• Hey, I feel like making a Napoleonic War game much like Axis and Allies. I plan on making France the Napoleonic side and UK, Austria, Prussia, and Russia powers for the good guy (i forget what there alliance was called.)

    It starts in 1812, I will write on the box

    “It’s 1812 Napoleon just retreated from Moscow after the harsh winter. Now will Russia push back or will Napoleon fire back. Will Austria and Prussia strike back, will Britain continue there efforts and invade Spain. Or will Napoleon push the British out of Portugal, defeat the Prussians and Austrians and retake Moscow. It’s in your hands now!”

    The units will be, Shot Gun Infantry, Swordmen, Calvary, Cannons, Sail ships, Warships, Supplies Ships, Flag ships.

    I hope this game will do good if I do, do it.

    What do you think of this?

  • Good luck.

  • @Brain:

    Good luck.


  • Shot gun inf and swordsmen?

    How about Light, Line, and Guard Infantry.

    Also your missing alot of the war if you start it in 1812.

    Thats a nice varity of naval units though.

  • @Emperor_Taiki:

    Shot gun inf and swordsmen?

    How about Light, Line, and Guard Infantry.

    Also your missing alot of the war if you start it in 1812.

    Thats a nice varity of naval units though.

    A Guard Infantry might happen actually, but to be honest I don’t know what a Light or line means though  :|

    I know, but I wanted Russia to play a big part, because France will be very powerful.

  • @Dylan:

    The units will be, Shot Gun Infantry, Swordmen, Calvary, Cannons, Sail ships, Warships, Supplies Ships, Flag ships.

    The terminology might need to be revised a bit.  During the Napoleonic Wars, all ships were sailing ships, regardless of their functions, and all flag officers used warships as their flagships.  Infantry used weapons called muskets, not shotguns.  Cavalry forces were armed with swords (specifically, with sabers), and the officers of the ground forces usually carried swords, but there were no swordsmen in the sense of infantrymen troops armed just with swords.

  • What CWO Marc said.

    Light inf are skirmishers often times armed with rifles. They would run out in front of the main lines in a loose formation in order to take advatage of cover, move quicker, and offer a less dence formation. They would then begin talking potshots at the enemy. Because of there loose formation cavalry could easly run them down and force them to retreat back into the main line.

    Line inf were you basic soldier who formed the ranks of the main line. They were armed with muskets and bayonets. They would fire with their muskets until the enemy was softened up and then charge in with their bayonets. When charged with cavalry they would form squares with there bayonets facing out in all directions. These squares were great targets for inf and art though.

    Guard inf, were the best trained and equipt soldeirs. They were often choosen because of their height and wore fancy unforms with gigantic hats. Usualy they had great disipline, never fleeing, and devistaing when they charged.

    I think 1805 is much better date. Many important battles occured that year Ulm, Trafalgar, austerlitz, and Russia was an importan memeber of the third coalition which included England, Austria, and Sweden aswell.

  • @Emperor_Taiki:

    What CWO Marc said.

    Light inf are skirmishers often times armed with rifles. They would run out in front of the main lines in a loose formation in order to take advatage of cover, move quicker, and offer a less dence formation. They would then begin talking potshots at the enemy. Because of there loose formation cavalry could easly run them down and force them to retreat back into the main line.

    Line inf were you basic soldier who formed the ranks of the main line. They were armed with muskets and bayonets. They would fire with their muskets until the enemy was softened up and then charge in with their bayonets. When charged with cavalry they would form squares with there bayonets facing out in all directions. These squares were great targets for inf and art though.

    Guard inf, were the best trained and equipt soldeirs. They were often choosen because of their height and wore fancy unforms with gigantic hats. Usualy they had great disipline, never fleeing, and devistaing when they charged.

    I think 1805 is much better date. Many important battles occured that year Ulm, Trafalgar, austerlitz, and Russia was an importan memeber of the third coalition which included England, Austria, and Sweden aswell.

    Sweden will be absorbed with Britain, just like Denmark-Norway is being absorbed with France. I might also put those extra infantry in.

  • Are you planning on including anything about 1812. Can’t wait to see the game.

  • @finnman:

    Are you planning on including anything about 1812. Can’t wait to see the game.

    Thats when it starts

  • Was Moscow or St Petersburg Russia’s capital at this time?

  • These are the territories

    Paris- 10
    Southern France- 3
    Atlantic Wall- 2
    Central France- 4
    Holland -1
    United Netherlands- 1
    Denmark- 3
    Norway- 1
    Italy – 5
    Naples- 3
    Etiruia- 2
    Hanover- 1
    Warsaw- 3
    North Spain- 3
    South Spain 2

    England- 10
    Scotland- 4
    Ireland- 3
    Sweden- 3

    Western Russia- 4
    Moscow- 6
    Central Russia- 3
    Ukraine- 3
    Belarus- 2
    St Petersburg- 12
    Northern Finland- 4
    Southern Finland-2
    Siberia- 3

    Western Austria- 3
    Central Austria- 3
    Eastern Austria- 6

    Western Prussia- 6
    Central Prussia- 3
    Eastern Prussia- 3

  • @Dylan:

    These are the territories

    Paris- 10
    Southern France- 3
    Atlantic Wall- 2
    Central France- 4
    Holland -1
    United Netherlands- 1
    Denmark- 3
    Norway- 1
    Italy – 5
    Naples- 3
    Etiruia- 2
    Hanover- 1
    Warsaw- 3
    North Spain- 3
    South Spain 2

    England- 10
    Scotland- 4
    Ireland- 3
    Sweden- 3

    Western Russia- 4
    Moscow- 6
    Central Russia- 3
    Ukraine- 3
    Belarus- 2
    St Petersburg- 12
    Northern Finland- 4
    Southern Finland-2
    Siberia- 3

    Western Austria- 3
    Central Austria- 3
    Eastern Austria- 6

    Western Prussia- 6
    Central Prussia- 3
    Eastern Prussia- 3

    UK also has Gibraltar- 2

  • @Dylan:


    These are the territories

    Paris- 10
    Southern France- 3
    Atlantic Wall- 2
    Central France- 4
    Holland -1
    United Netherlands- 1
    Denmark- 3
    Norway- 1
    Italy – 5
    Naples- 3
    Etiruia- 2
    Hanover- 1
    Warsaw- 3
    North Spain- 3
    South Spain 2

    England- 10
    Scotland- 4
    Ireland- 3
    Sweden- 3

    Western Russia- 4
    Moscow- 6
    Central Russia- 3
    Ukraine- 3
    Belarus- 2
    St Petersburg- 12
    Northern Finland- 4
    Southern Finland-2
    Siberia- 3

    Western Austria- 3
    Central Austria- 3
    Eastern Austria- 6

    Western Prussia- 6
    Central Prussia- 3
    Eastern Prussia- 3

    UK also has Gibraltar- 2

    And Portugal good god - 4

  • For France to win, you need to capture 3 out of 4 Capitals.
    To win as the allies, you need to capture Paris

    Supply Ships will be for France and UK only, UK starts each turn with weapons of your choice that are spare from the War of 1812, France collects things from the Ottoman Empire.

    Generals are another units that you can have, they increase attack and defense, but if are killed they can not be replaced.

  • and Malta

  • @Dylan:

    Was Moscow or St Petersburg Russia’s capital at this time?

    St. Petersburg was the official capital, but Moscow was also important and its the city Napoleon chose to go after.

    You might want to treat both cities as capitals.

  • @Dylan:


    Are you planning on including anything about 1812. Can’t wait to see the game.

    Thats when it starts

    I meant the american 1812, sorry about that.

  • @Dylan:

    These are the territories

    Paris- 10
    Southern France- 3
    Atlantic Wall- 2
    Central France- 4

    Hitler is the fellow who had an Atlantic Wall, not Napoleon.

  • '12

    2012 would be an interesting year to release an AandA varient for the War of 1812.  I grew up and still live close to the area where many of the battles were fought.  My alma mater was named after Sir Isaac Brock who was killed in a heroic action just a few dozen miles from my current location.

    It should be a message to the world that two once bitter rivals for the control of North North America now share the worlds longest undefended border and celebrate each others national birthdays with mutual ‘Friendship Festival’ held in one of the border fortress towns, Fort Erie which is also just a dozen miles down the road from me.

    July 1-4 long weekend 2012 would be an awesome date to release the game at that very festival.  Now for the easy part, to make the game…… snickers

    Now, how to address the broken british promise to give michigan to the natives for taken sides with the Brits.  They say the sun never set on the British Empire…not even god trusted an Englishman in the dark…

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