I have got to say this…
The BEST hope that the Republican Party has this election with such a weak slate of candidates is that Obama get the nomination.
Once things settle in to a 1-on-1 race R v. D, Obama is toast. Lack of record, lack of experience, and I hate to say it but the race card also… Any of the top 4 Republicans (McCain, Huckabee, Romney, Guiliani) will beat Obama. Certain of the top 3, iffy with Guiliani)
Hillary has HUGE negatives. BUT, her negatives are not as great as the negatives that Obama will have brought forward in a 1-on-1 race for the White House.
Against Hillary…
Only McCain and Huckabee can beat her. Guiliani already had “health issues” once in a race against Hillary and had to withdraw when it appeared he might lose. Thompson just has been too much “nothing” since joining the race to be a factor. McCain can appeal to the moderates and potentially draw off enough of the middle to win. Huckabee as a Baptist Minister can potentially energize the Republican base enough to win. Add in his Fair Tax support, and his whole “states rights” outlook (most recently voiced over the old Confederate Flag flap in SC) and he might edge out Hillary.
Sorry, but Thompson and Edwards are DRT (dead right there). And the third tier candidates (folks like Kusinich and Paul) are out of this after Super Tuesday (unless they choose to become election footnotes as 3rd party candidates, and I am not sure the libertarians will accept Paul as their nominee).