Global 1943 Expansion, Revised
We’ve now registered the Global 1943 game no. 25 in this gaming season (Oct. 2021 - April 2022).
7 players have participated in those 25 games.
All games were two-player games and face-to-face.
The game balance naturally depends on which strategy players use.
Nonetheless, during these 25 games, The Allies were victorious in 14 games, which leaves 11 victories to The Axis.
The Allied victories:
- Economic victories: 3
- Military victories: 11
The Axis victories:
- Economic victories: 9
- Military victories: 2
Those numbers more or less reflect the statistics that were applicable during the play testing periods in 2019 and 2020.
Wow! How much time do you have to play so many games? How long does each game take? I almost feel like you do this for a job. Almost.
As part of the Axis & Allies Global 1940 Expansion series, we start play testing the Engineer Unit.
December 7th, 2021 we will start the first game of Global 1943 - with this new unit.
More detailed information will follow.
Pearl Harbor Day when USA got sneak attacked.Yea, looking forward to what it’s abilities are. Been checking on images for triplea
@the-captain Are you consciously playing that New unit on Pearl harbor Day?!😏
It was actually our plan to start 1st December - but today was the first day available for the players involved.
After 1 minute silence, in honor of the fallen soldiers, 80 years ago on this day, we started the Global 1943 game with the new unit.
@the-captain how are the test games scheduled ? 1 vs 1 ? 2-4 hours a night ?
If so, don’t the wives get pissed ?
sorry :)
All test games are 1 vs 1.
Basically, we always play 1 vs 1. This is the most fun - and each player get maximum challenge.
And it is easier to cooridinate games this way.
Concerning wives - they knew from the beginning that Axis & Allies is part of our lives. Besides, they mostly spend the time shopping etc. anyway.
During yesterday’s Global 1943 test game, we experienced a German Combat Engineer unit in North Africa - after the German Take Over of Italy.
This unit worked together with a German Panzer General and a few other land combat units.
It reminded us of a rule that we play tested years ago: Desert Combat Formation.
We’ll look into that by January 2022. This rule might re-surface. -
Desert combat formation sounds interesting, as it’s really hard to form armies (maybe even for the Allies) for the Axis, even with the German takeover of Italy.
@the-captain Is that some kind of Reflection or Artwork on the ceiling above on the last picture- Looks kinda Cool!!!
Hi nolimit,It’s a camouflage net.
The wall in the back - with the Timetable, small shelf etc. is painted in WWII German Camouflage Light Olive Green.
Three Play Test Games have now been completed, with the Combat Engineer unit for Global 1943.
The Combat Engineer unit is popular - and highly effective.
A clarification is needed concerning the Air Strip Construction:
“Only 1 Air Strip can be constructed in each newly captured territory in order to provide a landing space for an Air unit”.
@the-captain said in Global 1943 House Rules Expansion:
Concerning wives - they knew from the beginning that Axis & Allies is part of our lives. Besides, they mostly spend the time shopping etc. anyway.
Lol, I had to laugh so hard at this! :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing: :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:
@the-captain right on. I hope to get started on the update soon. Soviets probably got 6-12months left in the test game depending on how they roll.
Hmm, I discovered an anomaly in the 1943 rulebook. It says Japan starts with an IPC level of 58 but after I counted it hundred times I came out on 57. Same as for UK, I don’t remember exactly what they start with but in any case, it’s one buck more than stated in the rulebook.
@victoryfirst yea i remember noticing something like that too. I think it might be factoring submarine damage. Not certain though
I don’t think so. What is referred to are the IPC values for all territories under each power, not including submarine damage or other changes (which are much higher at the start of the game).
Thanks - I’ll check it asap and get back to you.
Until then the IPC level that is according to the setup (Japanese & UK controlled territories) is the true IPC level.
We might have written the IPC level wrong in the rulebook… but we’ll check it again.
Can paratroopers attack with rockets at ‘3’ the first round, or at ‘1’?
In the rulebook, it says that Waffen-paratroopers come into play in Late 1943 (round 7). But Late 1943 is round 8.
Hi Victory,
Yes, Paratroopers can attack at “3” when Rockets are launched into the same territory.
Rockets are an Independent Weapon.
A Rocket attack must be launched and Casualties from this Rocket attack must be removed immediately - before any other Combat is resolved.
Concerning Waffen-SS Paratrooper units: they can enter game from Early 1943 (round 7).
The Timetable shows this correctly.
The text in the Rulebook should say Early 1943. We’ll correct this in the updated Rulebook in 2022.
Thanks once again:+1: