@mikawagunichi Rock On !!!.png
Using Game The TripleA Game Stats
Hello, I remember a thread from a while back where people were discussing how to build statistical models predicting who would win based on TUV or TUV’s proximity to victory cities or something like that.
How do you guys use the tripleA stats when you’re playing or analyzing a game?
I generally look at the TUV of course, the income, the TUV of each particular power, and I look at the German unit count and TUV and the ratio between them (I find this pretty indicative of whether or not Germany is succeeding).
Is there anything that I’ve missed that you guys use?
@windowwasher yea pretty much what I do. The tuv can be a little misleading since it counts non combat units, but if you’ve played a lot and you obviously have, you just take that in to account.
Probably my biggest one is Russian and German unit totals.
I also use and read the players and Power stats.
But i find it misleading when it comes down to Euro vs Pacific side.
What i mean is:Example
The US has 200 units on the board, the game tends the favour for the European side. Now i would have to phisically count one side against the other to determine for my self where to build heavier. Easy example with the US, now do that with UK.Also the Total count for russia is sometimes less apealing when you still got 12 or 18 units hanging arround Amur in mid game…could make you think buy more for E. Front and less on Atlantic wall…
@aequitas-et-veritas yea got to take it all in to consideration.
Well, I guess since we are probably the main users of the stats type output–uber geeks playing the game online :) Is there a better set of metrics to use and perhaps we can request as a game upgrade?
One I would like to see is have the same info but presented on a bar/line chart that shows the trend over time easily. Perhaps it would have “zoom” / “expand” buttons that allowed you to change the time scale to show fewer (zoom) or more (expand) turns at one time.
Something like the power graphs that existed in Civilization type games.
@surfer said in Using Game The TripleA Game Stats:
One I would like to see is have the same info but presented on a bar/line chart that shows the trend over time easily. Perhaps it would have “zoom” / “expand” buttons that allowed you to change the time scale to show fewer (zoom) or more (expand) turns at one time.
I gather there’s already been some work on a similar idea that’s in the Beta features…
Try going: Game -> Engine Settings -> Testing -> Show Beta Features = True
Then restart Triplea and go: Game -> Game Statistics
You can also read more here:
https://forums.triplea-game.org/topic/2563/aftermath-statistics-with-game-info-achievements?page=1 -
@contango Hey, learned something new! Thanks!
@contango FYI, this is BETA. If you display the Game Statistics during a running game, it apparently resets the game position to wherever the units were at the end of the previous move?? I had to reload the game to get back to the “current game”, perhaps there is an easier way. But reading the forum notes, it appears this will be fixed in a future version
Good to know. I hadn’t really been using it, I just remembered reading something about it from the TripleA forum. At least it’s in the works though.
Topic moved to the TripleA support forum.