Huh. I always thought the opposite. Thanks for letting me know.
Tank Blitzing?
Good evening people,
I have a question about the following situation;
The germans occupied Bryansk with a large army and threaten Moscow.
In addition, they occupy Belarus with one infantry to cover their flank from the russian armada at Leningrad.
The Russians decide to eliminate this threat to Moscow with infantry from moscow and Their tanks from Leningrad. But the russian tanks have to drive through Belarus (german occupied country with one infantry) to reach Bryansk.
Before the attack on bryansk the russians decide to attack Belarus with only infantry and airplanes. So They spare Their tanks.
After this battle their tanks drive to Bryansk by just conquered country (Belarus) for the battle with the big German troop concentrations.
And at this point we say that this is not possible because Belarus has just conquered and therefore the tanks may not fought even though they did not participate in the Belarus battle. Because the move of the russain tanks from leningrad to Belarus is concidered as an non-combat move right?
So we say; This way of blitzen is not allowed, right?
You may still not blitzen by just conquered OCCUPIED country?
This is correct. The Russians cannot “clear the blocker” and then allow tanks to move through during the combat.
Combat is declared, and at that time, units can either make it to the combat or not. This should be an absolute rule.
If the territory was not occupied by anything but a control marker, you could blitz through it, then join your other forces and attack from 2 sides. Indeed, you could even retreat into the just blizted territory, provided at least one unit came from that direction.
Mechs cannot even do this; if you had 2 tanks and 5 mechs trying to join the battle by blitzing the control-marker only square, only 2 tanks and 2 mechs can proceed during the combat to join your other forces, because a Mech can only blitz in tandem with a tank.
In order to accomplish what you are thinking, requires coordination between different teams. One team kills the blocker, and then a second team attacks through the gap on its turn, before the enemy turn (this is known as can-opening).
Any single piece, on land or sea, blocks all land or sea combat movement in the way you contemplate. The only exception is air flying over it.
Despite all this, you could conquer all the contemplated territories and the NONCOM reinforcements into them. All the territories would have to be under your control during that phase, but that’s another way to partially accomplish what you are saying (not by bringing in reserves by blitzing but by backing up a victorious army during NCM)
Hi ManUnited.
That can’t be done by Russia, as all Combat is done in the Combat Move phase. Simultaneously.
Those Tanks in Leningrad cannot, therefore, participate in the Bryansk battle.As an aside, units that have not moved can move in the Non Combat Round, but not into an enemy owned territory.
Are you English, by the way and living in England? Four of us on this forum meet up and play in Derbyshire every three months, is why I asked.
We come from The Netherlands (EU).
You Dutch are taking over the forum!
Glad there are so many of you. There are 5 of us in England, who regularly visit here.
Holland is a lovely country; not been for 10 plus years now though. Will visit again soon. -
Feyenoord? :-P :-P never! lol
Realy? Where can i found the dutch forum?
There is a thread further down the list, called: Find Players. There you will see some Dutch people were asking if there were any players near a certain city. I forget which. Then you all came out of the woodwork (in a nice way, obviously).
We come from The Netherlands (EU).
Do you highlight that The Netherlands is part of the EU to criticize the Brexit? Just curious since I don’t think that many Axis and Allies players would have placed your country in any other continent!
Any single piece, on land or sea, blocks all land or sea combat movement in the way you contemplate. The only exception is air flying over it.
this is mostly true but there are a few exceptions:
as he says, all planes can fly over anything except neutrals that aren’t violated yet.
boats can ignore transports and subs and move right through them or end movement in the same sea zone as them. one restriction is that transports can’t load or unload in a sea zone with a a sub unless there is a surface warship along with it.
subs can ignore (move through) all ships except destroyers. they can also end their movement in sea zones containing any ships on non-combat.
I think those are the only exceptions for units blocking movement or being able to move through territories. If I forgot anything, one of the better players than me will notice it :-D