@SuperbattleshipYamato I like the ideas/rules you mentioned. I will follow through on triple a.
Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion
A Strategy Guide for OOB Global 1940 combined with Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion is under construction now.It’ll initially be based on German strategies - and as much as time allows, Soviet Union, Japan, United States and United Kingdom will follow.
Hopefully, by the end of 2021, the complete Strategy Guide is available to players.
China, Italy, France and ANZAC are not included at this point. We haven’t yet decided if they ever will.
@the-captain sweet !
The Strategy Guide Global 1940 is now available.Germany is the first Nation included.
Other Nations will follow -see thread Strategy Guide Global 1940.
@the-captain so soviets get 3 rail with 1 being in Europe. Does that mean I can use the Europe one to haul a guy from Amur to Europe ? Or can I only move dudes that start in Europe to other places in Europe ?
The Soviets can move 3 land based combat units in any direction within all Soviet Territories.When it comes to Europe, they can use 1 of these movements - so yes, you can move a unit from Amur to Europe - or from one European territory to another European territory.
@the-captain Uggh I have a sinking feeling Pacific Islands may not be right. I currently have them so the bonus IPC don’t kick in until they’ve been conquered. I’m thinking this is probably wrong ? Like they should count for whoever owns them regardless of combat ?
So end of Japan’s first turn they should be getting an extra 3 bucks for Carolines, 1 for Hainan etc… ? Their starting dough is the same. 26
GD it another major rewrite.
@barnee Japan doesn’t get extra income at the start of the game or something. If they conquer or lose an island with a changed IPC value their income increases/decreases with the new amount. Same as for other powers. At least that’s what I think is the way.
When a Nation conquers an Island (or territory) with an increased IPC value - then the IPC level at the Expanded National Production Chart is corrected according to the new (increased) IPC value.
The increased IPC value of all islands & territories in the Pacific Theatre has no effect on each Nations IPC income/level during the game - at least not until these islands & territories are captured by enemy forces.
As mentioned, when they are captured by enemy forces, the IPC level is corrected according to the new IPC value.
When a Convoy Zone is disrupted, the loss of IPC is according to the original (OOB) IPC value - not the new (increased) IPC value. -
VictoryFirst got it right:+1:
Awesome ! Thanks Victory . That means it works correctly :) You have to conquer the boosted PU TTys in order to activate the extra total.
So Japan whacked the Phillipines rd 2, they get an extra 3 on top of the 2 and USA gets the opposite. And they get the extra 3 and USA minus the 3 every rd until the TTy changes owners. Carolines has never been conquered, so their total = 0.
Right on just finished rd 2. So, on Dutch New Guinea, I originally hardwired it at 2 bucks, because it’s Dutch. Revisiting this, if ANZAC or USA or even UK ( yea right ) take it over while it’s still Dutch controlled, do they get the extra 2 bucks ? Or do they have to wait until Japan conquers it first to activate the bonus PUs ?
If the latter, I think I can make a negative option for the Allies until Japan takes it and they take it back. Right now I just edited it out but wanna check before i change anything.
Oh yea, having a blast lol :grin:
Ok just reread the recent comments“The increased IPC value of all islands & territories in the Pacific Theatre has no effect on each Nations IPC income/level during the game - at least not until these islands & territories are captured by enemy forces.”
This would be a good add to the next rule update for slow people like me lol But I think DNG is still a unique situation that should be clarified. It says enemy forces, so I would assume that means nobody gets the extra dough until JPN whacks it, if they even do. But ?
Well I’ll just continue to edit it out for now. Not a huge deal. When I get done with this test I’ll see if I can fix it if needed and any other stuff that comes up lol :)
I would include this in the rulebook too.
When a Waffen-v Infantry unit is upgraded to a
Waffen-v Oberst-Gruppenführer unit – the Waffen-
v Infantry unit is removed from play (since this
unit is replaced by the Waffen-v Oberst-
Gruppenführer unit).
The German player should then – in the same turn –
upgrade an Infantry unit to a Waffen-v Infantry
unit, in order to maximize the total number of
Waffen-v Infantry units on the game board.It wasn’t clear to me I could do that. I did leave a couple Waffen inf to upgrade to Oberst but not the inf to reup to Waffen. : )
The reason we didn’t include it in the rules is, that it might seem to be to much information, considering the total amount of new units & rules:relaxed:
Instead, the Strategy Guide seemed to be the obvious place to inform about these procedures:+1:
@the-captain yea that makes sense : )
@the-captain hey , should I change DNG inactive until JPN conquers ?
@the-captain yea so triplea won’t let ya build the extra 2 dudes the same time the others are being built that replace them. Hmm … I guess best thing will be to increase the max build allowed and then have it Player Enforced.
Not a huge issue but something that I’ll update next time
That might be the best solution:+1: -
The Army Groups will get an extra section in the next update of the Rules Clarification.:+1:
they’re in rd 11 ! I hate to bug people when playing and the pw means they probably want left alone so i don’t think I’ll bug.
Maybe I will later .
I played my first game of Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rule Expansion with the Section 1 rules. I am currently playing a game with the Section 2 rules, and I have to admit: Each time I add another section the game becomes ten times more fun than OOB! My favourite rule is the Extended Pacific Theatre rule, it adds so much depth to the Pacific, and it makes it way more historical than in OOB. The Japanese in my game took Guam, just because it was worth one buck. I have never seen the Japanese take Guam. They also tried to take Midway and Wake, which kind of failed because the Americans took them immediately back.
That aside, I wanted to tell how my Section 1 game went: (no extended pacific theatre though because thats a section 2 rule)
The German player thought that the cheap 5 IPC panzers in this game were overpowered, so he built mostly those only. Because it was the first time he played the game, he did mostly the same moves as in OOB. He destroyed the British fleet in sz 110 and 111, took Paris, Normandy/Bordeaux and Yugoslavia. The Germans tried to overpower the Russians with lots of tanks by building a minor IC in Romania. The Russians were beaten back pretty badly, and in Early 1942, the Germans tried to attack Moscow with a large force. They had an extensive amount of combat factors, more than the Russians had. But after several rounds of combat the Russians came out on top and the Germans had to retreat.
The Eastern Front was very interesting through the rest of the game, with the Germans trying to build up a large force again to destroy the recovering Russian units in Moscow, but they weren’t able to, as the Soviet Union was building a lot of infantry and guards (jeez, these were handy!). The Germans focused their attention on Caucasus and Stalingrad. A lot of back and forth, but finally in 1944, the Russians had a master move. They weren’t able to move their guys to Bryansk, as the Germans had a lot of tanks to counterattack. So they moved all their forces in Samara and Kazakhastan (which were sitting there to take back Stalingrad and the Caucasus if needed) to Stalingrad. The Germans had to attack this stack with everything it had and were able to destroy it with just four tanks left. This was too little to survive the counterattack by the Russian units in Moscow, and the battle of the Eastern Front was won by the Soviet Union
Italy was defeated very early, in 1942 already. They didn’t pay attention to the French destroyer, which was able to destroy an Italian blocker. This way the Americans were able to take not very well defended Rome.
The Japanese Empire was the biggest power on the board. They built factories in Kiangsu(?) and French Indo China, were able to take all over China and Calcutta in 1943. They were able to defeat the American navy, but the Americans had a master move, sacrificed all of their fleets to secure W US (The Japanese took Hawai with three transports and all their fleet. They could take W US if left alone with all the fighters and bombards, but because the Americans reduced it to a small navy they weren’t able to take W US anymore). Only later in the game, the Americans were able to build up a large fleet in the Pacific again.
The Japanese couldn’t do much to win the game, as you need to take an Allied Major Capital. They weren’t in a position to move into Russia, as the British in Calcutta retreated to Persia, and they set up a great defence in Persia. All Japanese tanks and planes were needed for a chance to breach this defence, but they weren’t able to, and in 1945 their forces were even defeated.The game ended in an Allied Economic Victory. Berlin was turned into a fortress with 50 German Infantry, all their airpower and a lot of tanks, but it would fall inevitably if the game would go on one more round. The Japanese weren’t able to grow much further.
This game was way more interesting than an OOB game. It maybe sounds like a standard OOB game but the extra units added so much depth to the game. Is Germany going to be putting tanks in Berlin, or is it going to place some infantry there in order to turn them into Waffen units? Should I turn this factory into UG now or maybe later? All these questions need to be answered and the side that makes the best decisions wins.