How to get german boots to the russian front?

  • I don’t like the idea of doing a G1 attack on Karelia, the odds are not good enough and you stand to lose aircraft you can ill afford to replace, both to AA fire and if you’re unlucky with your dice. I prefer to use aircraft on G1 to kill off UK naval units and do that vital attack on Egypt with bomber support.

    However, sending something like 4 armor and a lot of infantry into Baltic States for a G2 attack on Karelia is a must (a strong enough force to deter any Russian counterattack). If you destroy the BB+trs off Scapa flow with 2 subs+1 ftr UK has no way to put land troops into Russia on UK1. They can put 2 ftrs in Karelia, but you should have enough to take it anyway. Russia can retake Karelia if they build armor enough but if you plan your builds well enough you should be able to hold Karelia at some point. And once you get the Karelia NO and also build in that IC you will be in a very strong position. I advocate a mix of infantry and armor builds throughout the whole game (of course with the odd fighter or bomber mixed in), in that way you will never be without either casualties or attack power and you will need a lot of both to wear down the Russians!

  • 3 NOs round 2, you guys are crazy.  You don’t even know you’re buttering Russia’s pancakes.

  • no its very possible. u can send 9inf(- G1 losses BST), 2 art, 6 arm + planes at KAR at G2. russia cant defend it without UK help ( planes). but he can deadzone it.  cashing out max the first couple rounds is essential for germany in KGF

  • @wodan46:

    G1: Build 10 Infantry
    G2: Build 10 Tanks
    G3: Build 10 Tanks
    G4: Whistle
    G5: Take Moscow with G1+G2+G3 builds.

    haha, whistle
    good one
    once tried your plan, but instead of whistling, i drunk some water
    if i did some whistling instead of drinkning, i would of taken moscow
    ah well

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