@ericb you say Germany is in a lot of trouble if allies target her .that’s a funny joke .first of all Germany targets the allies first round except Russia which should be on the defensive anyway unless you think russia can just walk on into Berlin .just look at the facts Germany starts at the gates of Moscow ,real good way of targeting Germany.so Germany can all but sink the allied week indefensible navy because that’s realistic to ww2 ,British Navy is nothing but tug boats .apparently.then good luck rebuilding the navy having to abandon the pacific to Japan ,leaving you wide open for a victory city loss.
Latest posts made by panzer666
RE: Game Imbalance massively obvious
RE: Game Imbalance massively obvious
@marineiguana attack Ukrainian territory not a good idea .you can lose that battle still and you risk heavy losses WR.then Germany can walk right through.you should think more about giving yourself at least a chance with every game of winning .
RE: Game imbalance - Look at the Unit IPC totals
I just tried the build 2 factories UK in south africa and india.What a failure that was .It leaves russia wide open for a can opener italy so Germany wins right off the bat.Back to square one all you can do as the allies is KGF with tranny’s.I’m really kinda pissed off now.I think the the china’s representaion in this game is horrible.China had 3.8 million troops and if you think that the 5 divions represented is close your really wrong.Since your letting germany in this game just walk in to moscow the game shuld be balanced with a true representation of china and the 2 million in india.china should have like 12 troops right off the bat .now way would japan just walk on through china like a big joke.And then they should get a infantry for every territory.damn
RE: An Allied strategy
I don’t play No’s or tech I think it takes away from the game.let the game be what it is.An allied strategy….there is none on the they hope for a bad dice roll from the axis first round.That’s why this game isn’t as popular as say chess.It’s all about the dice (for the most part)on G1.If G1 you get the worst roll the game is over .sorry.I meaN YOU LIMIT THE DAMAGE BY LETTING The canadian tranny live but to bad you can’t base a gamwe on dice rolls.I hope this game does become popular though.It needs more time chess has a history of thousands of years (maybe not that much)and this game they change every couple of years
RE: An Allied strategy
ok this game is way to favored to the axis look what japan has all those planes transports no match to the chinesse military.china should of had more.also I think india should have the british infantry there but the country itself dived into 3 territories.why because india had 2 million regular army inlisted. Japan would of never taken india so simply.
the uk factory in sa is not a good idea.why?because it has to be defended against attacks before it itself can be attack.sorry about that.
RE: An Allied strategy
I think the best thing the allies can do is for the brittish to build a factory in south africa.Why? it prevents africa from falling into axis hands and or ties up axis resources into a war they can’t afford to wage.It also closes the suez so Japan can’t send in there AC’s and Battleships.should the axis contest the factory???Japan can get an early strike but it will cost them to take it.should Italy send in ground forces too?In any event the UK factory in SA will benefit the allies.Even if the tanks don’t see any action it’s better you are collecting 10 bucks in income per turn from africa and buying 2 tanks with it.Not allowing the axis to get 10 bucks per turn.I’m going with the KGF strat……this may force the japs to send there navy through panama.
RE: Bad Axis Luck on Round 1 - What can go Wrong
I’ve changed my strategy!I hit egypt first round with germany.take out sz12 with 2 fighters and sub.sz2with fighter ,bomber suband now leave canadian trans alone.don’t want to spread out too much.lower all the risk a little and save a fighter hopefully.
I had a game yesterday where italy landed in london unopposed.how did this happen?when you bring in the jap navy into the mediterainan ?(2 carriers battlship 4 fighters)and combine this with the itallian fleet you can now almost destroy the allied convoy system and or make there purchases of navel units skyrocket.I’m planning next game to nip that in the bud.have the usa hold the jap fleet back in the pacific and destroy the itallian fleet round one or 2 befroe the japs get therewith british or american bombers and or navel units.I now play germany very defenceively,buying time for the the japs to come in.Seems like the allies should always win ,they should be able to counter anything with there vast resourses.It just a matter of catching the off guard.Do not do a german tank blits.Russians can just build infantry to soak them up and then you losse france to americans coming over from canada.
SIDEPOINT ATTENTION hardcore players.Something is bugging me……should not french madagascar be in german control because it was in december 1941 the british had to invade so it wasn’t in german control anylonger…what about french west africa too and also Italian east africa I think they all should be under axis control…what are your thoughts? -
RE: Russian Strategy
I think the best thing the russians can do (round one) is to buy ALL INFANTRY.In later rounds you can have a little offence like a tank or art per turn .Your infantry will soak up many germanand jap tanks if they choose to attack.
RE: Brazilian IC
I do not believe in the Brazilian complex anymore.It’s not efficient.However ,I do believe the japs must attack the amaricans in the first round for sure.
RE: Allies lose every game.
I now believe allies have the advantage with an IC in SA.A pull out in the pacific.A all transport /ground build by USA.However ,I just choose to take out Italy via france by USA.I choose to remain on the defensive with the Italian fleet.Even if the jap fleet joins them in the med,they won’t take out the allies(depending on a lucky roll though).I read how some people thik you have to take it out ,not me .
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