 destroyer.
      Yamashita -  2 rerolls for 1 art, 1 inf.
      Tojo -          2 rerolls for 1 art, 1 inf.


    Rokossowsku -  2 rerolls for 2 tanks.
    Zhukov -          2 rerolls for 2 tanks.
    Koniev -           2 rerolls for 1 tank, 1 art.


    Montgomery -  2 rerolls for 1 tank, 1 art.
    Alexander -     1 reroll for 1 art.


    Patton -      3 rerolls for 2 tanks, 1 art.
    Bradley -    2 rerolls for 1 tank, 1 art.
    Macarthur - 2 rerolls for 1 art, 1 inf.

    • Halsey -   2 rerolls for 1 battleship, 1 cruiser.

    If the commanders first go to pieces are not available then they just go down the list.

    Tanks        Battleships
     SP Art       Cruisers
     Art           Destroyers
     Mechs       Air Carriers

    Axis = 10   Allies = 9  Commanders

    Boy,  sorry for the hack job.

    All countries start game with these Commanders and can place Admirals with any naval fleet they want and all ground Commanders have to start in a Capital or Victory city. They can retreat after first round of combat. They can retreat only 1 space so beware where your commander is going. Once you lose commander, you don’t get any back in game.

    Commander can move 2 spaces with a motorized unit. Ground Commanders A2 D5.

    Play testing a new game Sunday.

    Thanks IL for some of this info.

  • Still undecided if I’m going to use what is on list with the commanders and whether they defend or attack only/both or with there special events. Don’t want it to be getting away from KISS affect.

    Like all 4 Russian commanders on list get 3 rerolls for pieces. Will see what happens.

    Zukov gets a +1 on A & D for 3 tanks. Wow.

  • We started a new test game with some of Baron’s mods. Got 2 turns in. Pics of Atlantic and Pacific.


  • With the Fighters costing 7 and (D12)  A4 D4 is making a difference in game so far for land. We’ve had many rounds of combat going 1 to 4 rounds longer do to Figs not getting attacks and defends at 6.

    Tac Bombers have had only a few battles where the Tac picks the piece on hit. Both times they took a tank. Had one naval battle with  a Tac hitting a Battleship on its pick target shot. But the naval battle was more stronger on attack then defend so it didn’t really matter in that battle.

    Baron, I see Black Elk and LHoffman are not in favor of the Tac hit get to pick a piece every round of battle. Will see how that goes further in game. ( maybe only use get to pick piece on hit 1st round only ).

    SBR’s have not happened yet in game to test the IC AA get defense rolls.

    As far as Oslo being a victory city we will need to test it in more games. As you can see UK has landed in Norway. With the subs in the Atlantic for Germany, they have the NA of for every German sub in Atlantic, subtract 1 icp from UK’s collect income phase and US’s income collect phase.  So that helps delay the invasion I hope.

    Commanders in game with the ranking of 1 to 3 giving piece rerolls on misses are making a less impact on battles than last game where we had Commander ranks of 3 to 6 and gave a piece +1 on Attack and defense for every round unless Commander retreated.

  • '17 '16


    With the Fighters costing 7 and (D12)  A4 D4 is making a difference in game so far for land. We’ve had many rounds of combat going 1 to 4 rounds longer do to Figs not getting attacks and defends at 6.

    Tac Bombers have had only a few battles where the Tac picks the piece on hit. Both times they took a tank. Had one naval battle with  a Tac hitting a Battleship on its pick target shot. But the naval battle was more stronger on attack then defend so it didn’t really matter in that battle.

    Baron, I see Black Elk and LHoffman are not in favor of the Tac hit get to pick a piece every round of battle. Will see how that goes further in game. ( maybe only use get to pick piece on hit 1st round only ).

    SBR’s have not happened yet in game to test the IC AA get defense rolls.

    As far as Oslo being a victory city we will need to test it in more games. As you can see UK has landed in Norway. With the subs in the Atlantic for Germany, they have the NA of for every German sub in Atlantic, subtract 1 icp from UK’s collect income phase and US’s income collect phase.  So that helps delay the invasion I hope.

    Commanders in game with the ranking of 1 to 3 giving piece rerolls on misses are making a less impact on battles than last game where we had Commander ranks of 3 to 6 and gave a piece +1 on Attack and defense for every round unless Commander retreated.

    Let us know how you play TcB picking on Naval Target.
    I still prefer an on going ability from one round to next combat round.
    Your experienced report will provide us some clues.

    How people like to see three planes on Carrier?
    It is not easy to fit 2 or 3 TcBs but 2 Fgs and 1 TcB is quite impressive, don’t you think?

  • Yes I’ll let u know. 3 plane carriers look good to others. I’ve had those in other games also

  • Got another turn in game so far ( 3 turns ) with Baron’s piece house rule value changes and Black Elk’s Stg Bomber A0 D0 M6 C5 1 D6 @2 dog fight.

    Germany got to bomb London and was able to do 5 damage on a maxium build of 12. So right now they can only build 7 pieces. Germany bought 2 more Heavy Bombers on there turn so more bombing coming.

    What I see so far is that Germany can send escorts with Bombers to London but UK or/and US cannot send escorts with Bombers until they take Norway, Holland, Western France or Paris. So for early in game UK/US will have to have 3 figs for intercept basically every turn in London  and hope they get AA kills. But in this game now,  UK has the Tech,  Radar and AA gets a D3 or less for AA shots.
    Germany also has the NA Sub-Interdiction where you subtract 1 ICP  from UK and US on there collect income phase every turn for every German sub in the Atlantic. So right now Germany has 9 subs in Atlantic and puttin a hurt on the allies.
    I don’t know yet if this Bomber C5 going to hurt UK/US in the long run yet. Will see. Got to remember if UK/US get Long Range Aircraft Tech then with airbase I believe they can finally bring escorts. I got to look at map.

    Plus on UK’s turn for there event card draw they got a free  Fig. and placed on UK.
    So this scene is going to be a good one down the road.

    Also I see maybe some German bombing may be coming for Stalingrad soon also.

    Japan’s turn for there event card draw was spy steals Tech research. So they get any Tech the allies have on Tech chart and keep for themselves. Only Tech allies had was UK’s Radar so now Japan gets Radar for Tech.

    So far with this game its going pretty good with the piece, territory value changes and with the NA’s, Tech Steal, Tech, Generals, Weather and Event Cards.
    This game is going to change on certain turns which I was hoping for.

    With Germany in a good position right now and with Italy sending 80% of there ground to Paris and Moscow maybe the Victory City Oslo will work out.

    Thanks Death Heads for map and setup with some changes and Baron for advice with on your HR pieces.

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