That’s a better idea, especially since Japan is usually somewhat stretched to the limits on their declaration of war on the US.
Global 1943 Expansion, Revised
@the-captain well maybe I’ll throw a notification in at end rd for France after x amount of rds. Maybe start at 6 or 8 ? whenever Victory is most likely to first happen. Can use the comment log to document it if needed
The PU totals are totaled for each side as well as each player so it’s easy to check
Although I still need to fix DNG being hardwired at 2
Sounds as a good idea.
Victory is most likely to happen in somewhere between Early 1945 and Late 1946.
Historically you have many mistakes in 1943 setup… Burma, Java, East Indies were under Japanese control.
I didn’t notice that until now! Thank you!
I suggest that you read the “Notice to Players” at page 2 in the Axis & Allies Global 1943 House Rules Expansion.
This explains the game setup as well as its background.
Hi Victory,Have you tried to make the 1943 setup on your gameboard?
So I read through this again and have been thinking on it. It uses same rules as 1940 mod, so I’m not gonna do any more fixes until this is done.
Unfortunately, unless I make a separate game, instead of a map option, it’s gonna take a while. Separate game, while initially faster, requires twice the upkeep and in the long run, not as efficient.
Were gonna go map option, which was always the plan, just forgot I couldn’t export the xml into a map option lol.
Anyway, I’m in game mode right now. At least for tonight. We need a trigger for each territory setup/ownership change. Also for the time change.
So a fair amount of work, but if I become obsessive after I start, which is almost a given, it should come along sooner than later.
Yea, right, lol
Anyway just an update. It’s next up to the plate :)
@the-captain Hi Captain,
No, I haven’t yet, but I will love to do it. I am still learning the rules. Because of work, I didn’t have a lot of time to finish my Section 2 game. But now I have a holiday, so I made a lot of progress, it’s now Late 1945. When it’s finished, I will post an After Action Report, and then I will start my first Section 3 game. After that my first Section 4 game. And after that, I will begin with the 1943 setup. -
I’ll look forward to your game report:+1:
We have our next Global 1943 Tournament in 2 weeks from now - I’ll post pictures for inspiration after this Tournament.
Germany and Russia setups done. Politics also. On to Japan lol
@barnee Wowy, this is the first time I see the 1943 setup set up! I didn’t know Russia had so many units! This looks very interesting to me, and I would love to play it, but first I need to learn all the rules.
@victoryfirst heh heh yea the Fuhrer won’t like it, but I think a tactical retreat is in order. Let Manstein sucker em in for a counterattack lol
@barnee said in Global 1943 House Rules Expansion:
Let Manstein sucker em in for a counterattack lolHEY ! I’m busy at the moment.
@victoryfirst during the blitzkreig, ussr mobilize all units to capital, also moved all factories to urals, so the tractor factories bacame tank and plane factories. During the winter when Germans were stopped soviets made alot of t-34 and ilusin tac bombers. Then operation bagration started and this huge force shown up in kursk.
@The-Captain couple small typos on the Japan setup chart. Hopeh should be Hopei and Anhwei should be Anhwe.
On to the USA :grinning:
@barnee Those aren’t typos actually, it’s the correct spelling. The names printed on the G40 board are actually wrong, so Captain wrote the right names on the Japanese setup chart.
@victoryfirst right on. i just noticed because the game throws an error if not spelled the same as the board.
Even after all these years I still struggle with about half the names. Mostly china and Russia. Mongolia, I got no chance lol
Please post more of these-much easier to tell the amount and types of units (along with the powers controlling certain territories) than in the 1943 rule book. It’s just easier to tell by the pictures and a map than just reading them from a chart. Thank you! Keep up the good works!
@the-captain said in Global 1943 House Rules Expansion:
Hi barnee,
I’ll correct them so they match the game board:+1:
Right on Western Canada should be British Columbia also. Must’ve been pre global days :)
USA and China done. On to UK