• Global 1940: de Gaulle’s Edition

    This is an expansion to the standard 1940 2nd Edition setup and rules that adds eleven nations complete with politics, more units, and NOs.

    Note: some powers start with more IPCs in hand then their starting income.  For instance, Germany starts with 30 IPCs in hand but a starting income of 24.  Likewise, Finland starts with 3 IPCs in hand although its starting income is only 2.  This is done to allow favorite purchasing options to still be viable and give minor powers the option to build on their first turn.

    New turn order and starting IPCs in hand/income:
    Germany: 30/24
    Poland: 0
    Finland: 3/2
    Soviet Union: 37
    Mongolia: NA
    Japan: 26/25
    United States: 52
    China: 12
    Holland/Belgium: 0
    Siam: NA
    United Kingdom:
     Europe: 28/17
     Pacific: 17
    Italy: 10
    Greece: 3/2
    Romania: 3
    Yugoslavia: NA
    Hungary: 3
    Bulgaria: 3/1
     ANZAC: 10
     Canada: 8/7
     South Africa: 4
    France: 19
    *Vichy France
    *Free France

    Use the 1914 pieces to represent Poland, Finland, Romania, Hungary, Holland/Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, and Free France.  These nations may not purchase mechanized infantry, bombers, or capital ships.  (You can use an artillery upside down for AA guns.  The lack of destroyers in the WW1 sets will require something else however.)  Only infantry sculpts are needed for Mongolia, Yugoslavia, and Siam.  Roundels can be repurposed from 1914 (e.g. the French WW1 roundel can be tilted to represent Holland and even Yugoslavia).  Of course, you can always go online to get premium equipment from HBG.

    Poland’s capital is the victory city Warsaw.  Eastern Poland is an original territory of Poland and will revert control to Poland if Warsaw is liberated.  Poland is politically attached to the UK.

    United Kingdom: 1 infantry, 1 fighter, -1 British fighter

    National Objective:
    Upon the first liberation of Poland (the territory), add up to 9 IPCs of Polish units there for free.

    Finland is NOT an Axis power.  Finland and the Soviet Union may declare war on each other immediately.  Finland and the Axis powers are neutral to each other until BOTH parties are at war with the Russians.  Finland may not declare war on a Western Allied power unless first attacked by one of them.  The Western Allies may declare war on Finland if Germany and Russia are at war.  Finnish ships must stay within the Baltic Sea while Finland is neutral to the West.  Finland (the territory) acts as a capital for Finland.  Vyborg is an original territory of Finland and will revert control to Finland if taken by an Axis power.

    Finland: 4 infantry, 1 artillery, 1 AA gun, 1 fighter, minor industrial complex
    Sea Zone 115: 1 cruiser, +1 Russian destroyer

    National Objectives:
    Finland earns +1 IPC for each territory controlled: Finland, Vyborg.
    Finland earns +5 IPCs for control of Leningrad.

    Holland and Belgium are politically attached to the UK.  Holland/Belgium (the territory) is their capital, but it has no industrial complex.  Belgian Congo is an original territory of Belgium, but it is controlled by the UK at the start of the game.  Should Holland/Belgium be liberated, Belgian Congo and the Dutch East Indies will revert control to Holland and Belgium.  The Allies may no longer “land-grab” unoccupied Dutch territories.  In ANZAC’s national objectives, Dutch New Guinea counts as being Allied.

    Belgian Congo: 1 infantry
    Sea Zone 106: 1 cruiser
    United Kingdom: 1 fighter
    Borneo: 1 infantry
    Java: 1 infantry
    Sumatra: 1 infantry
    Celebes: 1 infantry
    Dutch New Guinea: 1 infantry
    Sea Zone 42: 1 cruiser, 1 submarine
    Formosa: +1 Japanese infantry
    Hainan: +1 Japanese infantry, +1 Japanese artillery
    Sea Zone 34: +1 Japanese cruiser
    New Guinea: +1 ANZAC infantry

    National Objective:
    Upon the first liberation of Holland/Belgium, add up to 9 IPCs worth of Belgian/Dutch units there for free.

    Greece is alligned politically with the UK.  Greece (the territory) acts as a capital.

    Greece: 4 infantry, 1 artillery, 1 tank, minor industrial complex
    Crete: 1 infantry
    Sea Zone 99: 1 cruiser, 1 submarine, 1 transport

    National Objective:
    Greece earns +1 IPC for control of Crete

    Bulgaria begins the game neutral.  Bulgaria may declare war on the Western Allied powers immediately. Bulgarian units may not move into Axis-controlled Russian territories while Bulgaria is neutral to the Soviet Union.  The Allied powers may declare war on Bulgaria any time.  Bulgaria may not declare war on the Soviet Union unprovoked.  Bulgaria does not need any indsutrial complex to build but may only build in Bulgaria.

    Bulgaria: 4 infantry, 1 artillery

    Slovakia and Hungary are politically attached to Germany.  Slovakia/Hungary (the territory) acts as a capital.

    Slovakia/Hungary: 2 infantry, 1 artillery, 1 tank, minor industrial complex, -2 German infantry, -1 German tank (German fighter stays)

    National Objective:
    Hungary gains +1 IPC for each territory controlled: Hungary, Yugoslavia.

    Yugoslavia is alligned politically with the UK.  Yugoslavia does not use IPCs or production facilities.

    Yugoslavia: 6 infantry

    Yugoslavia never buys units.  Instead, on EVERY turn, Yugoslavia deploys 1 free infantry in Yugoslavia during the mobilize new units phase.  This partisan removes Axis control upon mobilization.  If there are one or more Axis units in Yugoslavia, those Axis forces will have to decide (on their turn) whether to move away or attack this Yugoslavian troop.

    Romania is politically attached to Germany.  Romania (the territory) acts as a capital.  Bessarabia is considered an original territory of Romania and will revert control to Romania if taken by an Axis power.

    Romania: 4 infantry, 1 artillery, 1 tank, minor industrial complex, -2 German infantry, -1 German tank
    Sea Zone 100: 1 cruiser, +1 Russian destroyer

    National Objective:
    Romania gets +1 IPCs for each territory controlled: Romania, Bessarabia.

    Scrap all the old rules regarding Mongolia.  Mongolia is neutral but may join the Allies if any of the following occurs:
    any Axis power invades a Mongolian territory
    any Axis power passes between Russia and western China
    Japan invades any Russian territory (granted that Russia has not attacked Japanese-controlled Chinese territories adjacent to Mongolia or Korea)
    Moscow or Berlin has fallen
    the Axis control 5 victory cities on the Pacific map

    Mongolia does not use IPCs.  Instead, when Mongolia is at war, it places one free infantry in any original Mongolian territory it controls.  While neutral, Mongolia may freely move its starting forces within its borders.

    Place the Mongolian infantry as indicated by the silhouettes on the map and then add 1 infantry each to Central Mongolia and Tsagaam-Olom.

    Siam is a neutral Axis power and is separate from Japan politically.  Siam may declare war on any Allied powers immediately.  If UK/ANZAC declare war on Siam unprovoked, Japan may declare war on UK/ANZAC without getting the U.S. involved.  Siam may not attack French territories without declaring war on UK/ANZAC.  Siam does not use IPCs and simply deploys one free infantry in Siam every turn (only if at war).  Japan may not move into Siamese-controlled territories without first declaring war on the UK.

    Siam: 4 infantry, -2 Japanese infantry

    The Commonwealth of Nations:
    The nation of ANZAC is expanded into a new nation, the Commonwealth.  This power has three split economies, ANZAC, Canada, and South Africa that share armies and a turn.  Canada’s capital is the victory city Ottawa.  South Africa (the territory) also acts as a capital.  Territories gained in Europe (the continent) go to Canada.  Territories gained in Africa and the Middle East go to South Africa.  Exception: Morocco and Algeria go to Canada.  Territories gained in the Pacific map go to ANZAC.

    Nova Scotia: 1 tactical bomber, 1 infantry, airbase, naval base
    Quebec: 1 infantry, 1 tank, 1 fighter, minor industrial complex, -1 British infantry, -1 British tank
    Ontario: 1 infantry, 1 artillery, 1 AA gun, 1 mechanized infantry, minor industrial complex, -1 British infantry, -1 British artillery
    Alberta/Saskatchewan/Manitoba: 1 infantry
    British Columbia: 1 infantry
    Sea Zone 106: 1 destroyer, 1 transport, -1 British destroyer, -1 British transport
    Sea Zone 71: 1 destroyer, 1 transport, -1 British destroyer
    South Africa: 2 infantry, 1 artillery, 1 AA gun, 1 mechanized infantry, 1 tank, naval base, minor industrial complex, -2 British infantry
    Rhodesia: 1 infantry

    National Objectives:
    Canada gains +3 IPCs if the Allies control London.
    South Africa gains +3 IPCs if the Allies control Egypt.
    United Kingdom Europe gains +8 IPCs if the Commonwealth controls all its original territories on the Europe map.

    After the fall of Paris, France is divided between Vichy and Free France.  Free France will represent the units in Normandy, the United Kingdom, and Sea Zone 110.  French Equatorial Africa and the New Herbrides are also Free French.  All other territories and French units from the setup are Vichy.  The Allies are allowed to attack any Vichy units or territories.  Axis units may not move into or through Vichy territories.  Exception: Japan may seize French Indo-China from Vichy.  Vichy France and Free France both have no capital, but they may build and fight under stringent rules.  Since the money in French hands is surrendered to the conqueror of Paris, Vichy and Free France will not have IPCs to spend until turn two.

    Vichy France:
    Vichy France is controlled by an Axis player.  Vichy may purchase units with the IPCs it generates and place them on the factory in Southern France.  Vichy units may freely move within their territories, but they may never attack or wonder out of their own borders.  Vichy naval units must remain adjacent to Vichy territories.  If the Allies launch an amphibious assault on a Vichy territory from a sea zone containing Vichy naval units, the Allies must fight the French ships first.  Also, an Allied navy may not pass through a Vichy navy if en route to attack a Vichy territory.  In other cases, Vichy naval units do not influence national objectives or movement at all.  In Italy’s NOs, Vichy territories are considered Axis.

    Free France:
    The Free French receive a bonus 3 infantry in Equatorial Africa as well as 1 cruiser in Sea Zone 82.  With the IPCs generated from the territories it controls and its NO, Free France may mobilize units in any Free French territories it controls or the United Kingdom; ships may be placed adjacent to any of these places.  When the Allies conquer a French territory, they must decide whether to keep it for themselves or give it to Free France.

    All Vichy will become Free French on the collect income phase of Free France if it is turn four or later and one of the following occurs:
    Southern France has been taken by an Allied power
    the Allies control Morocco and Algeria
    the Allies control Normandy

    If Paris is liberated, France receives the normal troop bonus and Free France becomes the nation France and acts like a normal power for the rest of the game.

    “The flame of the French Resistance cannot be extinguished.”

    National Objective:
    Free France gains +2 IPCs if the United Kingdom is in Allied hands.

  • If you’re playing with G40 setup then Vichy France can’t exist yet unless I read those rules wrong.

  • (French rules have been updated for clarification.)

  • Sure but Vichy France is a dangerous nation to try to play because if you write it around historical, then you will need Paris and then southern France for the physical location of Vichy.

    The way I want to do it is that Paris but be Axis controlled and who ever takes Southern France now controls Vichy France as an Axis nations (historical incorrect but it has to be this way for AnA) that is neutral played by whoever took control and all territories and units become Vichy unless they sit on or attached to allied units thus become Free French Forces.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16

    Very interesting ideas. How do you represent the 20 different national armies? Do you have 20 different colors of units? Pink and lavender and light blue and so on? Do you order Siamese rondels from HBG? Sounds like an expensive house rule, although potentially a very fun one.

    One nitpick is that Bulgaria seems a bit overpowered relative to history / OOB Global '40. It’s only worth 1 IPC, but you’re giving it 4 infantry, 2 artillery, and a 3 IPC national objective for Russia. I think 3 Free French infantry in Equatorial Africa is probably also a little too strong – what do the Free French have to do? They can walk into empty Vichy French West Africa & Central Africa, and then I guess start walking toward Egypt.

    A more important criticism is that I think you’re missing an opportunity to streamline your ruleset. Like, yes, it’s interesting to have 20 nations, but you don’t need 20 mix-and-match sets of political and military rules. I would like to see a division between minor powers, medium powers, and major powers.

    Minor powers have no independent politics or economy whatsoever, and mobilize infantry/partisans in their home territories that must stay within those territories at all times. (Greece, Poland, Yugoslavia, Holland, Mongolia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Siam, South Africa)
    Medium powers can only build infantry, artillery, fighters, destroyers, and transports. Medium powers have a capital and a factory and few or no travel restrictions, but they are politically linked to a major power and cannot declare war on their own account. (Vichy France, Free France, Canada, ANZAC, China, Finland, Romania)
    Major powers have a capital, an economy, no restrictions, and can conduct their own independent politics. (Japan, USA, Germany, USSR, UK).

    The exact details are less important than the principle of having a handful of easy-to-remember rules instead of having a unique ruleset for each nation.

    I would not bother to split up the UK, because the UK doesn’t have that much left once you split off Canada, S. Africa/Rhodesia, and ANZAC. England + Scotland + Egypt + Jordan + Sudan + West India + East India + Malaya + Hong Kong is not too much for one major power. That’s probably still less than 30 IPCs.

    I would split off South Africa and Canada from ANZAC, making them three separate powers. Feels weird to lump them all together. If you want to represent British solidarity or something like that you can say that you can move up to 5 IPCs per turn among any British powers by paying 1 IPC of shipping costs.

  • Your ideas have been implemented in the streamlined update.

    It may be hard to see, but in entirety, these additions give the Allies a small boost.

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17 '16

    Oh, neat, that’s elegant with the WW1 pieces – as you say, the smaller nations will have fewer sculpts available. I might say that WW1 cruisers count as DDs, and WW1 battleships count as CAs – seems weird to allow a nation to build battleships but not destroyers.

    And, sir, I would never underestimate Free France – if you read some of my other posts in the House Rules section, you’ll see that I’m a vigorous advocate for a larger, more powerful France. I want France moved higher up in the turn order, given more starting units, given a secondary capital, etc. My only concern is that with 3 Free French in FEA and 0 Vichy French in FWA or FCA, the Free French will have a difficult time actually engaging in combat. I’d love to see, e.g., the Battle of Dakar get spontaneously re-enacted as a result of the initial setup. But that’s a minor point.

  • The standard setup shows one French infantry in French West Africa.  The rules have been updated to clarify that this is a Vichy troop.

  • This ruleset can be easily used for standalone Europe and Pacific 1940.  Implementations of these rules for Larry’s 1942 setup as well as others such as Oztea’s immaculate 1941 and even my 1939 are being tested.

  • @Charles:

    This ruleset can be easily used for standalone Europe and Pacific 1940.  Implementations of these rules for Larry’s 1942 setup as well as others such as Oztea’s immaculate 1941 and even my 1939 are being tested.

    Wait a minute. If you have a setup is for HBG 39 map I like to see your French setup. I too dont agree with die rolling for pieces and etc… In this game it could affect UK or Germany plus the MED to much.

  • I was referring to a 1939 setup variant I made for 1940.  I never played or intend to play HBG 1939.  It is too complicated in the wrong way.  I am also disgusted with its treatment of France and Holland.  And what happened to Belgium?  Lol.

  • @Charles:

    I was referring to a 1939 setup variant I made for 1940.  I never played or intend to play HBG 1939.  It is too complicated in the wrong way.  I am also disgusted with its treatment of France and Holland.  And what happened to Belgium?  Lol.

    True  :x

  • If you want to have the full experience, also use this neutral expansion ruleset along with the new powers:


    All playtests of this addition of 11 powers used these new neutral rules, and I definitely recommend you play these two house rules together.  It allows for fun things like South Africa invading Portuguese colonies, Bulgaria and Italy invading Turkey etc.

    We are currently working on implementing the 20-power ruleset for other Global setups.  If you would like to play this add-on in a Pacific/Europe solo game, I can post the theater rulesets on request.

  • This looks like a variant I was working on. Until I decided to design a whole new map for it. Mine is still in the works but similar

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17

    Great ideas! I love the idea of small nations getting to play. It’ll make the games longer, of course, but I think it adds a bit of intrigue to everything.

    I have one issue though, that I think may unbalance your game way too much in favor of the Axis. For all the Minor Axis powers: Hungary, Finland, Bulgaria, Romania, you add a decent chunk of units and, more importantly, industrial complexes, WITHOUT really giving much to the USSR to counter this.

    What I mean by this is, my adding troops and complexes much closer to the Soviet borders, you’re allowing a quicker flow of reinforcements to the eastern front, making the Soviet position harder to maintain. Without balancing by adding something to the USSR, I fear it may be too overpowering.

    I understand that you’ve added units, etc. to the Western Powers though in the form of South Africa, Canada, Poland, Belgium, etc., but it won’t help the USSR all that much until potentially too late. The rate it would take to get say an infantry and artillery to the front lines from Canada, for example, is much smaller than the rate the Axis minors can pump that out in the east. For Canada, you have to not only build the units, but also the transport to carry them, and then at least two turns to get to the front. For most Axis minors, they would be on the front the moment they are built.

    I’m not necessarily saying this definitively unbalances your concept, but more asking if that’s something you considered?

    Also, if you’re going to add all the little guys, I think you have to add Norway in some way as well. The Norwegian merchant fleet was one of the biggest in the world, and was huge in helping the Allied war effort.  :-)

  • You raise great points.  Though I won’t pretend this is a perfect setup, I will share the designer’s and playtesters’ thoughts.

    Finland has its drawbacks.  It is susceptible to Soviet takeover and can act as a free minor industrial complex for any Allied powers venturing in the Scandinavian. Aside from Karelia and Vyborg, Finland has little to do aside from reinforcing Germany.  Also, Finland becomes quite useless late game because IMPORTANT any victory ciities under Finnish control are not counted in the Axis objective of eight.  Therefore, taking Leningrad is not a good idea at all for Finland.  Unless the Western Allies attack Finland, Finland is only useful versus Russia.

    Bulgaria is not intended to be used against Russia.  Doing so will cause Bulgaria to lose its NO’s.  Unless it is actively taking Yugoslavia (a partisan spawns there every turn), Bulgaria will only have 1 IPCs a turn to use.  Even with Yugoslavia, Bulgaria can only pump out one infantry a turn which would much preferably be German.  A drawback with all the minor Axis is that they cannot attack with Germany and are thus only useful for canopeners, minor battles, and reinforcing.

    Romania and Hungary are indeed great assets to Germany (as they really were).  They can easily do all the canopeners Italy used to.  They also make decent enough income and face a weak enough front to be able to do serious fighting with Russia.  A recent game saw Romania taking all of the Ukraine and some other Russian territories.  The Romanians pumped out 3 units a turn from Ukraine and opened up the south and even made a suicide attack on Moscow so war torn Germans could move in.  Hungary and Romania do indeed get to build troops right up front, but their inability to coordinate assaults with Germany is a drawback.

    In short, Hungary and Romania are a pain to Russia, Bulgaria is best used elsewhere, and Finalnd is more of an independent nuisance to both parties.  I do personally feel that this mod might hurt Russia, but the benefits elsewhere make up for it.  Also, it is much more fun to fight on the Eastern Front with so many powers.   The lack of huge stacks of Germans allows Russia more counterattack potential and less headache around Leningrad and Moscow, but the power of quick mobilization and blitzkrieg with canopeners cam be a deadly tool.

    The Russian player will usually get a much more interesting game with plenty of fighting, but their rate of fall might increase.

    Bulgaria is an issue, I will admit. I might just say that Bulgaria can never fight Russia unless first attacked.

  • 2024 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18 '17

    Interesting Charles de Gaulle. I’d actually forgotten/not considered in my head that the Axis minors would move and attack separate from Germany. That does add differences, though in two directions I feel.

    1. You’re absolutely right, that they will perform a great can-opening role in that regard. Arguably lets Italy more or less focus solely in the Med.

    2. The downside here is that you’re taking IPC’s away from Germany. Again, I won’t sit here and say it unbalances a game that I haven’t tried, but just curious. Bulgaria is a good example. What if that 1 IPC a turn affects Germany from building one more tank, one more bomber, one more sub, etc. It’ll take 3 turns of Bulgaria to get one infantry built, when in those same three turns Germany (potentially) loses out on something stronger than an infantry. Again, just playing devils advocate.

    I hadn’t realized your intentions with Finland either. Very interesting game mechanic there, to have them both help and hinder the Germans in that regard.

    Again, the biggest question mark for me is the added minor complexes added. Those, now free, complexes will be massive targets for either side. You’re right about Finland too, take minor would be a huge prize for the USA maybe to nab for free and build troops from.

    Definitely curious on others’ thoughts as well.

  • If you are interested, give it a try, possibly tweaking anything that annoys you.  The NOs are important but can be easily adjusted to suit your tastes.  This variant is great fun to play with nine players.  Nine?  Yes.
    Italy, Vichy
    Romania, Hungary, Finland, Bulgaria, Siam
    Soviet Union
    United States
    Commonwealth of Nations
    United Kingdom, Poland, Greece
    China, Free France, Mongolia, Holland/Belgium
    (This is only an example)

    This makes for a very fun team game.  Note the increase in forces and IPCs that enables more people to have action, and unfortunately lengthens the monster game.

    Norway would probably be the only power I would add, but aside from ships (which would be awkward for the setup), action upon liberation, and maybe a partisan rule, Norway has a hard time doing anything at this point.

    Also, I should reiterate that most of the new powers have limited buying power as indicated in the setup.  This means that Hungary is not going to be pumping out mechanized infantry with its 3 IPCs and one bonus buck.  It is something else to consider in the question of balance in the Eastern Front.

  • I am in the middle of playing this game as Germany and the Axis Minors, and I have found that the Axis have a major advantage, since the Finns can declare war turn 1, tie up Soviet troops for a turn, on turn 2, Hungary and Romania can declare war, take East Poland and Bessarabia, then turn 3, the Germans (who have built up tanks in Poland, Hungary, and Romania), can sweep through and take Belarus, W Ukraine, and Ukraine. Then, the Axis Minors can can-open Bryansk and Smolensk. Moscow falling before turn 5 seems quite possible.

    As for Canada, a few subs can hold them back for a few turns. Turn 1: kill Canadian navy, turn 2, Canada builds a new navy, turn 3, Canada kills your subs. It’s quite possible for Canada to just sap 7 IPCs a turn from UK London’s money for 4 turns, without much of a return.

    This also allows Italy to focus exclusively on Egypt, as Germany can use its Paris veterans to kill Yugoslavia en route to Russia t2. Bulgaria can’t defeat Greece by itself, but it can weaken it enough that either Germany or Italy can kill Greece without much fuss (together with Southern France, that’s 2/3 of the Roman Empire objective). So Italy doesn’t urgently need to provide a can-opener in Russia, doesn’t have to worry about French North Africa (at least not at first), and has Balkan allies (plus aid from Germany if need be), to knock out Yugoslavia and Greece.

    I think that a few things that could help here are: giving Russia more units in the north (to counter Finland), giving Russia more units in the centre (Kazakhstan, Samara, Novosibirsk), that can fight the new Axis Minors, making South Africa or Free France stronger (to help fight Italy), and giving Canada more of a navy.

    All in all, this is still a great setup! 8.5 stars out of 10.

  • Interesting points.  But here are some things to consider:

    First of all, how are you killing the Canadian navy?  Three Germans subs can reach SZ106.  In defense there is a destroyer, a Dutch cruiser (Princess Juliana), and a tactical bomber scrambling from the air base on Nova Scotia.  Did you notice all three of these defenders in the setups?

    Although London will have trouble defending itself, the additions of Canada and South Africa actually serve to be bad for Italy  Even if the UK is worried about London, South Africa is still going to be pumping out units to protect Egypt.  Also, if London did fall, it’a not a big deal to Egypt because the Empire is still building.  With both NOs, South Africa can be sending three mechs a turn up to Congo and Egypt.  Combined with Free France, this setup actually can hurt Italy.  The bonuses are French North Africa and the Balkans as you mentioned.

    The Eastern Front needs a total reworking of tactics.  A well-prepared line of defense from Ukraine to Leningrad must keep in mind that German tanks and mechs might come rolling through after a Hungarian invasion or whatnot.  You must plan ahead and remember that killing minor Axis powers does nothing to help Moscow from falling.  Focus on the Germans and make their loss of IPCs to the other governments hurtful.  Be creative too. Taking out Finland, Romania, etc. now awards Russia an IPC stash and an industrial complex.  If the Germans are going all against you, don’t let the minor Axis intimidate you or fool you into petty fights that aren’t going to stop Germany.  Don’t take minor Axis threats more seriously than their little numbers and be prepared for any can-opener possible.

    If Hungary and Romania take Eastern Poland etc. as you mentioned, I would hope that Russia saw it coming and therefore prepared by not spreading all over even the second line of defense.  Should any German attack of fast movers get through, Russia must focus on the Germans, not the minor Axis who do not have the backing to take key areas.

    Instead of adding new Russian units, I would rather eliminate some Finnish and perhaps others.

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