Since Gleemax came out, I’ve played tons of ‘true multiplayer’ games (edit: and to clarify, Gleemax obviously is an online site where the games I’m playing are with people I have never met before, and most of the time I don’t run into the same people from one game to another). And in most, if not all of them, as long as I communicate with my teammate(s) we can generally come to some type of general agreement for the course of movement. Every move of every turn does not need to be agreed upon.
I’d think anyone seriously discussing strategy in this board is at least somewhat serious about the game strategically, right? And those types of players will generally play with like-minded players. Those strategic players will generally play with the scope of the entire war in mind, not just “oh, this british unit will hinder Italy but won’t do anything to me as Japan, so I’ll leave it alone”.
If you’re playing the type of game where you aren’t really playing to win, just playing to have fun and laugh at each other when you screw up, even if it’s your teammate dooming you to a loss, then it seems you aren’t playing a very serious game strategically and that doesn’t really hold much weight in this discussion. Certainly, the game should be fun for casual as well as not-so-casual players, since that’s how AA got where it is. But when discussing 1st round moves in-depth in a thread as we are, the assumption should be that pretty much every player in the game is serious about winning, and has a good bit of A&A experience, and thus understands the big picture of how each player’s move impacts the entire war.
Comments about “well your moves in Africa will depend on Italy (or Germany), so they’re invalid” are completely counterproductive to the purpose of this thread.
(thus 4 players games don’t need bid)
Really? You should notify the 2v2 tournament going on a few sections down of this news.