@raw81 Patchman123
Meadville, Pennsylvania
AAG40, WWI, and every game that I could find.
Best posts made by Patchman123
RE: 2020 Master Players List Version 3.0
RE: 1914 Map grievances
@Flashman said in 1914 Map grievances:
Correct the Bulgaria-Greece border (Greece did not have a border with Turkey in 1914).
Have more tts in Hungry e.g. add Banat & Transylvania so Budapest does not border Russia.
East Prussia should border Livonia; Poland should not have a coastline.
Move SZ18 border south to intersect Albania-Greece.
Extend Rome east to have an Adriatic coastline.
Place a production city in Munich.
Albania should be neutral.
Give Lorraine-Marseille a border and move Paris to the “Burgundy” tt.
Rename tts so that only those containing an actual city are so named; otherwise give them tt names. The map is too obviously based on Diplomacy.
I have created two new and better versions.
http://www.mediafire.com/view/uxthbc2z97q3w5x/Modified World War I Game.jpghttp://www.mediafire.com/view/v4v0way8nr77re0/1914_global_map_whole.jpg/file
I modified Lion in Trenches’ original map to include Mongolian territories and to add territories for Spain to make Spain more playable, a la Global 1939 on HBG.
Original version of Global 1914.
I removed the impassable thing from the Amazon rainforest and I decided to rename the territory “Amazonas” because it’s the largest Brazilian province west of Rio de Janeiro and many antique maps called the territory “Amazonas.” (Selvas das Amazonas in Nat Geo maps). I just thought that it was rather silly to have an impassable Amazon jungle. HBG just makes refuses to fully implement and market this game as a second edition board game, like their Global War 1939 game.
Why can’t they just finish it? I have finished it and I am praying that Historical Board Gaming will finish it by Christmas or something.
God, I feel so impatient! Sorry, guys! :confused: I renamed “Brest” to its correct name of Brittany because Brittany is the actual name of the French province where “Brest” lies in the game. It’s like calling the whole of Pennsylvania as Philadelphia, which I think is rather silly.
I gave a name to the province where Paris is centered in the game and that’s called “Ile de France” like it is in real life.
I made Franz Josef Land a Russian territory, since Russia seized the territory in the 1914 to prevent the Central Powers from having a base to attack Russia from the north.
I renamed “Crimea” to Taurida because Taurida was the name given to it by Russia at that time.
Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone is neutral in G40, even though it was a UK colony at the time. Apparently SOMEONE in the game development area read info on Wikipedia and decided to make it neutral because Wikipedia falsely said that it was a neutral nation and this is someone’s edit that was overlooked. Someone tampered with the World War II article and I suspect that it was an Afrocentrist, though I have no evidence proving this. Who knows? I can only merely speculate at this point. It should have the United Kingdom color and roundel insignia on it. I’m surprised Renegade Game Studios and Hasbro have decided to overlook this. Maybe not.
How does one contact them, anyway?
Anyone in western Pennsylvania/western New York/Ontario/northeast Ohio
I’m looking for anyone to play AAG40 with. The long game with Europe and Pacific combined. I have practically no one to play with. I just hope that I can get a group together to play the game. I just pray that someone wants to play!
RE: Grand Plans, 3rd Edition?
@Black_Elk said in Grand Plans, 3rd Edition?:
For a long time now I’ve been hoping to see an official digital platform for A&A (one with at least some kind of connection to the designers and publishers) that could be used for alpha testing a new game before its actually released in print. I mean like a tandem release, where the new physical game follows the online drop.
Analog playtesting the way A&A has been handled in the past is pretty laborious and time intensive, as a cursory look back at the larry boards will reveal. Even with an open alpha and tons of feedback on forums and such for each proposal, its still a challenge to aggregate everything and to rely on anecdotal after action reports. I get the impression that there is never really enough time to hold the kind of informal FtF tournaments that would be required, or to get enough people all going gangbusters at the same time to actually get enough data beforehand to determine whether its fully cooked before running it to the printers in china and pushing it out on the shelves.
With a digital alpha you could speed up the whole process considerably and have gamesaves to use as evidence, to help parse the overall play-pattern and player experience in each iteration.
I think A&A online could provide a real opportunity, if ever we got a shot on a re-issue of 1942. Even a re-release using the same base map could be fun. I admit new maps get me more excited than the existing ones (there were a couple changes from Spring to 2nd Ed so least there’s a precedent), but even using the same map as 2nd ed, with set up changes or a rules change or two there are a lot of ways to get at a new take on things.
I guess what I’m hoping for is that A&Aonline goes beyond just offering a way to play 1942.2 or any of the existing A&A games digitally, and might eventually serve as a hub for developing the next A&A games. A place where the players could actually be more involved with that process, and provide feedback on things when it might still make a difference, e.g. before its shrink wrapped and sent off to stores.
I know there are some core table toppers who would probably never really play A&A on a computer, but who might reconsider doing so, if hopping online also meant possible glimpses at the next upcoming board. Or having other ways to get involved, provide feedback while it might still influence the basic set up/balance design, or otherwise engage with something that they eventually get to put on an actual table. I think we could see a pretty strong 3rd edition going at it that way.
Anyhow, just a few thoughts. To me the real longer term promise of an online A&A project would be something like that. And why I get exicted about things like possible toolsets or map/scenario editors.
How about a 3rd edition with more historically-accurate pieces for France? I was basically thinking “No more Soviet pieces painted blue for France!” I think that France should have its own molds. I think that it is rather silly for France to have Soviet Union molds repainted blue for France. France didn’t exactly like the Soviets, either. Dewoitine D. 520 for a fighter, Breguet 690 for a tactical bomber, Char B1 bis for the tank piece, Farman F. 220 for the strategic bomber piece, Schneider AMC P16 for a mechanized infantry piece., Canon de 75 modèle 1913-17 Schneider for France’s AAA piece, The French 75 for an artillery piece, Dunkerque class for a battleship, Béarn class for an aircraft carrier, La Galissonière Class for a cruiser piece, Redoutable class for a submarine, Le Fantasque for a destroyer, and so on.
If anyone has anything different, I’m all ears. :grinning:
Polish Forces in Exile
Hey everybody! I have decided to add Poland as an A&A player in 1940, even though it fell in 1939. Many brave men fought on and hated surrender. Poland starts off with 0 IPC’s because its capital, Warsaw, is in enemy hands and it’s one of G40’s many victory cities. I know the game takes place in June 1940. The Poles were brave fighters under French, then British command, as well as Soviet command. Anyway, I add one gray (Poland’s colors) plane to the United Kingdom, 1 infantry in Syria. As soon as France falls, the unit in Syria will escape to Transjordan.
Why is Iraq a “pro-Axis” neutral, even though it was under British control? Iraq was a British vassal state at the time. The British had units stationed in Iraq in 1940. Maybe replace Iraq with Spain to balance out the pro-Axis neutrals? Spain had volunteers on the Eastern Front in what was called the Blue (Azul in Spanish) Division. Franco was thinking of joining Hitler in June 1940 to allow him to blitz into Gibraltar. German ships were serviced in Spanish ports. I think that there should be 2 UK infantry in Iraq and that it should be under the UK Europe economy, plus 1 UK fighter in Iraq.
The Polish forces in Soviet gulags will escape to Iraq, after being freed by the Soviets to fight for the British. 1 Soviet infantry will be placed on Iraq and the Soviet Union does not own the territory, the UK does. The British used their units in Iraq to put down the pro-Axis rebellion in 1941.
Since everything 1941, takes place in 1940, we’ll do that. Southern France will be under the control of Germany or Italy and 1 French infantry shall be kept on Southern France. The French units in Southern France will fight against Germany or Italy invades the territory, as normal. After Southern France falls 1 French infantry shall be placed there to represent Vichy France. The France player will go down 3 IPC’s and Germany will go up 3 or Italy. The French units in the setup in Southern France will fight as normal units against the Axis. After they are destroyed by Germany or Italy, Italy or Germany puts their roundel on Southern France and IPC chart is adjusted accordingly.
After the territory’s French units are destroyed by the Axis. the France player will place 1 infantry on Southern France after Germany’s non combat movement phase or Italy’s. But the territory will be controlled by either Germany or Italy and the IPC’s go to the Germany or Italy player, after Germany takes France and France’s IPC’s will go to Germany or Italy. On Germany’s turn, France shall be invaded and fall to the Axis.
Then the artillery will be removed from Southern France and replaced with only 1 French infantry unit and the territory shall be placed under the Germany players control, after placing its roundel on Southern France. Southern France can also be invaded on Italy’s or Japan’s turn.
In the Global setup, after France has surrendered her IPC’s, Japan shall place 2 infantry on French Indo China for free, and Japan’s roundel, during Germany’s collect income phase on the turn that France falls.
1 Polish destroyer shall be placed in SZ 110 for free. After the combat phase is complete for Germany on turn 1, the 1 French infantry will be placed on Southern France and Japan shall place 2 infantry on French Indo China, for free. Just trying to simplify Vichy here and the Polish Forces in Exile.
The French units in French Indo China will be destroyed by Japan, after Germany’s combat phase is completed. Japan shall get French Indo China and this will not affect relations between them and the United States for Japan’s collect income bonus.
France will not be allowed to buy any new units of any kinds, as their capital of Paris is in enemy hands any units bought by France will be removed from BEING placed on the board and will go back in the box. This is on France’s turn or any of their turns, once an Axis player gains control of France and when France’s IPC income is surrendered after France falls, during Germany’s turn at the end of their collect income phase.
In the Global game, Germany must invade France first during Germany’s turn. Germany attacks France first.
Does anyone know where to find a copy of the corrected version of Axis & Allies Pacific 1940 1st Edition?
Axis & Allies
Pacific 1940
First EditionAnyone here annoyed with the typos and other errors found in A&A Pacific 1940 1st Edition on the setup boxes and in the manual? I have a version from 2009 that is one of the first copies that has these errors, warts and all, that I bought from Gateway Games in Erie, PA for Christmas in 2009, exactly 10 years ago. I dislike this version and I would like to please get an updated version of 1st Ed. with all the corrections. Thank you. Where do I find the corrected edition of A&A Pacific 1940? I heard about it 9 years ago, but can’t find it. Anyone know of any copies?
RE: Anyone in western Pennsylvania/western New York/Ontario/northeast Ohio
@UncleSam said in Anyone in western Pennsylvania/western New York/Ontario/northeast Ohio:
Hey I live in oakville ON, and am interested in playing.
Latest posts made by Patchman123
RE: Anyone in western Pennsylvania/western New York/Ontario/northeast Ohio
@cmmiles said in Anyone in western Pennsylvania/western New York/Ontario/northeast Ohio:
@Patchman123 did you ever have any luck finding a group? I’m in Cleveland and also looking to plan a G40 game.
No, I never had much luck finding a group. That’s cool that you’re in Cleveland, I’m in Meadville, Pennsylvania, about 1.5 hours from Cleveland. If anyone wants to play, then I’m all for it. Haven’t played A&A in awhile, though.
RE: Anyone in western Pennsylvania/western New York/Ontario/northeast Ohio
@UncleSam said in Anyone in western Pennsylvania/western New York/Ontario/northeast Ohio:
Hey I live in oakville ON, and am interested in playing.
RE: 2020 Master Players List Version 3.0
@raw81 Patchman123
Meadville, Pennsylvania
AAG40, WWI, and every game that I could find. -
Anyone in western Pennsylvania/western New York/Ontario/northeast Ohio
I’m looking for anyone to play AAG40 with. The long game with Europe and Pacific combined. I have practically no one to play with. I just hope that I can get a group together to play the game. I just pray that someone wants to play!
Polish Forces in Exile
Hey everybody! I have decided to add Poland as an A&A player in 1940, even though it fell in 1939. Many brave men fought on and hated surrender. Poland starts off with 0 IPC’s because its capital, Warsaw, is in enemy hands and it’s one of G40’s many victory cities. I know the game takes place in June 1940. The Poles were brave fighters under French, then British command, as well as Soviet command. Anyway, I add one gray (Poland’s colors) plane to the United Kingdom, 1 infantry in Syria. As soon as France falls, the unit in Syria will escape to Transjordan.
Why is Iraq a “pro-Axis” neutral, even though it was under British control? Iraq was a British vassal state at the time. The British had units stationed in Iraq in 1940. Maybe replace Iraq with Spain to balance out the pro-Axis neutrals? Spain had volunteers on the Eastern Front in what was called the Blue (Azul in Spanish) Division. Franco was thinking of joining Hitler in June 1940 to allow him to blitz into Gibraltar. German ships were serviced in Spanish ports. I think that there should be 2 UK infantry in Iraq and that it should be under the UK Europe economy, plus 1 UK fighter in Iraq.
The Polish forces in Soviet gulags will escape to Iraq, after being freed by the Soviets to fight for the British. 1 Soviet infantry will be placed on Iraq and the Soviet Union does not own the territory, the UK does. The British used their units in Iraq to put down the pro-Axis rebellion in 1941.
Since everything 1941, takes place in 1940, we’ll do that. Southern France will be under the control of Germany or Italy and 1 French infantry shall be kept on Southern France. The French units in Southern France will fight against Germany or Italy invades the territory, as normal. After Southern France falls 1 French infantry shall be placed there to represent Vichy France. The France player will go down 3 IPC’s and Germany will go up 3 or Italy. The French units in the setup in Southern France will fight as normal units against the Axis. After they are destroyed by Germany or Italy, Italy or Germany puts their roundel on Southern France and IPC chart is adjusted accordingly.
After the territory’s French units are destroyed by the Axis. the France player will place 1 infantry on Southern France after Germany’s non combat movement phase or Italy’s. But the territory will be controlled by either Germany or Italy and the IPC’s go to the Germany or Italy player, after Germany takes France and France’s IPC’s will go to Germany or Italy. On Germany’s turn, France shall be invaded and fall to the Axis.
Then the artillery will be removed from Southern France and replaced with only 1 French infantry unit and the territory shall be placed under the Germany players control, after placing its roundel on Southern France. Southern France can also be invaded on Italy’s or Japan’s turn.
In the Global setup, after France has surrendered her IPC’s, Japan shall place 2 infantry on French Indo China for free, and Japan’s roundel, during Germany’s collect income phase on the turn that France falls.
1 Polish destroyer shall be placed in SZ 110 for free. After the combat phase is complete for Germany on turn 1, the 1 French infantry will be placed on Southern France and Japan shall place 2 infantry on French Indo China, for free. Just trying to simplify Vichy here and the Polish Forces in Exile.
The French units in French Indo China will be destroyed by Japan, after Germany’s combat phase is completed. Japan shall get French Indo China and this will not affect relations between them and the United States for Japan’s collect income bonus.
France will not be allowed to buy any new units of any kinds, as their capital of Paris is in enemy hands any units bought by France will be removed from BEING placed on the board and will go back in the box. This is on France’s turn or any of their turns, once an Axis player gains control of France and when France’s IPC income is surrendered after France falls, during Germany’s turn at the end of their collect income phase.
In the Global game, Germany must invade France first during Germany’s turn. Germany attacks France first.
Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone is neutral in G40, even though it was a UK colony at the time. Apparently SOMEONE in the game development area read info on Wikipedia and decided to make it neutral because Wikipedia falsely said that it was a neutral nation and this is someone’s edit that was overlooked. Someone tampered with the World War II article and I suspect that it was an Afrocentrist, though I have no evidence proving this. Who knows? I can only merely speculate at this point. It should have the United Kingdom color and roundel insignia on it. I’m surprised Renegade Game Studios and Hasbro have decided to overlook this. Maybe not.
How does one contact them, anyway?
Inaccuracies concerning Iraq
In AAG40, Iraq is depicted as a “pro-Axis” neutral, when in fact there were British forces stationed in Iraq and its government and the country itself, were effectively under British control, like Egypt. Like Egypt, Iraq had Axis collaborators, but the British kept them from being effective and when the pro-Axis revolt did take place, the British crushed it. Iraq was afraid of being overtly pro-Axis because many were still loyal to the British and the govt. of Rashid Ali was thrown and British control of Iraq was retained and restored.
Further info here.The British perspective was that relations with Rashid Ali’s “National Defence Government” had become increasingly unsatisfactory. By treaty, Iraq was pledged to provide assistance to the United Kingdom (Thus making its “pro-Axis” status highly erroneous) in war and to permit the passage of British troops through its territory.
Why is Iraq pro-Axis again? Iraq was pro-Allies and anything but neutral, as it was under effective British control, but was “independent” like over in Egypt.
Anyone else see this?
More here.
“*Britain concluded the Anglo-Iraqi Treaty of 1930. The treaty included permission to establish military bases for British use and provide the facilities for the unrestricted movement of British forces through the country, upon request to the Iraqi government.[26][27] The conditions of the treaty were imposed by the British to ensure control of Iraqi petroleum. Many Iraqis resented these conditions because Iraq was still under the control of the British Government.[*28]” -
RE: G40 Redesign (currently taking suggestions)
@Midnight_Reaper said in G40 Redesign (currently taking suggestions):
@Patchman123 said in G40 Redesign (currently taking suggestions):
How about we have the Empire ships serve as the United Kingdom player’s transport ship class?
How making a seperate British transport ship piece?
There is a separate British transport. You get 12 in every copy of A&A 1941. Mind you, only 4 are in British tan, the rest are 4 in US OD green and 4 in Soviet Maroon.
The allied transport ship in A&A 1941 is based off of Canada’s “Fort Ships”, which were a class of 198 ships made in Canadian shipyards during the war. They were essentially the Canadian answer to the US’s Liberty ships. All of the Forts were for use by the United Kingdom, those built for Canadian use were named the Park ships.
All that said, WotC has provided separate, Commonwealth-origin, British transports. They just put them in a different game.
Well, why aren’t they in Global 1940, then? I think that would be nice!
RE: G40 Redesign (currently taking suggestions)
How about we have the Empire ships serve as the United Kingdom player’s transport ship class?
How making a seperate British transport ship piece?
RE: G40 Redesign (currently taking suggestions)
@Black_Elk said in G40 Redesign (currently taking suggestions):
That would be cool. I’d buy in for sure. It would be a pretty legit offering if it gave the US those warhawks in the Europe set, and the lightnings in the Pacific set. That way we’d get a bunch of warhawks and when you combine the boards you’d have a nice substitution at the ready for the Flying tiger in G40. I’d probably get more excited about seeing some of the 1941 scultps in a 3rd edition than France, but it would be nice for completion. Especially if the manual provided some extra options to expand the game, and perhaps put a new spin on it maybe with marines or vichy stuff. I think a second set up for the Global Board with an alternative start date would be cool and well received. Like they did for AA50
What would also be nice some map corrections for the roundels on Western Canada and Sierra Leon, if doing a new reprint.
How about map corrections on the roundels for all of Canada, Ontario, Quebec, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, British Columbia, Nova Scotia-New Brunswick, and Yukon Territory with this roundell?
And might I suggest changing the Netherlands’ roundel from the current one in the game to this one? The orange triangle was the one used for all Dutch forces, in Europe and Pacific, all over the world, in 1940.
The one used in the game was abolished as the Dutch roundel in October of 1939, hence why its inclusion in a game that is “supposed” to take place in June 1940, is an obvious and rather glaring anachronism.
How about changing Italy’s roundel to this one?
Could you please ask HBG (Historical Board Gaming) to not use Pétain’s personal insignia as the “Vichy France” roundel? This is like using the United States (US) presidential seal as the United States player’s symbol, instead of the more proper and correct star with the red circle in the center. Vichy France used the exact same roundel that France uses in Europe and Global 1940 as its insignia on all its airplanes.